Page 31 of Always Been You

I’m not sure my sister is the one I want to talk to about this, but I need some advice because I feel like I’m losing my mind. This weekend has been a rollercoaster of emotions and I can feel the stress of it all like a rock in the pit of my stomach.

“It’s Livy.”

“I figured as much. Want to talk about it?”

“Not really. But kind of. Okay, I guess I do.” Fuck, I’m really losing it.

“Everything was so good this morning when I left her, but I’ve texted her twice today and no response. I feel like I’m coming undone. I’m hoping she’s not regretting last night.” I can feel the vein pulsing in my neck, and I try to rub the tension away with my fingers.

“I’ve never seen you like this over a woman, Parker. She is really under your skin.”

I lean back into my chair and rub both of my hands over my face. Jules is right, I’ve never felt this way before about a woman. Ever. Correction- about any other woman.

“If it’s Livy that you want, then go get her. Why are you still here?” She says, lifting her brow.

I ponder the question for all of five seconds then sit up straight in my chair and shut my computer. I want Livy.

“You’re a smart cookie, Jules. Why the hell am I still here? Tell Dad I left for the day and I’ll see him tomorrow. Love you, Jules.”

“Love you too, Parks.”

I finish my sandwich because a guy has to eat, grab my laptop and my keys and throw on my suit jacket. I glance at the pile of paperwork on my desk still needing my attention. It will have to wait.

I head out the door with one thing on my mind: finding Livy and getting her back in my arms where she belongs. I’ve lost her once before and I’m not going to make that same mistake twice.

* * *

Something is off with Livy. I just know it. My mind is racing with reasons she might be shutting down on me as I drive to the first place I think she might be. Bloom. It’s four o’clock and she is supposed to be working until six.

I park my car and head into the shop to find Ellie working by herself on an arrangement. She stops what she’s doing and greets me with a cautious smile.

“Hey Ellie, how’s your day going?” I’d like to cut right to the chase and ask her where Livy is, but I manage to remember my manners first.

“Hey Parker. You look nice in your suit. Working at the office today?”

“I am, and thanks. Hey, is Livy around?”

“She’s not, I’m afraid. She just left for a break.”

“Do you know where she could be?” My throat tightens all of a sudden.

“I don’t know exactly, she just said that she needed some fresh air.” Ellie stops what she is doing and wipes her hands down the apron she’s wearing. “Are you guys okay? I mean, I know it’s none of my business, but she seemed quiet today, like something was on her mind.”

I feel my jaw pulse, then tense. “Ellie, I’ve got it bad for that girl. I’m all in but I think she’s having a harder time accepting me back in her life.”

“That’s not surprising. She is cautious, especially when it comes to her heart. She has been through way more than your average 28-year-old and trust doesn’t come easy to her. She just needs time to sort it all out in her mind. You mean something to her. You always have, so it makes everything more complicated.”

“I’ll give her all the time she needs but I’m not giving up.” It dawns on me that I know exactly where to find her.

“I can do that. Thanks Ellie, for the talk. I’ve got to run.”

“Anytime. I’m one hundred percent Team Parkey.”

I stare at her with a confused look on my face. “You’re team what?”

“Team Parkey. You know, Parker and Livy smashed together. Or do you think Larker’s better? I’m still working out the kinks.”

I roll my eyes and chuckle. “The smashing part sounds good. Thanks, Ellie. Have a good night.”