Page 86 of Always Been You

“That’s great, man. Ellie is a great girl. What are you worried about?”

“I don’t know. I mean, I guess I do. I guess what I’m wondering is… how did you know that you were ready for a commitment? I don’t want to screw this up and make things awkward between us if it doesn’t work out, considering she’s Olivia’s best friend and all.”

“That’s a tough question to answer. I just knew that I couldn’t go a day without talking to her. I wanted to be with her every second I could.”

It makes me think about how lonely my life felt before Livy. How much I was missing. She gives my life meaning, she makes my days brighter and I can’t imagine going back to the way things were before her.

“I can’t stop thinking about her,” Liam admits. “She makes me laugh. There’s just something about her.”

“Well then, I say go for it. Take a chance. You’ll never know what could come of it, if you don’t give it a shot.”

“Yeah, I guess you are right. I’m going to take your advice, but I reserve the right to blame you if it ends in disaster.”

“Noted.” I laugh.

“Thanks, Parks. I mean it.” He clasps his hand on my shoulder as we both push from our chairs to standing. We make our way back to the party where I immediately scan the room in search of my fiancée. My fiancée. I’m one lucky bastard.

I spot her, looking sexier than hell in that pale pink strapless dress that hugs her curves in all the right places. Her long, wavy hair is swept back in a low ponytail.

My feelings for this woman have only grown stronger. I love how she makes me feel. I love her laugh, her smile and I love knowing that I’m the one who can drive her wild with just a look.

She walks towards me, and I reach for her hand. She kisses me - a slow, lazy kiss - and whispers my three favorite words. “I love you.”

“Mmm… I love you too, Livy girl. I’ll never stop.”

A grin tugs at the corners of her mouth and I smile back against her lips. She’s the most beautiful girl in the world. A lifetime with her will never be enough.

I scoop her up into my arms and carry her down the hall away from our guests.

“Parker!” She squeals as I carry her into the mud room at the far end of the house, before setting her down on top of the washing machine and closing the door.

I kiss her until she’s breathless.

“You are a naughty boy, Parker Bennett.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet. I’m just getting started.”

The End