Page 80 of Had To Be You

He has, has he? Interesting.

“I hope Miles hasn’t been too much of a diva. We know how he can get when he’s hungry or needs a nap.” Parker says, then shakes her hand. “It’s great to meet you too.”

“It’s nothing I can’t handle,” Rylee says with a laugh. “I just send him to his trailer when he throws a tantrum.”

I like this girl already.

After introductions, we decide on ordering Thai food from a local hot spot Miles recommends. Parker serves up a round of gin and tonics - a mocktail for me, of course - and we start a game of pool while we wait for the delivery.

Rylee tells us a little bit about growing up in a small town and the last two years working under different producers and directors on various television and movie sets. Miles listens intently the entire time, never looking away from her, hanging on her every word. In turn, Rylee holds Miles’ stare, touches his forearm or shoulder whenever she can, and softly laughs whenever he says something charming. It’s too darn cute.

I know first-hand the feel of a gaze like the one Miles is searing through Rylee. It’s the same way Liam’s eyes have always stared at me when he’s unable to look away, like I’m the only woman he’s ever wanted and will ever want. They’re flirting. And I’m loving it.

I catch the eye of Olivia with a do-you-see-what-I-see look, and she smirks. Yup, it’s not just me. She’s seeing what I’m seeing. Miles and Rylee have chemistry.

A little while later, we’ve finished dinner and I’m watching Parker and Liam take on Miles and Rylee in a game of pool. I’m feeling the first trimester fatigue so I’m sitting this one out, resting on a bar stool.

Liam is up. His brows knit together as he studies the table then bends over the edge of the felt lining up his shot. He skillfully sinks a striped ball into the pocket then strides over to me with a twinkle in his eye. I pull him into me, needing my hands on him, where he settles between my thighs. “Nice shot, babe. You can add pool shark to the list of hot things you do that turn me on.”

“Maybe one day I’ll let you in on my pool shark secrets.”

“Only if I’m lucky,” I say, kissing him chastely with my hands wrapped around his waist. “By the way, seems like Miles is very much into the set assistant,” I say under my breath, looking at Liam’s brother. He smiles, all flirty, moving next to Rylee where she’s leaning against the pool table about to take her shot.

“Really? You think so?”

“Liam, are you joking me? What’s the matter with you? You have two eyes. It’s as plain as day.” I swat at his bicep playfully. “They look like they’re well on their way to matching tattoos or adopting a puppy together.”

He arches a brow at me. “You realize this is Miles you’re talking about? Neither one of those things are happening. The guy is a legend at playing the field and he’s smart enough to know not to cross lines with a PA on set.”

“Fine. Think what you want, but there is definitely something brewing. Mark my words. They are feeling each other, and you of all people should know you can’t fight love when it gets a hold of you,” I argue, shooting him a trust me stare.

“Your move, Liam,” Miles calls out. “You think you can tear yourself away from Ellie long enough to sink the white ball?”

Liam leaves my arms, rubs chalk over the end of his cue, and taunts his brother. “Since when did you become a pool shark, show performer?”

“Show performer? Seriously?” Miles wrinkles his forehead. “Try A-list Hollywood action star. That’s more like it.”

Rylee laughs while Liam shrugs and rolls his eyes. Liam bends over the edge of the table, lining up his shot, sinking a striped ball. He sinks three more after that.

“You see that Ells, I told you I’m ridiculously good at everything,” Liam jokes. Some things never change.

“Hmm. I didn’t notice,” I say. He just shakes his head with a mock-annoyed grin on his face. My pulse speeds at the banter that never fails to turn me on. Liam must notice the hungry look in my eyes because he suddenly announces he needs to get his pregnant fiancé to bed. I don’t argue because it’s exactly where I want to be.

With my man.

The man I love with everything in me.

He’s devastatingly gorgeous.

He’s totally and completely irresistible.

He’s the most mouth-watering combination of wit, sex-appeal, confidence and flirtation, and he’s mine for a lifetime.

When we’re finally in bed, Liam narrows in on his favorite freckle, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to my collarbone. He moves over me until we’re chest to chest, his heart beating against mine. He kisses me - a slow, lazy kiss - and whispers my three favorite words: “I love you.”

“Mmm… I love you too,” I murmur, reaching for his lips with mine, kissing him deeply, making it known just how much I do, in fact, love him. He pulls away with a look in his eyes that says forever, then slides his naked body down to the bed beside me. His palm finds the subtle curve of my belly.

“I can’t wait for this belly to get bigger, Ells.”