Page 4 of Always Been You

I haven’t got a clue what time I made it to bed last night, but I do remember that gorgeous brunette I didn’t take home. What the hell had gotten into me? She threw herself at me - literally. I had just taken a seat at the bar and ordered myself a scotch when she slithered onto the bar stool next to me and practically right onto my lap.

It had been a day from hell and all I wanted to do was have a quick drink and go to bed. But there she was in a low-cut dress that left nothing to the imagination. All I could come up with was a cheesy one liner: “You come here often?” Man, I was off my game and had no idea why. She didn’t seem to mind.

I ordered her a drink and we made small talk. She had big, round dark eyes and full lips with long, wavy brown hair. She was to any man’s standards a 10 and she was laying it on thick. I felt the toes of her stiletto rub along my calf as her eyes went up one side of me and down the other.

She made it clear she was mine for the night if I wanted her, but the problem was I didn’t. And I was starting to realize why. I am heading home tomorrow. I am physically in New York City, but my mind is already in Reed Point. With her.

I had lived in New York for the last eight years and bringing women back to my suite has never been a problem. Relationships aren’t my thing anymore, which suits me just fine. Running a multimillion-dollar hotel chain is what gets me off. And besides, no one has ever compared to her. After all these years, I’m not sure if anyone ever could.

The thought of going back home today has brought all of those memories right back to the surface. It’s the reason I stay away from Reed Point. But there was no getting out of the anniversary party tonight; if I was a no-show it would break my mom’s heart. I know how much she misses me, how much they all miss me, and truth be told, I miss them too. I want to see my brothers and my sister in spite of all of the memories waiting for me in Reed Point.

“Hey Jordan.” I swing the door open to meet my early bird assistant. “You sure are eager this morning. You can’t be human.” I rub my eyes and motion him inside.

“Good morning to you too, Parker, and aren’t you a vision. Late night last night?” he says sarcastically, crossing the threshold into my apartment.

“Remind me why I put up with you again?” I shake my head.

Jordan laughs and takes a seat on the couch, stretching his long legs out in front of him.

“Listen, you know your dad has been busting my balls to make sure you are out of this hotel in plenty of time to make it home by four o’clock. He has made it clear that your family, not your work, comes first this weekend. And you know your mom wants to spend a little time with you before the party. So, you my friend, need to get a move on.”

“Ahh, he’s got you doing his dirty work now. I see how this goes.” I laugh and head to the kitchen to make myself a coffee.

“No offense, Parker, but there’s no one I know with a nicer family. Why do you always seem so reluctant to go home?”

“Relax Jordan, you know I’m a momma’s boy deep down. I like spending time with my family. I’m packed and will be ready to hit the road after a shower and some breakfast, so you can save the Dr. Phil shit.”

I open the blinds to that view I have come to love and check on the coffee.

Honestly, Jordan is right. My family is the best. I grew up with two loving and supportive parents who still amazingly love each other after forty years of marriage. My two brothers and sister are my best friends. My older brother Liam, a hot shot lawyer, is the over-achiever of the family. He works non-stop trying to make partner at his law firm back home. Work has been, and always will be, the love of his life.

And then there is Miles. My younger brother is an actor who has a new woman on his arm weekly. He has homes all over the place: Los Angeles, Vancouver, London and he often stays in New York at the Seaside with me. He travels a lot while filming so I always love when I get to see him.

Juliette, or Jules as she prefers to be called, is the baby of the family. Like me, she works for the family business. She is head of marketing and social media for the Seaside chain and has an office at our Reed Point location with our father. I think he secretly likes having her under his wing. For the youngest member of the family, she has always been exceptional at bossing us all around. She hasn’t always followed the rules, but she has matured over the years, thank fuck, and has a boyfriend who seems to make her happy enough.

“Has the email come through from Nelson?” I ask Jordan, grabbing two mugs from the cabinet above me. Nelson Baker is our corporate lawyer, he’s been with the Seaside Hotel chain since the early days. He not only provides us with legal counsel, but he also provides business advice too. “Why does he have to make me wait on every small detail of this deal? I wanted to have this wrapped up before I went home to see my dad.” I pour two cups of coffee and, after handing one to Jordan, sink into the armchair opposite him. I sip my liquid bliss, beginning to feel almost human.

“Nothing yet, Boss, but I’m on it. You’ll hear from me the minute I know more. You know how he can be.”

“This has to happen fast. I’ve got city inspectors ready to go in four weeks and the paperwork is still not signed.” My gaze returns to the floor-to-ceiling windows and that killer view. Even after all these years, I can’t get enough of it. It will be tough to leave it, but the new Seaside development means a move to Cape May – not exactly the New York vibe I’ve come to love, but business is business and I’m an all-in kind of guy. The thrill and the rush of turning a blank canvas into a Bennett boutique hotel is what I live for.

“That reminds me, have you booked my hotel in Cape May?”

“Yes, you are booked at the Pier Hotel in their executive suite. It’s no Seaside, but you’ll be right in the heart of the city. It is the best Cape May has to offer and it will work until we find you something permanent. But I gotta tell you Parker… your sex life is about to go down the drain. Unless you’ve developed a thing for the over 50’s set you’re pretty much fucked once you move there. Actually, not fucked may be a more accurate way of putting it.”

“Don’t remind me, Jordan, I’ve already planned the funeral for my soon-to-be murdered sex life. When I pitched this location to my dad last year, I forgot to take that into consideration.” I massage the back of my neck where my muscles are tensing.

This will be our ninth Seaside property and there is no sign of it being our last. The Bennett formula has proven to work.

My dad took one small hotel inherited to him from his father and found a niche market for boutique hotels on the east coast. He has a brilliant mind for business and an instinct that has always steered him in the right direction. He has taught us to trust our gut instinct, too. If it doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t. My instincts are the reason I was so sure of this Cape May deal. I knew I wanted this property the minute I laid eyes on it. I can feel it, and I’m so close to closing the deal and breaking ground.

A move to the Cape will be followed by a year and a half of overseeing construction and then a grand opening to plan.

“Thanks for the coffee, Parker, I’ve gotta go,” Jordan says, getting up and heading for the door. “I’ll have your car ready for you at the entrance for 10 a.m. Good?”

“Ten o’clock is perfect. Thanks Jordan. Call me if you hear anything from Nelson. My phone will be on.” I walk Jordan to the door and clap him on his shoulder. He has been my assistant since the start and he’s damn good at what he does. He knows when to push me and when to give me space. He even knows I’m hungry before I do. It helps that we are close in age - he gets me.

After Jordan leaves, I hop into a hot shower. My mind drifts back to last night. How the hell did I leave that smoking hot brunette at the bar? And why? That was not me. Short flings are what I do best. No strings attached. I’ve had a few relationships since moving to New York, but never found anyone that could keep me interested for long. It’s not that I’m a dick. I respect women and I’m always upfront and honest with them. I just haven’t been able to find someone here who I can truly open up to.