Page 44 of Always Been You

Mr. Bennett raises a warning eyebrow at Liam, a gesture he appears to have perfected with his children over the years.

I find myself imagining what it would be like sharing Christmas dinners together around this table, bonfires and clam bakes at the beach house, even the sound of little feet pattering around us. I stop myself. I can’t let my mind drift too far into the future. There are no guarantees. I should know that better than anyone.

Dinner passes quickly and the jokes and banter continue into dessert. I can’t help but think how long it has been since I enjoyed a family dinner. My life before Parker all of a sudden feels lonely and incomplete. In such a short amount of time, Parker has managed to change my perspective completely, and I realise now that I want someone to love, to share the good and the bad with.

We all chip in clearing the table and doing the dishes. I help Mrs. Bennett pour the coffees and after dinner drinks while the rest of the family gather outside around the fire pit. I can see Parker and his brothers from the kitchen window and my heart swells. He lights up around them. I love seeing this side of him.

“My three boys have always been close,” Mrs. Bennett says, interrupting my thoughts. “We raised them exactly the same, but they are each so different. Parker has always been the boy I’ve worried the least about. He’s always worn his heart on his sleeve, which made it easier to know when he needed me. He’s steady and grounded and has always stood up for the people he cares about. I still remember the time I received a call from his principal. He was eleven years old and he’d punched a classmate right in the nose. At first, I was shocked when they told me, because he had never been a violent kid. When I met him in the principal’s office, he was still angry. The story went that the kid he punched was making fun of a new child who was wearing thrift store clothing. The boy taunted this poor kid in front of a handful of other children and Parker told him to stop. It turns out the boy was almost a head taller than Parker, but that didn’t stop my son. The bully knocked the kid to the floor and that was all it took. Parker clocked him right in the nose. Instead of reprimanding him, I took him straight out for ice cream.”

“I couldn’t imagine the Parker I know hitting anyone, but that kid had it coming,” I told her. “You raised an incredible man. You must be so proud.”

“I really am. I’m proud of all of my kids. Olivia, I know relationships can be complicated and they require a lot of work but trust me when I say, he’s worth it. Just be patient with him. He’s going to make mistakes. Give him time and he will always make things right.”

“Thank you for your advice. I know he’s worth it and I can be patient.” Mrs. Bennett places her hand on top of mine and gives it a squeeze. Her warm eyes soften in an understanding way. It feels a little like I just received her blessing to date her son.

Mrs. Bennett lifts the tray of drinks and heads for the patio doors. I’m relieved I didn’t have to answer any questions about my dad. I follow her out but realize I left my sweater inside. I run back into the house to grab it, throw it on and reapply my lip gloss.

“There you are.”

I turn around to see Parker with a silly grin plastered on his face. He looks so happy and I can’t help but feel responsible for some of that happiness. Tonight has gone so smoothly.

Parker’s strong arms wrap around my neck and he nuzzles his nose by my ear. “My family loves you, you know. You’ve made quite the impression. Not that I’m surprised.”

“The feeling is mutual. I’ve loved my time here with them tonight. Your family is just as wonderful as I remember.”

He pulls back, finding my eyes with his. Those eyes that do crazy things to me. “You’re staying with me tonight at the beach house.” It’s not a question but a command. The answer would have been yes, of course. I couldn’t say no if I tried.

“Did you have something in mind for us when we get there?”

“I have a long list and I intend to spend all night getting through it.”

“All night? Are we forgoing sleep?”

“We might have to. Any objections?” Parker runs his thumb over the edge of my jaw. My skin heats under his touch.

“Not one.”

“That’s my girl. And for the record, in case there was any doubt, I’m not with you for all the incredible sex we have. Trust me, I’m loving every second of it, but I’m with you because you’re you. You put everyone before yourself, you challenge me and put me in my place and your kisses drive me out of my mind. I can’t go a day without seeing you. I’m lost in you, Livy.”

“I’m lost in you too, Parker.” I go up on my toes and kiss him. His lips part and we deepen the kiss. His tongue seeks mine and the kiss turns breathless. I don’t want to stop but this is not the time or place. I’m about to break it when I hear Miles’ voice interrupt us.

“Jesus you two. You haven’t been able to keep your hands off each other all night. I’m not blaming you, Parker. If I had a girl that looked like Olivia, I’d have my hands all over her too.”

Parker side-eyes his brother and laughs, quickly rearranging himself behind me to hide the obvious swell in his pants. He then quickly pulls me in close to hide my embarrassment from his brother.

“We are on our way outside. Give us a minute.”

“Don’t stop on my account,” Miles jokes, heading back outside.

We spend the rest of the night cuddled up under a blanket on a loveseat by the fire table, listening to stories about Parker and his siblings. It’s been a really long time since I’ve laughed so hard. Tonight is everything I could have hoped for and more, surrounded by a family who fiercely love and protect each other.

It’s just after ten when Parker announces that we need to be going and we give each of his family members a kiss and a hug. His parents walk us to the door. “We love having you home Parker,” his dad says before we leave. “And it was also our pleasure to spend time with you, Olivia. Hope to see you both soon.”

“Thanks. Love you both.” Parker side hugs his dad and kisses his mother on her cheek.

“Love you too, son, beyond the moon. I hope to see you soon, Olivia. Good night, you two.” Mrs. Bennett stands in the doorway watching us walk down the driveway.

We make our way to the car and settle in. The engine revs to life and Parker leans in close and whispers in my ear, “We still have that list we need to get to.”