Page 62 of Always Been You

Kate awkwardly attempts to make conversation but reverts to silence when it falls flat. My mother, on the other hand, is talking a mile a minute like a toddler on a sugar high. It’s a lot. If Kate would just slow down the car just a little bit, I’d consider throwing myself from it. My hand floats up to the pendant around my neck, my fingers rubbing the small star. I think about Parker. He has given me the strength to get through today without even knowing it.

Kate pulls into the driveway and my seatbelt is off and I have one foot out the door before she has time to put it in park. We make our way to the front steps, my dad eyeing the house my mother now lives in, one he has never even stepped foot in. I wonder what he thinks of it. It’s a far cry from the four thousand square feet we lived in before we lost it all.

“The gardens look beautiful honey. You always had a good eye for flowers. It’s where Olivia gets it from.” My dad turns to me with a sheepish grin on his face. “I would love to see Bloom one day soon. Do you think it would be okay if I stopped by for a visit?”

“That would be fine, Dad. I would be happy to show you around.”

“Thanks kiddo.” I’m reminded it has been that long since I have had him in my life. I was a kid when he left, and he still thinks of me that way.

“Let’s get you inside and get you fed. I bet you are dying for a home-cooked meal. I’ll get dinner ready while you three catch up. Maybe you girls can show your Dad around.” My mom opens the door and we follow her inside.

“We can do that.”

The tour takes all of five minutes. The house is small with just a family room and kitchen on the left side of the entrance and three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the right. It’s dated, but in good condition. My mother has always made sure the home is well taken care of and does her best to fill it with love.

We sit down for dinner at the small round table, there is just enough room for the four of us. It feels so different. The last time we ate a meal together, we sat in a large dining room under an oversized crystal chandelier and ate off of fine china. I notice my dad shift in his seat and wonder how he’s feeling, seeing all of these changes that he is responsible for.

“This really looks delicious. Thank you for this meal and for being here tonight with me. I know this hasn’t been easy on all of you and I’m fully aware I’m to blame. I hope we can start to rebuild what we lost, and you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.”

“Of course we can, honey. We are a family. Right girls?”

I quickly fill my mouth with a fork full of food, thinking that’s the easiest way to avoid answering the question. I nod my head to smooth things over.

“What’s your plan now, Dad?” Kate asks.

“Good question. I’m going to start by apologizing to all the people I hurt. It’s going to take some time, but I hope I can undo the wrongs I inflicted. I want to move forward with my life after that.” My dad rakes his hand through his short hair and lifts his gaze to Kate and me.

“I’m not sure what the future will hold for me, honestly. I’ve had eight years to think about this. My priority is becoming a good husband and father and making up for the time we lost. I need to start by apologizing to my family first. Kate and Olivia, I hope you know how sorry I am for the pain I caused you both. You lost everything because of my actions. That was never my intention. I don’t want to make any excuses for my actions but please know I never wanted to hurt you.”

If there’s anything I’ve learnt from the last two weeks with Parker, it’s that second chances can be worth the risk. Letting go of the past is the only way to move forward. I’ve spent too long being angry and I need to let it go. Being with Parker has changed my point of view. It won’t be easy, but I need to give my dad a chance.

“We’ll get there, Dad. It’s just going to take a little time. But I’d like to try.”



He’s already sitting at the bar when I walk into the pub. I can’t even look at him. The son of a bitch is lucky I’ve had four days to calm down. I take the seat beside him. My teeth are grinding in my mouth, my jaw ticking.

“Hey man.” Hunter looks up at me from his stool. I don’t waste any time because I can’t. I feel like a ticking time bomb ready to explode.

“How could you?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Livy told me what you said to her. You are the fucking reason she broke up with me back then. It was you. My supposed best friend.” My eyes narrow on this prick beside me who I thought I knew.

Hunter sits in silence, staring into his pint of beer. I am prepared to sit here all night if I have to in order to hear whatever bullshit excuse he has for me. The bartender takes my drink order and brings me a scotch neat. I think I might need this drink to take the edge off. Every part of me wants to kill him.

“How dare you say that crap to her? Who the fuck did you think you were to belittle her like that? What kind of an asshole are you?”

“I was a dick,” Hunter says, shaking his head. “It was a total dick thing to do.”

“Why did you do it? Why the hell would you say that shit to her?”

He takes a long pull of his beer, his knuckles turning white from gripping the tall glass.

“I don’t know man. It was a stupid thing to do.”