Page 29 of Always Been You

She tries to duck past me in the small kitchen, making a beeline for the coffee maker, and I can’t resist pulling her to me by her hips. Her back curves perfectly into my chest.

I nibble on her ear and then press a kiss to the side of her face, wanting her to know what just the sight of her does to me.

“You are killing me in that t-shirt right now. You are every one of my fantasies come to life.” I growl in her ear and she giggles, the sweetest sound. I pull her tighter into me and she tilts her head back so her lips can reach mine, kissing me slowly. I breath in her familiar scent. I want it on my clothes, on my bed sheets, everywhere.

I release her reluctantly to finish cooking our breakfast and she pours two cups of coffee, one for each of us.

“How do you like your coffee?”

“Black works. Thanks babe.” The word slips effortlessly from my mouth. I’m not sure what we are yet to each other, but I know I can’t rush things. We made so much progress last night and I don’t want to lose that. I want to keep this moving forward.

I plate the pancakes and bacon for the two of us and place them on her small round dining table. She sits and I take the seat beside her so I can be closer to her. My knee leans against hers as I sit back into my chair.

“So, what’s your plan for today?” I’m really hoping to get more time with her. Last night was a breakthrough for us and I want her to know that I’m committed to seeing where we can go from here.

“Ellie and I have that event today to prep for so it’s going to be a long one. How about you?”

“I guess I’ll resign my position as your number one assistant and head into the office. I’m sure there’s a lot to catch up on considering I haven’t bothered to check my emails for a full twenty-four hours.” I’m starting to not even recognize myself. It feels surprisingly good to focus on something other than work.

“I hope I’ll be able to get all my work done without you.” She grins before taking a sip of her coffee.

“I can be on call in case of a flower catastrophe,” I joke, noticing Livy’s smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

She picks at the pancakes on her plate with her fork before nervously asking me, “Parker, can I ask you something?”

"Ask me anything Livy, I’ll tell you anything you want to know. I’m an open book when it comes to you.” I look her in the eyes, hoping she will see that I mean it.

“Have you really thought your decision through to stay here for a while? I don’t want to come between you and your work.”

I want to put her mind at ease, to reassure her that I can work effectively from here for a little while. I don’t want her to think for a second that being here with her is an inconvenience.

“I absolutely have. There’s nothing I do behind my desk in New York that I can’t do from here. Besides, it will be good to work along-side my dad and Jules for a while. It’s long overdue, actually. I’ve been meaning to come back and work with the Reed Point team, and now have an added incentive to stay… a very sexy incentive.” I wink and nudge her foot with my toes under the table.

“Now let’s talk about tonight. Can I see you later?” I turn to face her in my seat. I drop my hand to her thigh, gently squeezing it. I swing her body to face me, leaning forward to kiss her. “Dinner with me? Let me take you out somewhere nice.”

“I would love that, Parker,” she answers with very little hesitation in her voice and I can’t help but lean into her again, pressing another slow kiss to her lips. I can’t get enough of her mouth on mine.

“Perfect, I’ll pick you up at seven.”

I grab her empty plate and her coffee mug and straighten up the kitchen as she watches me from her chair with a playful look on her face. Her tanned bare legs stretch out in front of her, toned from her daily runs. My dick takes notice too.

“I think we should add housekeeper to your list of jobs, right after floral assistant and chef.”

“Don’t forget to add sex machine to that list too,” I joke. We both laugh as she tosses her napkin at me and I turn around to adjust what is currently happening in my briefs.

“Time for a quick shower before work? We can save water and shower together. It would only be the right thing to do for the environment. You know, save the earth.” I stick out my bottom lip and flash her my best puppy dog eyes.

“I’m sure that’s what you are worried about.” She rolls her eyes. “I do have to take a shower. Whether or not you join me is up to you.”

Livy reaches for the hem of her t-shirt -my t-shirt- and pulls it over her head in the sexiest way possible, giving me the most unbelievable view of her bare back and that ass that I can’t get enough of. This might be the best Tuesday of my life.

* * *

I’m in the middle of a meeting that seems to be lasting all day. I keep reminding myself to focus on the conversation going on around me, but my mind keeps drifting to Livy lying naked on her bed, Livy dripping wet in the shower and the best night of sex of my life. Talking business usually amps me up but today I’m short on patience. This meeting needs to end before I lose it completely. The thought of stabbing my eye out with my pencil comes briefly to mind.

I discreetly tap out a text to Livy to see how her day is going.

Can’t wait for our date tonight. Get ready, it’s going to be fun xo