Page 24 of Always Been You

“That sounds nice, but I was just heading to our wholesaler to pick up an order we need for tomorrow.” I reach for my purse, happy for an excuse to end this now, before I do something I may regret.

“Perfect, let me come with you. I’ll keep you company.”

I shake my head. “I’m sure you have more important things to do than be my assistant for the day.”

“When the boss is as hot as you, it would be my pleasure to assist in any way you need.” Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod.

“It sounds like we would have to get HR involved.” I smile, feeling a tingle deep down in my belly.

“Let’s risk it. Grab your keys, where are we going?” Dammit! How can I say no to that?

“Fine, you win - but don’t make me regret this, Parker.”

“I’m on my best behavior, unless you’d prefer that I wasn’t - that would be okay with me too,” he says, holding up his hands.

I turn towards the back room so he can’t see my face. I’m fighting an enormous smile, slipping so easily into the easy banter we have always shared. He follows me out the back door to the van and we hop in and hit the road. There was no way he wasn’t coming with me. I am no match to his power of persuasion and never have been.

Parker reaches for the radio from where he sits in the passenger seat. “Are you still a die-hard country fan?”

“Yes, I’m a one trick pony when it comes to music.”

He finds a country station and turns up the volume just a little so we can still hear each other talk. I sneak a peak in his direction. God, he’s so handsome. His right arm is draped out the open window, and he looks so relaxed and easy going, like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He’s always been that way, and I’ve always been envious of how he is able to just live in the moment.

He shifts his gaze to me, catching me staring. “So, tell me what a day in the life of Olivia Madden looks like?”

“What do you want to know?” I have made up my mind that I want to be here with him and get to know him all over again, but I’m nervous. There is so much we no longer know about each other and it scares me that he might not be into me now in the same way he was. I hardly live a glamorous life – unlike him, running an upscale hotel in a gigantic, busy city.

“I want to know everything Livy. What makes you happy, what makes you unhappy, what you like to do in your spare time? Is there a certain extremely handsome man you are interested in?” He winks with a grin.

“Well, let me see… I love a good 5-mile run, I’m still not a morning person, I take a hot yoga class on Wednesday nights and if I was interested in a man, he would be tall, dark and very funny.” I glance in his direction and find him smiling this adorably smug grin.

“I could probably help you out with that last part. I know a guy.” Good God! He is charming and funny, and our chemistry is undeniable. He is edging his way back into my heart with every second.

“You probably could,” I say, in a tone just above a whisper. “How about you, Parker? Tell me all about the lavish life you lead.”

“You make it sound like I’m hanging with famous celebrities every night. I work non-stop, barely see my friends and if I’m out, nine times out of ten, it’s for a business meeting.”

That isn’t the answer I was expecting, and it surprises me. What about the parties, the nightclubs, all the women?

“Then what keeps you there?” I want to ask him about the women he has dated but I quickly lose my nerve and go with something safer.

“I’ve been starting to question that myself the last couple of months. Don’t get me wrong, it has been a great experience and I’ve learned a lot, but I miss my family, I miss having genuine connections.”

“Hopefully you’ll find that in Cape May.”

“I am hoping I find that with you.”

I instantly feel a tingling low in my stomach. Is this really happening? oh my god oh my god.

My heart is beating so fast that I’m thankful I am sitting down. I try my best to pull myself together. How do I respond to that?

“Okay.” Okay? Shit, Lamest response ever. I cringe inwardly. If I could throw myself from this moving van and survive I probably would.

We drive for another fifteen minutes and I mentally pat myself on the back for managing to avoid making an ass of myself yet again. We park in the loading bay of Meadow Flowers and Parker follows me inside, insistent on helping. Mabel greets us at the door. She and her husband have owned this business for forty years and are my favorite suppliers. They are both in their late 60s and sweet as pie. They remind me of my grandparents.

“Hi Olivia! And oh my - who is this gorgeous man with you?” Mabel eyes Parker, drinking him in. “Hello handsome, I’m Mabel.”

She extends her right hand and Parker takes it, raising it to his lips for a kiss. Just when I thought he couldn’t possibly be more adorable. I stand aside so I can watch this go down.