Page 72 of Always Been You

I stand and pace my office, adrenaline coursing through my veins, I feel like I’m losing control. Life has come full circle. I feel exactly like I did when I was eighteen and heartbroken, left without an explanation. History is repeating itself. Livy gets scared and she quits. The thought of never seeing her again burns in my chest. How can this be happening?

I swore what we had was real. I choke back the lump in my throat, walking towards the window. I unclench my fists, trying to release the tension, to ease the panic taking up space in my chest. She has always been my weakness.

* * *

“Have you heard a thing I just said? What is it with you today?” Liam’s face is staring back at me through the computer screen, tense and annoyed. We’ve been on this video call for over an hour and I’m trying my best just to follow along.

“I’m listening.”

“Yah, prove it. What did I just recommend you do with the cap-x budget?”

I have zero clue what he’s referring to. I guess I really wasn’t hearing a word he was saying.

“I’m sorry, man. Can we go over it again?”

“Parker, what’s going on with you? You can’t focus and you’re edgy as hell.”

“It’s that obvious?” My shoulders sag, he’s looking at me like I just grew a second head.

“It is. You’re a fucking mess. I’m guessing this has something to do with Olivia?”

Carmen pokes her head in my office, and I motion for her to come in. She hands me a bottle of water and two Advil. I nod my thanks and then wave her off. I pop the two pills in my mouth, chasing them back with a mouthful of water.

“It’s that bad that you have to self-medicate?” Liam raises his brows, sitting back in his chair while spinning a pen through his fingers.

“I wish I knew how bad it really is. Livy has been avoiding me all weekend and I have no idea why.”

“How can you not know why? You obviously screwed up in a big way if she won’t talk to you.”

“Fuck if I know. I don’t get it. I don’t know how relationships work, Liam.” I drop my head into my hands. “What do I do?”

Liam groans and leans forward, his face filling the space in my screen. I realize asking Liam for relationship advice is ridiculous but desperate times call for desperate measures.

“Let me ask you a question.”

I nod.

“Do you love her?”

“More than anything,” I admit.

“So that means you want to fix this?”

“Of course, I do. I just don’t know how.” I close my eyes and drag my fingers through my hair.

“Go to Reed Point, you idiot. You have to talk to her. If she won’t answer your calls, you need to go see her. You’re not going to just sit back and watch her walk away, are you?”

“She won’t even answer my text messages. Who’s to say she will answer her door to me?”

“So, you are just going to give up? You’re a Bennett, we fight for what we want. You need to fight for her.” Liam looks at me with a pointed stare.

It sounds simple enough and suddenly I see it’s the obvious solution. I need to get to Reed Point as soon as possible.

“Hang tight, I need to pull up my calendar to see how soon I’m able to go.” Tuesday is full of meetings, but my Wednesday looks clear. I ping Carmen and ask her to block off my Wednesday and Thursday.

“Done, I’m leaving Wednesday.”

“Great, so what’s your plan?” Liam asks, like I might actually know the answer to that question.