Page 44 of Had To Be You

I shake my head, but I know it won’t matter. She’s always there, occupying my thoughts. Morning, midday and all fucking night long.

“Mr. Bennett. Your clients are running fifteen minutes late. Will that be a problem?” my assistant Silvia asks, popping her head through my door.

Perfect. That will give me just enough time to put into action a thought I had this morning. “That’s fine, Silvia. Not a problem. I do need you to work on something for me immediately though.”

“Happy to. What can I do for you?”

After giving Silvia specific instructions, she assures me she will take care of it and email me the details by the end of the day. I sit back in my chair. This is either going to be the best idea I’ve ever fucking had, or it will go down in history as the worst. Here’s hoping for the former.

The afternoon passes quickly with back-to-back meetings and then I head to my parents’ house to watch the Yankees game on TV with my brothers and my dad. Ellie is busy at the beach house with Olivia and my sister doing wedding things.

“Did you see that? Nice double play by Cole,” Parker says, leaning forward in his seat with a beer in his hand.

“He’s having one hell of a year,” my dad replies from the leather armchair that has been “his” chair ever since I can remember.

“He’s overrated,” Miles interjects, and we all turn to stare at him. Cole Taylor, overrated? Not a fucking chance.

“Says the guy who knows nothing about baseball. Stick to acting,” I tell him, because what the fuck. “Speaking of… what are you filming next?”

“An action, comedy, adventure film with Violet Michelson. We’re shooting in Vancouver and LA. I’ve never worked with her before, and wasn’t sure if I’d ever get the chance, so it’s cool. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Who’s directing it? Anyone you know?” my dad asks, always keen to know the details of Miles’ projects.

“Yep, Josh Lucas. The guy’s a stud. He’s unreal to work with and really involved with the cast. He’s so damn artistic too. He’s a genius.”

“Sounds like a fantastic experience, son. When do you start?”

“In two months. I don’t have my schedule yet, but filming starts in LA, then we head to Vancouver after that. They’ve put me up in a huge house overlooking the water.” Miles swipes his phone to life, then types something into the screen. He turns the phone so Parker and I can see it. “Check out this house. It’s crazy, right? You guys should really think about coming to visit. It looks like there is more than enough room, and Vancouver is gorgeous in the summer.”

“Noted. That house is killer.” Vancouver does sound like a good time and I’ve never been to Canada, but I’m temporarily distracted by my phone vibrating in my pocket. Digging it out, I check the screen, doing my best to hide a smile when I see it’s from Ellie. Casually I slide my thumb across the screen to read it.

Ellie: Plans tomorrow night after work?

My reply is instant. And cheeky.

Liam: I was planning on watching The Bachelor at Applebees with Parker, but I can reschedule…

“I need a drink. I’ll be right back,” I say, pushing up from the couch and making a stop in my father’s study to see what Ellie has in mind for us for tomorrow. I slide into one of his leather armchairs, checking the thread, watching the text bubbles float on my phone like a total idiot.

Ellie: I hate to tear you away, but I think you’ll enjoy what I have planned much more. :) It’s a class. That’s all I’m willing to divulge at this time. Seven o’clock. Does that work?

Liam: Why does this feel like a setup? I draw the line at couples’ yoga. Also, no cooking classes. And I refuse to watch you flirt with that cowboy again, so horseback riding is out.

Ellie: What cowboy? ;)

Liam: Good answer.

Ellie: Great. Do you mind picking me up at seven? It’s either that or I double you on my bike. :)

Liam: Tempting… but I prefer the luxuries of four wheels and a proper seat. See you at seven.

Ellie: Can’t wait.

Liam: Me too.

Wiping the smile from my face, I wander into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water, wondering what the hell I’ve just got myself into. This is Ellie we’re talking about. She is one hundred percent unpredictable.

“Liam! Hi.” My mom stops what she’s doing and wipes her hands with a tea towel. “What can I get you? Are you hungry? I can make you something.”