I’m not ready to admit just how into Liam I actually am, so I wave off her comment instead. “I’m fine with a little fun with someone I know and trust. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. You know how I feel about commitment.”
“I don’t understand why. I wish you would open your heart to falling in love. Life is ten times better when you’re in love.”
“For some, Liv. For you - and believe me, I couldn’t be happier for you. You are deliriously happy. Watching you with Parker is like watching one of those YouTube videos of puppies wearing tiny, adorable sweaters.”
“Ellie, really? You are comparing my relationship with Parker to puppies in sweaters?”
“Yes! Because I feel an immense joy when I watch both.”
She stares at me. “Mmmkay. I’ll go with it because it kinda makes sense on a very weird level. Anyways, promise me you’ll at least be open to where you and Liam could go. That’s it. Can you do that?”
I don’t know. Can I? Once upon a time I thought I could. And that ended like an atomic bomb. I’m still living with the aftermath of it. But I am aware of how Liam makes me feel so I answer her with my heart.
“I can.”
We keep dancing until Olivia spots someone she knows and leaves us to say hi. As we hear the opening notes of ‘U Can’t Touch This’ come over the speakers, Jules heads to the bar for a drink. Before I can follow her, Kate grabs my hand, declaring this is her favorite song ever. She yanks my hand and pulls me further onto the dance floor into the center of the crowd. Trust me when I say you have not lived until you’ve seen Kate shaking her ass while yelling, “STOP! Hammertime!”
A few minutes later - and not a minute too soon - the upbeat song changes to a slower one and Liam strides over to me looking hot as hell. I pull him into me, not caring who’s watching. We’re all friends, and friends dance with friends. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.
Liam’s arms circle my waist. We dance like this for a few minutes before he takes my hand, twirling me around. He wraps his arms possessively around me from behind, pulling my back against his hard chest, his lips brushing over the shell of my ear. It feels good. No - it feels unbelievably good. He tightens his hold on me, sending a flutter of tiny lightning bolts through my belly. “I like watching you dance, Ellie.”
My skin heats. “You were watching me?”
“Are you surprised?”
“A little,” I say, as he spins me in his arms to face him. I slide my hands up the front of his chest and he wraps his arms tight around my waist. “I like dancing with you.”
His mouth is against my ear when he says, “I like it too.” I shudder. Full body shudders. How does this man do that to me? Every touch feels like my body is a live wire. Like a spark to a flame I can’t wait to destroy me.
“I hadn’t pegged you for a dancer, Liam. You continue to surprise me. What’s next? Will I find out you make jam on Sunday mornings and package it in pretty little jars with ribbons? If so, I’ll expect a care package at my door.”
“I wouldn’t hold your breath. That sounds messy and you know how I feel about messes,” he jokes. “And dancing? I don’t, unless I’m only required to sway to a slow song with my arms wrapped around a sexy brunette. That is my limit.”
His tone is light, soft. My heart squeezes because something feels different. But I remind myself that this is just fun and games and the walls that I’ve erected over the years to protect my heart are there for a reason.
I need to remember that.
This is just fun for Liam
Enjoy it while it lasts.
I repeat the words this is just fun in my mind, fighting the feelings that make me wish it was more.
A couple of dances later, we walk back to our table, finding our friends.
Liam tightens his hold on me. He hasn’t left my side all night, except for the few dances I spent with the girls. He hasn’t gone more than ten minutes without his hand on my thigh or his arm around my waist. And if his hand isn’t placed somewhere on my body, his lips or his eyes are, making me feel as though I am his, and he is mine.
“Can’t you wait until after you leave to hump his leg?” Olivia jokes, leaning into my side. “I’m going to force you to say I was right when you two get married and have babies.”
Every muscle in me tenses. Olivia has no way of knowing the nerve she’s hit. Yesterday I sent an email that I should’ve sent years ago. Now I am waiting for answers so I can put the mess I created behind me and finally move on with my life. I swallow the lump in my throat. “I guess we will see.”
She winks, and mouths Oh, it’s happening as she walks backwards in her nude-colored heels away from me.
I laugh, which catches Liam’s attention. “What’s so funny?” he asks.
“Nothing,” I tell him, shaking my head. He squeezes my hip, pulling me closer
“My fault. I could have sworn I heard you say ‘let’s get out of here so you can do dirty things to me.’”