“I can appreciate that, but I just want to see him. It won’t take long. Surely he wants to see me too,” I explain, annoyed but trying to keep my cool.
“Like I said. It’s not good timing. Now, I really have to go.”
“No. Wait!”
“Look, Ms. Reeves, do I need to speak slower? I’m not sure how else to get through to you. We’re done here. Goodbye.”
He ends the call.
It takes everything in me not to hurl my phone against the wall. I lean against a chair, unsure of what to do next. For the first time in years, I know what I need to do but I’m not sure how to go about doing it. I consider telling Liam because he would know exactly what steps I should take. He could even help me. But how can I tell Liam what I did when I still can’t face it myself? Am I crazy to think I could tell him the truth and it would all be okay?
No. I can handle this on my own. I will somehow find a way to see him.
I can do this.
I can do this.
I swear I can do this.
“What’s going on back here?” Leah asks, walking towards the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.
“Nothing.” I tuck my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. “Were you able to find the ideal shade of pink tulips?” My tone is laced in sarcasm.
Leah rolls her eyes, twisting the top back onto her water bottle. “Was there ever any doubt?”
I just laugh, walking past her to the front of the store. I have work to do and I could use the distraction. Orders need to be placed, social media needs my attention and arrangements need to be made for tomorrow. I spend the next hour crossing each item from my to-do list, until my phone vibrates in my pocket. Liam.
Liam: Lunch? It’s been a day. My office? I’ll order in whatever you’re craving. (I’m not on the menu :))
A smile overtakes my face as I type my response.
Ellie: Shame, but I’ll settle for lunch. I’ll do the ordering. I’ll pick up something I think you’ll like.
Liam: Looking forward to it.
Ellie: See you soon, Liam.
Liam: And if I wasn’t clear, I’m looking forward to both lunch and seeing you.
My silly little heart beats a little faster. My response is clear and easy.
Ellie: Me too xx
I arrive forty-five minutes later in front of Brooks, Gamble and Bennett. The elevator doors open to the fourth floor and I step out, making my way to reception. The woman behind the desk appears to be in her late forties with sandy blonde hair styled neatly in a bun. She is on a call, gesturing with her finger that she will be with me in a second.
“Can I help you?” she asks a moment later in a warm, pleasant tone.
After I tell her that Liam is expecting me, she makes a quick call, then says, “Follow me.” She leads me down a hallway past several offices on either side. She turns a corner and stops in front of a door with the name Liam Bennett etched into a shiny silver name plate. “Go on in, Ms. Reeves. Liam is expecting you.”
I thank her, then knock gently. “Come in.” His voice is low and rumbly. I push the door open to find Liam sitting behind his desk, a stack of paperwork laid out before him. He looks impressive here, in his element. His hair is perfectly styled. His piercing eyes sweep over me. He radiates power and control, his stormy energy coursing through the room.
I smile as I take him in. It’s impossible not to. He’s so damn easy on the eyes. He returns the smile in my direction, his dimple catching my eye like it always does.
“Close the door behind you,” he says coolly, pushing up from his seat and walking around to the front of his desk. I shut the door like he asked me to as he takes a seat on the edge of his desk. “Get over here.”
He’s wearing another one of his Liam-y suits. This one also looks like it cost a fortune. It fits him just right. Liam in a suit is my absolute weakness.
I stand in front of him, lunch in my hands. “How’s your day going?”