Page 11 of Always Been You

ME: Hey Ells, bringing you Gatorade and soup. See you in 30.

ELLIE: It’s about time! You’re holding out on me. Your best friend status is in jeopardy, woman.

ME: Not nice, Ells. *eyeroll*

ELLIE: See you soon. Kate is en route too. You didn’t think she was going to miss this did you?

ME: You two suck so bad.

After a quick shower I throw on a pair of tights and an oversized sweater and tie my hair in a top knot. Good enough. I hop in my car and head to Ellie’s, making a quick stop at Whole Foods for the care package. I snag a parking spot in front of her building and head up the stairs to her fourplex.

Kate and Ellie are lounging on the couch when I arrive, looking at me like they are ready for an inquisition. I decide to drag it out a little longer, heading into the kitchen and pouring the soup I had just bought into a bowl. I find a spoon in a drawer and bring both into the living room, interrupting their conversation.

“Does she look okay to you?”

“I’m not sure. You?”

“I don’t think she looks okay.”

Kate and Ellie whisper talk back and forth as I drop myself into the armchair across from the sofa the two are sitting on.

“I’m right here, and I have two fully functional ears. I can hear you.”

“Well then for the love of God spill it now!” Kate demands as she pours me a glass of Pinot Grigio from the open bottle on the living room table.

“For the love of God, you are killing us! Dish now,” Ellie adds, taking her first slurp of the chicken noodle soup.

“Okay, I’m not sure where to even start.”

“Before you get into it, we just need to know… Did you see him?” my sister questions me, her brown eyes wide with anticipation.

“I did, you guys. I saw Parker.”

“Oh em gee!” They both squeal.

“Okay, start at the beginning. We want all the deets.”

“I can’t believe I actually saw him after all this time,” I sigh, dropping my head in my hands, remembering how ridiculously gorgeous he looked. I gulp down a mouthful of my wine and start to fill them in on my day.

“First, work: The event set up went smoothly and Mrs. Bennett loved what we did, Ells. She was so happy and the house looked so beautiful. She couldn’t stop thanking me. Mr. Bennett even commented on how wonderful the house smelled. It was stunning.”

“Please tell me you remembered to take photos for social?” Ellie asks, looking like a little color is returning back to her face after drinking half of the soup.

“I did Ells, I took so many and they are going to be amazing. Her house is magazine-worthy, so the flower arrangements looked even more impressive. I wish you could have seen the backyard. It looked magical; what fairy tales are made of. I am so proud of us, Ellie. Taking on this event was the right thing to do.”

“Was it the right thing to do because of the publicity we are going to get or because you ran into Parker?” Ellie smirks. “Now get to the good stuff.”

“You guys, I’m falling asleep with all this talk about flowers. Get on with it. Get to the part where he took you upstairs to his childhood bedroom and you slept together for old times’ sake.” Kate grins, clearly enjoying this.

“Seriously Kate, gross.” I can’t help but laugh. This is a different side of Kate than I’m used to. My sister is normally more reserved. She is a kindergarten teacher, and that is her true passion in life. She treats her students like they are her own and her classroom is always lively and full of creativity. We’ve grown very close in recent years, but I usually save the details of my sex life - or lack thereof- for Ellie.

I replay it all for them both, from the second Parker and I locked eyes until the minute I bolted through the door. They both groaned when I admitted that part, but I have no regrets. Whatever this is between us, it won’t go any further. He lives in New York City; he likes his fast-paced life in a big city with lights and action. I’ve heard all types of action, which turns my stomach. I, on the other hand, am the exact opposite. I know I could never leave Reed Point. Leaving my family, my sister, Ellie and Bloom is not an option. And having my heart broken by my now playboy ex is not something I’m interested in chancing.

“It was nice to see him, but it wasn’t what you guys think,” I lie.

“Oh, come on, you’ve got to be kidding me. There had to be sparks. You go all wiggy every time his name is brought up.” Ellie mocks, pointing her spoon at me like it’s a weapon.

“I do not,” I lie again. “It’s all in the past. You guys are making this into a bigger deal than it is.”