Page 13 of Had To Be You

Chapter Seven


Is this Grayson idiot for real? I’m two seconds away from knocking this asshole out. Saying I’m pissed watching him flirt with the girl I’m on a date with is the understatement of the year. I know technically it’s not exactly a date but close the fuck enough. He looks like the Marlboro Man. I’m half expecting him to pull out a bottle of beer and crack it open with his teeth. And for some reason Ellie is eating it up. You’ve got to be kidding me.

I listen to this Lone Ranger wannabe tell Ellie how handy he is with a set of tools. The guy is a tool, so I’m not the least bit surprised. I’ve never hated anyone more in my life than I hate this guy right now. He’s in the middle of trying to persuade Ellie to come back for a night ride under the stars when I decide I’ve had enough.

I steer Whisper alongside Ellie and Shadow. Leaning in as close as I can, I ask, “Are you really going to make me watch you and the cowboy flirt with each other all day?”

She laughs. “Green’s not your color, Liam. Besides, we’re just talking,” she purrs, a challenge simmering in her eyes. I know I have no right to be jealous - hell, I’ve never been jealous a day in my life - but it’s Ellie. Everything’s different with her. She’s not some random, nameless one night stand I met at a bar. She’s real and raw in a way I’ve never known.

“I’m not sure Grayson thinks the same. You should think about letting him know you have your sights on a better man. I’m four seconds away from telling him myself and if that happens, trust me, Ellie, he won’t like it.”

“Would that make you feel better? I’d hate for you to feel insecure,” she says, giving me a mock, sympathetic look.

“Ellie, don’t fuck with me,” I growl, pinning her with a stare. I watch her eyes drift down my chest, lingering there for a second then returning to my gaze.

“Or else what, Liam?” She has mischief in her eyes. She picks up her pace, trotting ahead of me on her horse. She’s messing with me and if I’m honest, I’m into it.

We spend the next twenty minutes riding through the trails. At one point, we pass through a shallow stream, the sounds of the water and the wind in the trees providing the soundtrack to the picture-perfect scenery. It turns out getting away from the office isn’t half bad. For a few hours, at least.

“You’re looking pretty good up there, Ellie.” Grayson is flirting again. I grind my molars together so hard I’m surprised they don’t crack. “Should we get moving a little faster?” I think you’re moving fast enough, buddy.

“Let’s do it,” Ellie replies, with a smile on her face. I’m trying to stay as calm as I can. She’s clearly loving riding and even though I’d like to drop-kick Grayson to the farm next door, I’m enjoying it too. I haven’t thought about the office once or the cases piled up on my desk waiting for me. I can’t remember the last time I’ve forgotten about work, even for a couple of hours. I was probably twelve. Scratch that - “never” would be the correct answer.

We pick up the pace to a slow trot and I fall back a little so I can watch Ellie. She looks gorgeous, her long brown hair blowing in the wind, the lighter caramel strands catching the light from the sun. She’s wearing a fitted pair of jeans that hug her ass perfectly and she’s leaning forward on her horse, giving me an incredible view. Damn, I want to touch her. I want to kiss her. Fist her hair. I’ve spent endless hours remembering what her lips felt like on mine and there’s nothing I want more than to act on that fantasy. Shit, I need to get myself together.

An hour later and not a minute too soon, we are back at the stables saying goodbye to Grayson. I’ve had enough of watching this moron flirt with Ellie, but I’m not ready for my time with her to end. All day, I’ve had the urge to reach out and touch her. Her arm. Her cheek. Her hair. Anywhere. Just to feel her skin, make a connection. But I haven’t because I’m still unsure where this is leading.

“I had a great time, Liam. Thank you for taking me,” Ellie says as I lead her back to my car. “On a scale of one to ten, that was a solid nine type of day.” She looks at me with her bright blue twinkling eyes, a sheepish smile on her face.

I hold open her door and we both slip inside. “Really, Ellie, a nine? That was one hundred percent a ten,” I argue.

“Think what you want,” she says. “But it was a nine.”

“Do you always have to be this difficult?” I ask her. She looks at me like she has no idea what I’m talking about, then grins. And for some crazy reason, I think it’s cute. Her crazy usually drives me insane, but right now, I like it. I crank the keys in the ignition, reluctantly taking my gaze off of Ellie, shocked by the feelings I’m having for her.

“I’m just busting your balls, Liam. I’m really impressed that you thought of horseback riding. I didn’t think you had fun in ya. You proved me wrong.” I’m more than satisfied with her answer.

Her phone chimes, interrupting my thoughts, and she digs it out of her purse. She has a text message and I notice her swiping the screen to life to read it. Her face lights up. I can’t help but wonder who’s putting that smile on her face. Is it a guy? Did she and the cowboy exchange numbers when I wasn’t looking?

“Will you be able to drop me at my house?” she asks. “I’m not too far from Dream Bean. Only about a four-minute drive.”

“Our date’s not over.” I give her a hard look. “You have somewhere to be?”

“Looks like I need to get ready for my date tonight. Logan asked me for dinner. You know, the guy from last night whose hair you’re strangely jealous of. And wait - who said this is a date, Liam?””

Just fucking fantastic. I swallow. The guy with the hippie hair wants to take her out for dinner. Not. Happening. Not if I have anything to say about it. My stomach tightens. I’m having a difficult time remembering why I shouldn’t take things further with her.

“Did you say yes?”

“Not yet.”

“Put your phone away, Ellie. You can text him later to tell him you have a headache. Like I said, our date’s not over.” Her big eyes go wide.


“No buts.” I narrow my eyes in her direction, reversing my car from its parking spot. “Spontaneous, remember? You wanted spontaneous. I’m giving you spontaneous.”