Page 47 of Always Been You

“Yeah Livy? Is it too hot?” He spins around in the doorway before heading to the kitchen.

“No, it’s perfect. Thank you for this.”

“I want to take care of you.”

“I know,” I whisper. “You are. You make me really happy, Parker. One more thing, after our walk, will you take me to bed?”

I don’t need him to respond. The heated look in his eyes is all the answer I need.


I end my call with Nelson and roll my neck to relieve the tension in my stiff muscles. Although plans were approved on the Cape May project, our architect is suggesting a change to our commercial space, which means more work and more headaches for me.

I’m also worried about Livy. Last night was a breakthrough. We needed to have that talk. I’m relieved her walls finally came down. I want her to feel like she can talk to me and really let me in. It’s a sign that she trusts me. I want to do everything I can to be there for her, to show her how much she means to me. I know now that a weekend away, just the two of us, is exactly what she needs. It’s what we both need. The next few days are going to be hard on her emotionally, so a distraction and an escape will help her to get her mind off of what’s coming.

I put in a call to James to see if his vacation home in Seaside is available for this weekend. Our dads are brothers and we have always been extremely close. We grew up living within miles of each other, spending weekends, holidays and vacations together. James lost his mother five years ago in a car accident and it crushed us all. It’s still hard to think about, but that loss was a painful reminder of how important family is and we’ve stayed very close and fiercely loyal to my uncle and cousins.

Thankfully his home is available this weekend, and James said he’s more than happy to allow us to stay there. It’s a beautiful spot overlooking the ocean and I can’t wait to take Livy there. The idea of spending a few days alone, with no interruptions, makes me feel happier than I’ve felt in a long time.

I make one more call to Ellie and run my plan past her, making sure she can handle the store without Livy for the weekend. I want to pull this surprise getaway off without Livy knowing a thing. Ellie loves my idea and thinks it’s perfect timing to get Livy away. She has no problem covering the shop with Leah’s help.

I walk into my father’s office with only one more thing on my to-do list. I need to clear my schedule for Friday afternoon. He’s seated behind his mahogany desk combing through a file. The sun pours into his office through the large window behind him.

“Hi son. How’s my boy?” He looks up from his paperwork, removing his glasses.

“I’m great, Dad. How’s your day?” I take a seat in one of the leather armchairs across from his desk.

“Better now that you squared away the retail space issue with Nelson. I still think you might need to take a trip out there to make sure it was the best decision. It’s smart that you go over the new plans in person.”

“I agree, I can make that happen next week.”

“That would be great. Wasn’t last night nice? Your mother and I had a great time getting to know Olivia again. She’s a wonderful woman and you seem to be really taken with her.”

“I am. That’s actually the reason I’m here. I was hoping it would be okay to take tomorrow afternoon off. I called James and his place in Seaside is free this weekend, so I am hoping to take Livy away. She has had a rough week finding out that her dad is being released from prison on Monday. I would really like to do something special for her to take her mind off of things.”

“Parker, I’m really proud of you. Your heart is in the right place. It’s definitely going to be a difficult time for her and she’s going to need you.” My dad removes his glasses, setting them on his desk, and leans back in his chair. His arms cross over his chest. “Things seem to be moving quite quickly with the two of you. Your mother thinks that she is the one for you. Is there a chance she could be right?”

“I think she could be. I love her, Dad. I don’t know if I ever stopped.” It’s the first time I’ve said those three words out loud and the admission pumps adrenaline through my veins.

“You have our blessing, son. Your mother and I think she is perfect for you. You picked a good one and we are really excited for your future together.”

“Thanks Dad. It means a lot.” I look at the blue skies outside, feeling hopeful.

I know what Livy and I have is real. I’ve never felt like this with anyone but her. I decide I’m going to tell her that I love her this weekend. I only hope she feels the same.



Parker squeezes my hand and weaves his fingers through mine. His other hand grips the steering wheel, driving us to a secret location. My window down, the sun warms my skin. I rest my head back against the seat and gaze out the window. I watch the Cypress trees roll by as the city fades away behind us and I think I might just be the happiest I’ve ever been in my entire life.

“You good, babe?”

“I’m better than good. I feel like I’m in a dream. But I’m dying to find out where you are taking me. It’s killing me.” I turn my head to face him, the breeze from the window blowing loose strands of my hair across my face. He grins, his eyes hidden behind his Ray-Bans which make him look even hotter than he usually does. I’m not sure how that’s even possible.

Parker had arrived at Bloom in the late afternoon, stealing me from work, and surprising me with a weekend away. I’m still shocked that he would go to the trouble of planning this for us. Ellie was even in on the surprise, which made me feel so good. We left Bloom and went straight to my apartment, packed my bag and hit the road. His bags were already packed in the trunk along with some road trip snacks and a box of my favorite caramel apple croissants. He never seems to forget a thing.

As we drive along the highway, I can’t help but feel excited about spending time alone with Parker without work or distractions. Is that how I’m now referring to my father returning home from prison? A distraction? Why can’t I manage my feelings about this? Why can’t I better understand why I’m feeling this way? I wish I could feel happy to have my father back again. Instead, it just feels like re-opening old wounds. I’ve built a wall around my heart to protect it from the scrutiny, the disappointment and the shame. I decide to focus on the weekend with Parker, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my gut.