Page 57 of Always Been You

The song ends and we make our way back to our table. The waiter brings us our entrees. I ordered the sablefish and Livy ordered the scallops. We finish our dinner and split a chocolate chip skillet cookie with vanilla ice cream for dessert.

I pay the bill and we head back to the boat to cruise home under the stars. The sky is jet black and blanketed with stars that appear to go on forever. We both seem to have moved on from our conversation at dinner, wanting to make the most of our time together in Seaside before I have to leave her.

We hop onto the boat and I grab her a blanket and a glass of wine. We slowly cruise back to the house, eyeing the homes that sit on the ocean’s edge. We play the game of choosing our dream home. Turns out we both like gigantic homes with pools overlooking the bluffs. Go figure.

It’s been the perfect weekend with Livy, but it’s killing me that I have to leave her on the one day she needs me the most. It’s also killing me that I’m going to have to leave her when I move to Cape May. There’s no way I will be able to live that far away from her.

There has to be another way.

I can’t be without her.



I pack the last of my things in my bag and take one last look at the view of the ocean from the bedroom windows. This weekend was a dream, and I will never forget a second of it. I’m full of hope for a future with Parker. I am finally ready for us.

Then I remember that we’re leaving. I’m trying my best to hide my disappointment that we have to return to Reed Point earlier than planned. It’s not Parker’s fault and I understand that, but that doesn’t make it any easier. The peace I felt over the last two days is already starting to subside, knowing the reality I will face tomorrow. It’s actually just as well that we are leaving early. As much as I don’t want to step out of this fairy tale, I should get home and call my mom and Kate and figure out the details for tomorrow. I feel my body tensing, not knowing what to expect. How will my dad react to us? Will he think he can just walk back into our lives like nothing has ever happened? And will my mom erect a welcome home banner? Throw a party? Good Lord, help me.

Parker walks through the door and I plaster a smile on my face as best I can. I don’t need him feeling any worse than he already is about leaving.

“Hey baby, all ready?”

“Yes. All packed.”

He wraps his strong arms around me from behind and kisses my forehead. I lean into his embrace.

“I’m sorry we have to go. I wish we could stay here longer.”

“I do too. Parker, please don’t feel bad. I know this wasn’t your choice.” I rest my head against his shoulder. “How long will you be gone?”

“I should only be gone for a few days. Don’t worry Livy, you won’t even have time to miss me. I will be filling up your phone with messages and calling you every chance I can get. You are going to be so sick of me, you won’t want me to come back.”


Parker takes my bags, loads the car and we head back to reality. The drive home is quiet, both of us dreading the next few days for so many different reasons.

Parker pulls to a stop in front of my apartment and we both hesitate, not wanting this weekend to officially be over. The silence gets the better of me, I reach for him over the console, kissing his cheek, and then ask him to walk me to the door. We meet on the sidewalk. Parker has my bags, and we walk the short distance to my door. Every step feels like agony knowing that Parker is leaving. I open the door to my apartment and Parker places my bags inside.

“I wish I could stay, Livy, but I really have to go.”

“I know, Parker. Thank you for an amazing weekend.”

“I miss you already. I’ll call you as soon as I get there.”

We hug each other for a long time, neither of us wanting to let go. When we finally do, Parker promises to call me when he arrives in Cape May tonight, check in with me a minimum of one hundred and fifty times tomorrow and Facetime chat before bed. Then he’s gone and I’m left wondering how it’s possible to miss someone so much after only five minutes. And I know this is just the beginning of long goodbyes. I know the day is coming when Parker has to go back to the city, and I need to stay and run Bloom. If this is any indication of what those goodbyes are going to feel like, I won’t make it through.

I’m trying to take one day at a time, but the thought is always there lingering in the corner of my mind. I haven’t for the life of me figured out how we can make things work between us and it terrifies me. Reed Point is where my heart is, where my life is. I’ve worked hard build to my business here and I’m not ready to walk away from Bloom. I’m proud of the success I’ve achieved and there is still so much more I would like to accomplish. I can’t just walk away from the company I’ve grown from the ground up, and I don’t expect Parker to walk away from his life either. But I can’t think about any of this right now, because I need to deal with my dad.

I make myself a cup of tea and curl up on the couch with my phone, needing to call my mom and my sister. I call Kate first, biding time before I talk to my mom. She picks up on the second ring.

“Hey Olivia, I wasn’t expecting to hear from you until tomorrow morning. Are you still away in Seaside?”

“No, unfortunately I’m home. We had to leave Seaside early. Parker has an emergency meeting tomorrow morning which meant we needed to end our vacation early.”

“Aw, I’m sorry. I hope you still had a great weekend despite calling it short. Did you like Seaside?”

“We did Kate, it was such a great weekend. Parker is honestly the best boyfriend.” I know I sound like a schoolgirl with a crush, but I can’t help it. And honestly, I don’t even care.