My father removes his lips from my mother's and glares at Killian. "Don't you have school?" my father looks at the clock on the wall and then back at Killian who stops eating.
"Shit," Killian mutters before getting off the stool and running out of the kitchen.
"Don't try and fight anyone today, Killian!" my mom yells as he runs out.
I roll my eyes and continue to make my coffee, putting my favorite creamer in the coffee before taking a sip of it and sitting on the stool close to the island.
"Don't you have training? Alexander is already in the gym with Alessandro waiting for you," my dad says as he still holds my mother close to him.
I roll my eyes when he says that douche's name. "I don't understand why I have to do it with him. All he does is mess around and talk about his latest one-night stands and what he does with them," I grimace remembering all of the things he has told me.
One time he was talking about how he was banging some girl in the bathroom at a club he went to the previous night. He gave me all the details about how she felt, looked, and the things she said as he pounded into her with people nearby.
I mean I don't judge people with what they do with their hook-ups, but you don't have to go around telling people about it. If anything, you should keep those intimate details to yourself. Also, there is a limit to how many times you should whore around, and Alexander reached his limit a long time ago. I wouldn't be surprised if he has an STD.
My dad chuckles and my mother just shakes her head and sighs lightly.
"Well, you have to go today. Alessandro said that you have to come today because you are learning new techniques for using guns," my father says.
"I already know how to use a gun," I smirk.
"Doubt that," my father smirks.
My mother lets go of my father and walks over to the stove. "Do you want anything to eat before you go to the gym?"
"No, I am good, thanks," I say.
"Have you thought about your birthday at all? You’re going to be turning twenty so it has to be something big," my mother says as she puts food on a plate.
"Well, Jane is coming over so I will probably hang out with her."
Jane is my best friend. Sadly, she lives in America with her father, Cole Reyes, and her mother, Layna Reyes. Cole is the second in command of the American Mafia. Jane is two years younger than me and in college trying to pursue a career as a teacher. She loves kids and wants to work with them instead of staying in the kind of business I am doing.
So, she is always at college, and I barely see her or talk to her that much anymore because she is always busy but she is finally coming over and I am so excited.
"Well, we are having dinner with the family before you go out anywhere."
"Who's coming?"
I see my father's eyes widen a little bit making me think everyone is going to be coming.
Oh god, the whole family is coming.
We have a huge family. It's hard to keep up with everyone.
"Everyone," my mother states bluntly as if it’s nothing.
My mom loves seeing the family.
My dad on the other hand likes to keep to himself.
I sigh. "Why? I'm just turning twenty. It's not that big of a deal."
"Yeah but did you forget that Alexander is also turning twenty-one? Don't go thinking you’re that special, Thalia," my mother chuckles.
"Oh yes, how can I forget? Our birthdays are one week apart," I say, giving her a fake smile.
Sadly, my mother had to give birth to me a week away from when Alexander was born.