Everything is finally feeling right. For the first time in weeks, my body relaxes, the tension in my shoulders melting away. We can figure out the logistics. I know one thing for sure: I want her to move in with me. I’m as impatient as they come, so I grab her by the hand and pull her out of the bathroom and onto the bed.
She giggles, holding her towel against her body. “I’m still dripping wet. What are you doing?”
We’re both in only towels, sitting in the middle of our tousled bed sheets. Water drips down her chest into her cleavage, and I barely resist the urge to lick the beads of water off her skin. “I want to figure this all out now. Where do you want to live?”
She looks pensive. “Well, I have my apartment in Burbank, although I’m pretty positive I’ve been replaced by Meg’s boyfriend. But I’m sure I could find something closer to you as long as I could afford it.”
“Or you could move in with me?”
“Move in with you?”
“Yes, move in with me. Actually, it’s non-negotiable. I want you to move in with me. Let’s do this, Ryls.”
She lifts her eyes to the ceiling and lets out a breath. “Miles, we’ve been together for all of three months. You can’t suggest things like that.”
“Why not?”
“Isn’t it too soon? I’ve never lived with anyone before.”
“Neither have I, because I’ve never wanted to. But even if you’re a car ride away from me that’s too far. You’ve seen what happens to us when we’re not together. We’re both miserable and nobody wants to be near us. Moving in together would happen sooner or later anyways. Let’s just go with sooner.”
“You’re really sure about this, aren’t you?” she asks, her voice soft, her eyes wide in disbelief.
I take her hands in mine. “I’ve never been more sure. Please say yes. Then we’ll get your grandparents settled in their new apartment and figure out when you can fly home to me.”
My heart beats double time waiting for her to answer. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more in my life.
“Okay,” she says.
There goes my heart.
There are no words to describe how freaking happy I am. I’m speechless. So instead, I slide my hand along the back of her neck, pulling her in to me. Her legs straddle my waist, her towel slipping down her body. And I kiss her like it’s the last time, knowing all the while that we have forever in front of us. She takes the hint and kisses me back the same way.
“I fucking love you, Ryls,” I say. “I never want to love anyone but you.”
* * *
Four weeks later, Rylee and I are in Los Angeles boarding a private plane to Reed Point. We’re in a hurry to get home so I asked Josh Lucas for a favor. Three hours later his jet is fueled and waiting for us, ready for take-off.
Liam called me early this morning and as soon as I heard the nervous tone in his voice I knew why he was calling. Ellie went into labor in the middle of the night, so they rushed to the hospital. Doctors told them they would have a baby within the next 24 hours. My brother is going to be a fucking dad.
I had Georgia clear my schedule for the next three days so Rylee, who was sleeping soundly in my bed when I got the call, and I could be there for the birth. At least we’re hoping to make it. This plane can’t touch down in Reed Point soon enough.
Rylee follows me up the airstairs into the small aircraft. Her mouth hangs open when she sees the leather couches, boardroom table and mini bar. “How will I ever fly economy again?” she asks in wonder, running her hand across the plush leather seats. She looks like a kid in Disneyland for the first time. And I’m so fucking happy that I get to be the one who gets to spoil her for the rest of her life. No, I haven’t asked her for forever just yet, but I’ve had a radiant cut diamond solitaire hidden in my gym bag for two weeks.
“I owe Josh big time for this,” I tell her, setting her carry-on bag down. We settle into two sizeable leather recliners near the center of the over-the-top aircraft.
“Yes, you do. He’s a generous man. We’ll have to think of something. Maybe I could do a family photoshoot for him and we could have a few shots framed?” she says before shaking her head. “Forget I said that. Why would he want my photos? I’m sure he works with the best.”
“You are the best, Ryls. Don’t sell yourself short. I’m positive they would love that.”
When we finally touch down, our luggage is loaded into the trunk of a Suburban that is waiting to take us to Reed Point General. Ellie is still in labor, according to my mom. She has been texting me regular updates. Liam is apparently a mess seeing Ellie in so much pain.
Rylee insists we stop at a deli along the way to pick up sandwiches and soft drinks for my family, who have been sitting in the waiting room for hours. With our arms full of food and drinks, we arrive to find everyone sitting in a tiny waiting room. They’re all here: my parents, Parker and Olivia and Jules. Ellie’s parents, too.
“Did we make it in time?” I ask. “Has Ellie had the baby?”
My mother stops pacing to greet Rylee and I with a hug. “No sweetheart, but she’s close. Thank you for coming. It means a lot to your brother and Ellie.”