Page 83 of Always Been You

“Stop with the updates, Parker. I’m nervous enough as it is without you reminding me how many people will be staring at me. How am I going to get through my speech?”

This will be a lot of attention on her today and I know she is freaking out. She’s managing to hide her anxiety from the people around us, but I know her better than anyone. Her bottom lip pulled under teeth and her hand rubbing the diamond star pendant around her neck is a dead giveaway.

“I’ll be right there in the front row to support you. You’ve got this, Liv. I have no doubt. Just breathe baby.” I kiss the top of her head.

I leave the girls to go over their speeches one last time and walk outside to check on the film crew. We should be ready to start in minutes if everything goes according to plan.

Glasses begin to be filled as guests wait patiently outside. Among our friends and family are neighboring business owners as well as the local TV channel, who will air the grand opening on their six o’clock news.

I walk back inside to Livy and Ellie after getting the go-ahead from the film crew. “Are you two ready? The news crew is set up and ready when you are. Just give me the thumbs up.”

Livy inhales a deep breath and smooths her hands down the front of her dress, looking to Ellie who nods.

“We’re ready.”

I press a slow kiss to Livy’s temple and give Ellie a quick hug. I escort the two of them out the front door and hand them the scissors they will be using to cut the ribbon before taking my spot in the front row with our family. I watch Livy take the microphone in her hand and welcome the crowd to Bloom. She connects with the audience, she’s confident and her voice is smooth. She looks fucking gorgeous too.

She’s crushing it.

God, she’s unbelievable.

She hands Ellie the scissors and together they cut the ribbon, watching it split in two and fall to the ground. This earns them a round of loud applause from the crowd and an extra whistle from me. The photographer from the local news channel moves in closer, snapping photos of my girl and her business partner bestie, the two of them all smiles.

The girls step inside Bloom and begin welcoming their guests. For the next two hours there is a steady stream of people moving though their new flower shop with a drink in hand and a smile warming their faces. Everyone admires the perfectly arranged flowers on reclaimed wooden tables under a vintage chandelier in the center of the space. My Livy is at the center of it all, killing it.

She greets new faces from the community and catches up with both of our families, who have gathered around her with a surprise.

Jules hands Livy a large, beautifully wrapped package, a grand opening gift from both of our families. She unwraps it carefully to find a professionally framed and matted photo of the beach house, our special spot, to remind her of home and the people who love her.

“This is beautiful, and it means the world to me. I can’t wait to hang it up here at Bloom. I will think of you all every day. Thank you all so much.” Livy takes the time to hug each and every one of them with tears in her eyes.

“Honey, we are so proud of you.” My mother rests her hand on Livy’s shoulders, her eyes moving between mine and Livy’s. “I’m also very happy you two found your way back to each other. It’s a blessing to see how happy you two make each other. I knew it would work out, you just needed a gentle nudge in the right direction by someone who knew your two hearts were always meant to be together.” My mom winks.

I look at Livy and for a minute we are both speechless, realizing that my mother had an ulterior motive the day she walked into Bloom to order flowers. She knew what she was doing all along, getting the two of us back together again, face to face, in the same room.

When everyone has left and it’s finally just the two of us, I shut the doors to Bloom and wrap her in my arms.

“You amaze me, Livy. You were incredible today.”

“Today was one of the best days of my life. Thank you for everything, Parker.” She can’t stop smiling and it’s adorable.

“This was all you babe. You know me. I’m just the good-looking assistant at your beck and call,” I tease her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

In all honesty, we make a good team, and I can’t wait to see where life takes us. We’ve already come so far. For now, it’s just the two of us in Cape May. But one day soon, I am going to marry her, and we are going to have babies. I can’t wait for the day when we are living back home in Reed Point, close to our families. But until then I have her all to myself, and that’s fine by me. Actually, it’s perfect.

I’ve never been happier, that much is true and it’s all because of this woman in my arms. It took us eight years to find each other again and we are finally right back to where we started. I’m madly in love with Livy, I know she feels the same and I plan on spending every day of the rest of my life with her. She just doesn’t know it yet.

“Time to go home, Livy girl?”

“Past time, baby. Take me home.”

“I love you. So much,” I whisper, brushing my lips along her forehead.

“I love you too,” Livy breathes, reaching for my chin and pulling me down for a kiss.

I kiss her back and say the words that I will repeat to her all the days of our life.

“It’s always been you, Livy girl.”