Page 71 of Always Been You

“Everything okay back here? Hunter just left.” Ellie’s eyes meet mine, her brows pulled together. I know she is dying to hear what he had to say.

“It’s fine.”

“What did he want?”

“To apologize, believe it or not.”

“Wow, the dick bag has a heart after all. What did you say?” Ellie pushes the tall garbage bin closer to me. I sweep the small pieces from the dustpan into the bin.

“I forgave him, of course. My mother always told me that when you hold a grudge, your hands aren’t free to catch blessings. And I believe that.”

“Well, you are a better woman than me, Olivia. I would take that grudge to my grave.”

Amused by Ellie, I can’t help but smile. I put the broom away and take a long drink of my water.

“Go home and get ready. I’ll clean up the rest. I am taking you out tonight and we are going to have some fun.”

“Ellie, I don’t know. I think I’m more in the mood for ice cream, playlists full of sad songs and drinking alcohol like it’s my full-time job.” I grumble like the pathetic, broken, sad excuse for a human that I am.

“Not on my watch. And besides, you can still drink your brains out while wearing a cute outfit in a fun restaurant. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

I love so many things about Ellie, but right now her tenacity is not high on that list.



It’s been three days since I’ve talked to Livy. Almost three weeks since I’ve seen her or held her in my arms. I slam my phone down on my office desk. She hasn’t responded to a single call or text. I just want to hear her voice. Ellie messaged me to say Olivia is okay and to leave her alone. What the fuck does that mean? What am I supposed to do with that?

The last time I spoke to her we were planning our next weekend together. How can it go from that to total silence? I replay our last conversation over and over in my mind, looking for a reason for her to disappear on me. My mind is blank.

Rolling the sleeves of my dress shirt up my arms, I lean back into my leather chair, crossing my ankle over my knee. I rest the back of my head against the cool leather and squeeze my eyes shut. The muscle in my jaw clenches. The dull ache in my head has been relentless all weekend and I’m running on zero sleep.

I straighten in my chair at the sound of a light knock on my office door, pretending what’s happening to me right now doesn’t hurt like hell. Carmen stands in the doorway with the files I requested. I have a video call in ten minutes with Liam that I need to be prepared for. Somehow, I’m going to have to get some work done today. To do this, I’m going to need a miracle.

“Sorry to interrupt you. I have the budget update you asked for.” Carmen motions towards my desk, her heels clicking across the shiny hardwood floor. She drops the folder on my desk in front of me. “I made notes in the margin for you to review. I emailed you the link to your video chat as well. Let me know if you have any issues.”

Carmen is my new assistant. She has long brown hair with bright green eyes and is a few years younger than I am. I’ve known her for the two years she’s worked at our Reed Point office under my father. She was happy to make the move to Cape May, needing a change of scenery. She’s undeniably beautiful, but more importantly she’s good at her job and performs well under pressure. Miles has had a thing for Carmen for years, never able to be discreet about it. It’s obvious why, she’s the total package. But since finding Livy again, she does nothing for me.

“Thanks, Carmen. I’ll look at it now.” I take the file and open it. I raise my elbows to my desk and press my fingers into my temples.

“Are you feeling okay? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep. You just look like something is bothering you.”

“I’m fine,” I answer back, forcing a swallow. “I just have a headache I can’t seem to shake. Thanks for asking.”

“Can I get you a bottle of water or Advil? I get headaches often and I know how awful they can be.”

“Actually, that would be helpful. I would appreciate that.” Carmen spins around and walks out of my office.

I pick up my phone to text Ellie quickly before my meeting. I’m hoping when I glance at the screen there will a text from Livy. Nothing. I need answers and I need them now. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep and I’m sucking balls at my job right now.

ME: Hey Ellie. I’m going out of my mind. I really need to talk to Livy. What can I do to get her to talk to me?

Bouncing dots appear telling me she’s typing. Fuck, I hope she has something for me.

ELLIE: I’m sorry Parker. This is between the two of you. Give her space and when she’s ready, I’m sure she will talk to you. Give her a few days.

Dammit! My anger bubbles to the surface. I feel like slamming my fist through a wall.