Page 18 of Always Been You

“Easy on the tequila shots, Hunter. It’s Sunday and Monday will come quick. Some of us have to actually work,” Liam barks, lifting an eyebrow.

“Jesus, Liam, take your balls out of your purse and shoot the fucking tequila.” Miles laughs, rolling his eyes at our older brother.

“What would you know about work, Miles? You play make-believe for a living.”

“For fuck sakes. We get together how many times a year and I have to listen to you two bitch?” Hunter takes a pull of his beer, annoyance crossing his face. He looks to me, changing the subject. “Parker, any news on the Cape May project? Is it a done deal yet?”

“This deal has been breaking my balls, but I finally heard from Jordan a few hours ago. Nelson called him to confirm that it’s all been settled, and we can start construction next month. The signed contracts are being sent to Dad’s office tomorrow. Liam, will you have time tomorrow to go over them?”

“Yeah, I’ll check in with Dad tomorrow and sort it out. I’ll text you when I have a chance to look it over. This is going to be good, Parker. That location is prime, and I plan on taking full advantage of it.”

“Great news, brother. I think this calls for another round of shots. The Bennetts are taking over,” Miles announces, looking over his shoulder to flag down our server.

“What’s going on with you, Hunter? Your dad still breathing down your neck?” I ask.

Hunter had followed in his dad’s footsteps working at the family business, holding a title there that he never had to work for. His is a classic case of Peter Pan syndrome, a boy who, despite being in his late 20s now, still doesn’t really want to grow up. Hunter works hard but plays much harder. He spends his money on expensive toys and on girls with expensive tastes and seems to have no interest in settling down.

We played on the same high-level football and soccer teams for years, Hunter always wanting the win no matter the cost. He collected red cards like they held value and could be traded. At school, Hunter walked the halls like the trust fund kid he was. Everyone knew him and wanted to be part of his circle, but most had it all wrong. Deep down, Hunter isn’t the bad boy that he portrayed. He is good at his core and a loyal friend who would do anything for you. He just likes the rush of pushing boundaries and taking things too far.

I spend the next hour stealing glances in her direction. It’s taken every ounce of willpower I have not to look her way every three seconds. Watching Livy at her table eating dinner with her sister, Ellie and the two guys from the bar is driving me out of my mind. The jealousy claws at me even though I know I have no right. In all honesty my eyes haven’t left her for more than two minutes at a time. I’ve caught her stares my way too, giving me a glimmer of hope.

How could she forget that connection we shared?

There’s little doubt in mind that if it felt that strong for me, it had to have felt that way to her too.

“Parker, did you hear a word I said? What the hell is the matter with you tonight?” Hunter questions me from across the table. Seeing how distracted I am, he turns his head, following my stare. A second later, he spins back around back to me with an amused grin on his face. Busted.

“Are you serious, Parks? Olivia?” Hunter challenges. “What is it with you and her? You’ve had your eyes focused that way all night. Are you two back on?”

“No, it’s not like that.” Raising the tumbler to my mouth, I shoot back the gold liquid, feeling the burn down my throat. I decide there is no point in talking about it. Even if I told him everything- that I was going for it, that I was determined to make Livy mine - he would never believe that I might be ready to settle down with one woman. I barely understand myself.

Livy is different. She is different than any other girl that I’ve ever been with. As soon as I saw her again the other day, I knew that I had to have her. Whatever happened in the past, whatever heartbreak there was between us, it doesn’t change the fact that she is my girl. The girl. She always has been, and always will be. There is no other option. And I won’t stop until she knows it. “Well then what is it like?” Hunter asks. “I’ve only seen you look like this once before and we know how that ended. Are you sure you know what you are doing? I just don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

“I just saw her for the first time in eight years and I’m trying to figure this out. You know how it was between us.” I notice that Livy is getting up from her seat and walking towards the open patio.

“You always did have an intense connection, but you lead two different lives now. You live in New York. You love women. Plural. Do you honestly think you could leave it all behind for a high school crush?”

It takes me no longer than three seconds to make up my mind.

“I guess we are going to find out.”

I stand up from my chair and follow Livy to the patio. I’m not giving up on her and I refuse to walk away. I won’t go back home without a fight.



I find her on the patio, her back to me, the full moon shining down on her like a spotlight through the clear black sky. Her body aglow like it should be. A star. My star.

I move towards her, fumbling the words in my mind that I want to say to her. I need to get this right. I sense her body stiffen and know that she can feel me inches behind her. I’m so close I can smell her citrus and vanilla scent that has always driven me wild. The air is warmer than usual for this time of year and the energy between us is undeniable.

“Do you remember that night, Parker? You kissed me for the first time on this beach underneath this same sky?” Livy hasn’t moved, but she knows it is me behind her without even turning her head. I place my hands on the railing on either side of her, closing her in, my chest so close to her delicate back. My lips almost brushing her ear.

“How could I ever forget my beautiful girl? I had wanted that kiss since the first minute I saw you.” My mouth is so close to her skin, it takes everything in me not to taste her. I watch goosebumps shiver across her skin, an admission that her body gives mine. She is coming back to me. My girl, letting me in.

“You were that wild boy that I was scared to hand my heart over to. But I never could resist you. And you knew it.”

“I think you have it all wrong. It was me who could never resist you, and nothing has changed after all of these years, Livy.” I want to say more but I know I need to go slowly with her. I remove my hands from either side of her, letting the words I just confessed sink in.