“No, not at all. You just look content, like you haven’t a care in the world. It makes me happy to see you like this. Your job can be so busy and demanding.”
His arms squeeze a fraction tighter. “I guess that’s what being home does to me.”
“I guess so.”
“With you, Ryls. Being back home with you here makes me happy. I’m loving every second.”
All I can do is smile. Just when I thought I couldn’t like him any more than I already do, he goes and makes my heart swell to twice its size. I can’t get enough of this man and I’m starting to doubt I ever will.
I’m so close to telling him how he makes me feel. How just the sight of him makes my heart beat a little faster. But instead, I turn in his arms and face him. I go up on my toes, wanting to feel his lips on mine, and I kiss him.
Then I kiss him again with everything in me.
Chapter Twenty
The closer we get to Miles’ parents’ home, the more anxious I become. I’ve been excited to go to Ellie’s baby shower, but now that the day is here I’m a bundle of nerves.
It’s just past 1 p.m. when Miles parks his car in front of the most beautiful home I’ve ever seen. I thought the rental in Vancouver was something, but this puts it to shame.
Miles and I spent a perfect morning together, eating breakfast in bed and then going for a walk on the beach, my hand in his, our feet slipping through the almost white sand. It felt like a dream. Now I’m about to see where Miles grew up, to be included in a huge family moment. I feel lucky. And nervous.
“This is it. This is where I grew up. You ready?” he asks. The early afternoon sun slices through the driver’s side window, making his hair appear golden.
“I think I am. Meeting everyone last night helped.”
“Good. I’ll stay with you as long as you want me to.” Miles kisses me softly before opening his door and rounding the front of the car to open mine. We walk the stone pathway to the large door, his hand pressed possessively against my lower back. His mother greets us as soon as we step through the threshold like she’s been waiting all day for us. She opens her arms to the two of us.
“Hi, Mom.” Miles greets her with a tight hug. There are servers dressed in black milling around and the sounds of women talking and laughing drift from the other room. “Looks like you’ve got your hands full today.”
“I do. Isn’t it great? It’s so good to see you two. Miles, having you back home makes me so happy.” His mom wraps her arms around me next then pulls back with a smile. She looks lovely in a simple, off-white pant suit and heels. The stunning diamond necklace she wore last night is around her neck again today. “We are so happy you can join us, Rylee. The girls are all excited to see you. Thank you for coming.”
“Now,” she says, turning her gaze to Miles. “You should go on in and save your brother. He’s been waiting for you. You know how Liam gets about these types of things.”
Miles chuckles. “I’ll do you all a favor and get him out of here. Where’s Dad?”
“Probably in his study. I bet you’ll find your brothers hiding out in there too.”
Miles takes me by the hand, and we head into the kitchen. It’s large and spacious with a giant island running straight through the center of it. A wall of retractable glass doors leads from the kitchen to the backyard and from where I’m standing I can see the pool and manicured lawn. The house couldn't be more different from the one I grew up in. Everything looks new and modern, but it still manages to be so warm and inviting. I can imagine Miles and his siblings here when they were kids, what a happy place it must have been to grow up in.
I look around at the other guests, a group of perfectly put together women in designer dresses and pant suits. I look down at my own dress, which I picked up on clearance back in L.A., and suddenly hope it was the right choice for today. Miles must notice my apprehension because he kisses me on my temple and tells me I look beautiful.
“What can I help you with?” I ask Grace, handing her the flowers I picked up at Bloom before coming here.
“These are gorgeous, sweetheart. Thank you. And how sweet of you to ask, but I have everything under control.”
It does seem utterly impossible that there was something I could help with – Miles’ mom seems completely in charge and at ease hosting such a big group – but I want to be polite.
“You’re here!” Ellie squeals as she enters the kitchen from the back yard. She’s wearing a fuchsia pink dress that shows off her baby bump and a pair of matching heels. I’m amazed she is able to balance in them with her belly the size of a small watermelon.
“I’m so happy you came,” she says with a big smile, grabbing my hand. “Miles, you can go now, she’s coming with me. Skedaddle. She’ll be just fine.”
Miles looks at me with an are-you-sure-you’re-okay look on his face and I nod. “I’ll call you after our round of golf. Have fun.” He kisses me chastely on my lips, his gaze holding my own for just a second more before leaving, and even though I know he will only be gone for a few hours my silly heart already misses him. It’s ridiculous, I know.
“He looks at you like you’re chocolate cake.”
I turn to face Ellie, and scrunch up my nose at her, confused. “Is that a good thing?”