Page 53 of Always Been You

“Sun, always. I love Hawaii.”

“Me too. I hate being cold. I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii but never been. Now it’s your turn to ask me a question.”

I make a mental note to take her to Hawaii once Cape May is operating smoothly. “Okay, biggest pet peeve? I can’t stand it when people talk through a movie. They should all be banned from movie theaters and sent to live on their own island.”

“Wow, you really mean that. Ha! For me it’s line drifters.” I draw my eyebrows together, having no clue what she’s talking about. “You know,” she continues. “Those people who drift into line while you’re not paying attention and then pretend they were there the whole time. They think they got away with it, but you know the truth. They’re awful.”

I laugh because that just might be the cutest thing she’s ever said. It’s one of the things I love most about her. She’s genuine, always herself.

“Okay, it’s my turn. What’s one goal you hope to accomplish in the future? It’s kind of a tough question.”

“No, it’s not, it’s easy. I want to be a dad someday.” Livy’s eyes go wide. “What about you, Liv, do you want kids one day?”

“I do.”

“That’s good.”

“It is?” Her brow arches.

“Of course it is. We are on the same page. In the same book.” It’s a question I’ve wanted to know the answer to, but I haven’t wanted to scare her. It wouldn’t have been a deal breaker, but I was really hoping she wanted to have a family one day too. The thought of Livy pregnant with our child makes my heart feel like it’s about to explode right out of my chest.

We play 21 questions for the next half an hour and I learn that she’s afraid of sharks, never been on a nude beach (which I thank God for because yes, I’m turning into that jealous guy), her celebrity crush is Chris Hemsworth, and her longest relationship was with me. I admit that last answer makes me feel like I’m winning at life at the moment.

Final question and it’s my turn to ask. I can’t pass up this opportunity to go for it. So, I do.

“Okay Livy, last one before we take a swim. Are you ready?”

“Ready.” She looks like a kid on Christmas morning and adrenaline pumps through my veins.

“Tell me a secret that you’ve never told anyone else.”

“That’s a tough question. My goodness. I have to really think about this. I don’t have many secrets. I’m kind of boring, I guess. You go first so I have time to think.”

“Okay.” I move onto my knees in front of her and take her face in my hands. I pin my eyes on hers and kiss her softly. I pull back to find her eyes again. “I love you, Livy.”

Her eyes go wide. She reaches for me and wraps both hands behind my neck, pulling my body into hers. I need to feel her hands on me, and it feels too good when she drags her soft fingers down the front of my chest. She kisses me, the kiss demanding.

It’s lust. It’s heat. It’s passion. All in one kiss.

“Parker.” She says my name in barely a whisper.

“Sshh. You don’t have to say a thing.” I press a chaste kiss to her lips. I don’t want her to feel like she needs to say it back to me if she’s not ready.

“But Parker. I need to tell you my secret. Don’t you want to know what it is?”

I pull away from her, sitting back on my knees and nod. She searches my eyes, and her lips curve up towards the sky.

“I love you too, Parker. I don’t think I ever stopped.”

Just like that, I’m the happiest guy on the planet.

In the universe.

I feel like I’m freefalling from one thousand feet. A rush courses through my body that I don’t ever want to stop.

I scoop her into my arms and bring her into my lap. I have everything I’ll ever need in my arms and nothing else matters. I kiss her like it’s the first time, forgetting everything else.

“You really mean it, Livy? You love me?”