“I would bet that’s a yes. She really is the absolute sweetest. She would do anything for you and her kids. She is right up there with the Girl Scouts and Mother Theresa,” I say, nervously glancing around the room wondering if Liam is here yet. It bothers me that I care. I shouldn’t. But I do.
Kate finds the two of us and after a group hug, we follow Olivia to our assigned seats to set aside our handbags. I set down my purse on the chair at the place setting with my name card, then glance at the little white cards to the left and the right. My body stiffens as my eyes go wide.
“Don’t kill me, Ells. Please don’t kill me,” Olivia begs, realizing I’ve figured out what she’s done. Kate winces, looking at me guiltily. The trader must have been in on this too.
“Seriously Liv, I can’t make any promises,” I say through gritted teeth.
I stare at the card again, hoping that maybe I was hallucinating. No such luck. It still says Liam. I take a deep breath, gripping the chair rail in front of me. Am I ready for this? The answer is no.
“You’re going to have to just trust me on this one. I know a lot more than you do about affairs of the heart.”
“I’m not sure what old, low budget movie you stole that line from, Olivia, but please never repeat it.” I lunge for his name card, but Olivia quickly grabs hold of my arm.
“Not so fast, Flo-Jo. If you move his place card it will throw my entire table off. You are just going to have to be a big girl about this.” She bats her eyelashes, one hand on her hip. I finally exhale, realizing that I’ve been holding my breath. I guess I can tolerate him for one night.
We are interrupted by a server balancing a tray of hors d’oeuvres. “Can I offer you something to eat before dinner?”
“It might be easier if you just hand her the entire tray,” Olivia deadpans, referring to our Cape May Bloom grand opening party and the unreal appies I overindulged in.
“Very funny,” I say around a mouthful of gooey cheese puff.
I wash the phyllo baked goodness down with the last of my champagne, listening to Kate ramble on about some guy she met who likes to play bingo on Friday nights. Sounds like a real catch. She seems excited, so I resist the temptation to ask if she’s visited his retirement home yet. The topic of conversation shifts to Club Eden, a brand-new upscale nightclub that Kate wants us to try. I’m about to tell her that sounds a hell of a lot better than bingo when I see him.
Our eyes lock and there’s that crazy spark that zips through me every time we see each other. My stomach does a flip, my pulse races, and for several steamy seconds we maintain the kind of eye contact that you only hear about in movies and romance novels.
Liam is standing outside on the patio, Parker on his right, Miles on his left. It’s a lot to take in when the three Bennett boys are together, they’re all so gorgeous, but right now I can’t take my eyes off of Liam. His suit clings to his muscular chest and strong shoulders. His dark brown hair is cut short and styled back and he has just the right amount of stubble on his face. His moody eyes on mine feel like he’s touching my skin from across the room. My body heats. He raises the tumbler in his hand to his lips, tips back an amber liquid. His eyes never leaving mine. He somehow makes even the simple act of drinking from a glass look sexy. I look away. That’s enough of that. He may be the best-looking man I’ve ever layed eyes on but he’s still a stuck-up lawyer. I won’t let him affect me. He had his chance.
Needing to move, and more importantly needing a new line of vision, I let the girls know I need a drink. I spot Jules at the bar and Kate and I decide to go say hello. We leave Olivia to mingle with her guests. I order myself a dirty martini, hoping it will take the edge off. It does.
Eventually, it’s time for dinner so guests are asked to take their seats. I take my time, stopping to chat with a group of girls from the bachelorette party a few tables over. We reminisce about Jay, the sexy stripper, and all have a good laugh. Not able to stall any longer, I take a deep breath, making my way to my table. Seated at the round table are Kate, Jules, Miles, Dylan, Parker, Olivia and of course, Liam. I reluctantly take my seat next to him.
My stomach is one giant twisted knot when I sit down beside him, choosing not to make eye contact because I’m not sure what to say. I reach for the glass of water next to my place setting and when I do, my arm brushes against Liam’s as he’s adjusting his napkin on his lap. A jolt of electricity zips through me at just the faintest touch and I can’t help but wonder if he felt it too. I try to focus on the small talk around the table. A cousin of Olivia’s has wandered over and is busy fan-girling over Miles, while he happily eats it up. Jules and Parker are talking about something that happened at the office earlier while Kate is discussing the most recent episode of Stranger Things with Dylan. Meanwhile, I’m fighting the flush that is warming my cheeks and the tingling sensation covering my skin - my body’s reaction to Liam’s presence. This is going to be a long night.
Partway through the first course, I suddenly feel eyes on me and look up to find Kate and Olivia staring at me, eyebrows raised.
“Sorry… what? I think I missed something.”
“Dancing!” Kate says, apparently repeating herself. “I need a headcount for the club we’re going to next weekend. So far Miles, Jules, Parker, Olivia, Dylan and I are all in. You’re coming right, Ellie?”
“Of course,” I say, never one to miss a night out.
“I knew you would be down!” Kate practically squeals. “How fun is this going to be?”
She turns her attention to Liam, still sipping his scotch beside me. He’s such a Debbie Downer.
“What about you, Liam? Is the nightclub scene your thing?” Kate asks him, and I can’t help but snicker. I’m betting that’s a hard no. If he notices, he doesn’t show it.
“Nope,” Liam answers. Well, I called that one. Of course he hates to have fun. He’s too busy drinking his fancy top shelf scotch with his boring lawyer partners at some snooty country club that makes me want to gag with a bath towel.
“Don’t be such a downer,” Jules groans to her brother. “I promise I’ll make it my job to make sure you have fun. You’ll come with us, right?”
“And make sure you wear those pants. The really tight ones,” Miles shouts across the table before Liam has time to respond. We all erupt into laughter at Liam’s expense. If it was considered appropriate to high five Miles across the table, I would. Liam rolls his eyes, exuding annoyance like only he can, before answering with a clipped, “No.”
I glance over at Olivia, making my point silently: See? I told you he doesn’t talk. She shakes her head at me.
“Of course he’s coming. Don’t listen to him,” Miles says, looking at Liam. “Think hot girls in too-tight-dresses. Sweaty bodies grinding all over you. Hot!”
This earns Miles a shove to the shoulder from Olivia and a chuckle from Liam. “Right, noted. My calendar is clear,” he says. Ugh, he’s so annoying. Everything feels awkward and I hate it. It’s my best friend’s rehearsal dinner and I hate that I wish I was anywhere but here.