Page 80 of Always Been You

Fuck. She is amazing.

Her soft lips cover mine and I kiss her slow and long. Her lips part and I slip my tongue inside to find hers. One kiss turns into two and then three and a sexy sound escapes her perfect mouth.

And I’m gone.

My fingers lazily roam down her jaw to the column of her neck over the fine chain resting along her collarbone. I ask her between kisses.

“You’re still wearing the necklace I gave you?”

“I couldn’t bring myself to take it off.”

“I’m glad.” She whimpers as I kiss my way down the column of her neck. Her eyes flutter closed. I bring my mouth back to hers and kiss her softly. Before I take this any further though, there’s something I need to get off my chest.

“So, we need to talk.”

“Right now?”

Her eyes meet mine, blinking hard. She’s looking up at me and I can tell she is bracing herself for what I have to say.

“It’s okay, babe, no more surprises. I was just going to tell you that I’m not going back to Cape May on Monday without you. There’s no way I am letting you go. I am bringing you with me.”



“Yeah, I’m on board. After the last three weeks, wherever you are is where I want to be. I don’t want to be away from you either.”

I’m surprised she doesn’t fight me on this. I’ve always been careful not to push her when it comes to taking her away from work, but I’ve just got her back and it’s too soon to leave her again.

She has changed my life, made it crystal clear what I want from it. A life with her. Sunrises and sunsets, making memories we’ll never forget and laughing so hard together it hurts.

“You have no idea how happy that makes me, Livy. We will figure things out from there, I promise, but I don’t plan on giving you up any time soon. Whether that means I discuss a transfer back to Reed Point with my dad or you stay in Cape May with me, we are figuring this out together. Okay?”

“Okay, deal. I love you, Parker Bennett.” I’ll never get tired of hearing her say those three words to me.

“Love you too.” I can’t resist her a second longer. I lift her on top of me and crash my mouth into hers. I plan on showing her just how much I love her with my hands and my mouth and my arousal that is pushing firmly against her center.

And when we’re done, I plan on showing her all over again.

* * *

“This is honestly the best chocolate fudge brownie ice cream on the planet. How do they make it this good?” Livy’s eyes light up as she takes another mouthful of her double scoop cone. It’s the little things that make my girl happy. It always has been and it’s one of the many things I love about her.

Livy and I have been in Cape May now for three days. After spending the weekend together at the beach house, she packed up her suitcase and we made the drive east. We made a few stops before leaving Reed Point, delivering the peonies to friends and family so they wouldn’t go to waste. We packed a few with us too for my hotel room, not ready to let go of the memories of what Livy now calls my “grand gesture.”

Livy is staying with me at the hotel and I’m scheming up ways in my spare time to get her to stay here with me permanently. We have come so far. Nothing has ever felt as good as having Livy in my bed every night and Livy to wake up to in the mornings. Waking up with her warm, naked body pressed into mine is a dream come true and I have zero plans of letting her go.

We are learning new things about each other every day. I could listen to her talk for hours. I can officially say I know how hot she likes her baths, I know she needs chocolate at some point every day, she likes her drinks loaded with ice and she can’t wait to have babies. Three to be exact and I have no problem with that. The thought of Livy pregnant with our children is a thought that has crossed my mind more than once and knowing she wants them too makes me excited for our future.

On our walk to the beach tonight after dinner, we stopped for ice cream. This has become our nightly routine. Livy has been researching the best restaurants here in Cape May and every night after work, we try a new one. Then, I take her for dessert, and we walk the beach. I’m moving into my rental home next week, so until then we are enjoying eating our three meals a day in different local restaurants. One of the perks of living in a hotel.

“Be careful, Livy, it’s going to drip on you.” I scramble to find her a napkin and laugh to myself, watching her lick the sides of the cone as the chocolate streams down the side of her hand. I have to stop myself from imagining her licking parts of my body like that. Too late.

“I can spare a few,” offers an older gentleman who reminds me of my grandpa. He is seated at a small iron table beside us on the sidewalk in front of the ice cream shop. He hands me a wad of napkins and I thank him, handing them to Livy.

“A girl after my own heart. My Dottie loved chocolate ice cream too. I could never get her to change her order to anything else.” He is nicely dressed, with graying hair and the look of a well lived life in his eyes.

“See, I’m not the only one who knows what she likes and sticks to it,” Livy says, nodding to the man who returns a chuckle in our direction. “My name is Olivia, and this is my boyfriend Parker. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”