Page 28 of Heart Set on You

A few hours later, in the golden hour of evening, I am aboard a sleek white cruiser boat with my brothers, Olivia and Ellie. I sip from a glass of champagne, taking in the view from my seat in the corner of the U-shaped leather bench. My brothers rented the sleek, shiny vessel for the night and although I feel like a third wheel – or a fifth wheel – I’m here. It’s not often I get to spend time with my family, so missing this wasn’t an option. The sunset float is also giving me the necessary distraction I needed to stop thinking about a sexy brunette for a while. Right.

I’m on a million-dollar fucking boat in the Vancouver sunshine and the only thing on my mind is Rylee. The sigh she made when my tongue found hers and the way her body molded to mine.

Olivia snaps a finger in front of my face, catching me stuck in a daydream.

“I was just trying to persuade Parker that a boat like this would be perfect,” Olivia tells me, glancing around the boat.

“You like this, Livy?” Parker asks her.

“I do,” she says taking a seat next to me. Parker, Liam and Ellie sit across from us.

“Forty feet is a pretty big boat but so is your dock,” I say, trying to engage in the conversation going on around me. “Speaking of… how’s everything going with the summer house? The photos look killer.”

“It’s a work in progress. The bones are good, but we’d like to do some upgrades,” Parker says of the beach house he and Olivia recently purchased. “I have a contractor writing up a quote for us now on a new kitchen, the bathrooms and the floors.”

Another boat glides past us, catching my eye. Two guys are on the bow of the boat drinking beers. There’s a girl with them too, reclined on a bench seat, her dark hair a shade that reminds me of Rylee’s. She looks nothing like Rylee – she’s taller, her hair is longer, her build entirely different. But that doesn’t seem to matter to my imagination because now I’m picturing Rylee in my arms, her lips on mine and the feel of her smooth skin under my fingertips.

“Miles!” Olivia claps this time. “Are you seriously not hearing a word of this conversation?”

“I am,” I lie.

Parker side-eyes me. He knows me too well. I can tell he’s not buying it, but he chooses to leave it.

Minutes into the trip, we get our first look at Granville Island, with its bustling marina and trendy restaurants lining the waterfront. My brothers are holding their girls in their arms as we cross the ocean, taking in the view. I wonder what it would feel like – having someone to be with at the end of a long day, someone to share vacations and special moments with. Someone to share a life with. It makes me think of Rylee. Again. I miss her. Forgetting about her is a lost cause. It just doesn’t seem possible for me to give her up entirely.

It’s too easy to imagine her here in my arms. If I wasn’t so sure she and I would be great together, I’d drop it. But the chemistry between us is too strong. With the rest of the boat preoccupied, I type out a text to Rylee.

Miles: I miss you like crazy. How do we fix that?

The ocean sparkles like diamonds and the view of the city is incredible, but I barely take it in as I anxiously wait for her reply. It doesn’t take long before my phone lights up, along with my smile. I manage to swallow a groan.

Rylee: I’m not sure, but I bet you can think of something ;)

Miles: How about that rain check. Can I see you tomorrow? We can start with that.

Rylee: A good place to start. See you tomorrow.

My face heats.

I can’t fucking wait to see her.

* * *

The next morning, something comes over me when I spot her walking alone through the circus of trailers. After first making sure there’s no one around I follow her, catching up to her behind my trailer. Grabbing her from behind, I pull her around the corner, kissing the side of her neck.

I haven’t been able to get our text exchange from last night off of my mind.

I miss you like crazy. How do we fix that?

I’m not sure, but I bet you can think of something.

I’ve decided to ignore everything Matthew said and go against his advice. Not that I had a real choice in the matter… staying away from Rylee Brookes would be impossible.

“Miles…” she whispers.

“Mmm. You smell so good,” I say, smiling into her neck. I kiss the smooth, golden skin of her jaw. Kissing Rylee Brookes has become the thing I look forward to most in life.

“What are you doing? Someone will see us.”