I saw Killian sneak out of his room through the window and when he saw me watching him, he said not to say anything, but I don’t really care.
There is security everywhere, so I am shocked how he figured out how to get through it all. We have guards around the estate and then cameras everywhere, but Killian manages to sneak out every time.
For the next hour or so Jane and I just talked as I got ready for the dinner.
She told me all about this guy who is in her child development class. She said that he seems super sweet and that he is cute. I told her that she should go for it, but Jane isn't the type of girl to go after guys.
She is more of the shy type when she’s around people she doesn't really know, but around me and her close friends, she is super talkative.
"Girls! Dinner is ready!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.
I haven't gone downstairs since lunch because my mom said she wanted me to stay upstairs. I have no clue why, but I have a good guess of what she is doing.
I look at myself in the mirror one more time before leaving my room with Jane behind me. When I get downstairs, I see decorations everywhere along with my family standing there with their phones out and smiles on their faces.
"Happy Birthday!" they all yell.
I widen my eyes and look around the room. Gosh, literally everyone is here.
"Hi," I say, not knowing what else to say. "You guys really didn't have to do all this," I walk closer to them and start hugging them all one by one.
"Oh, happy birthday T," Ariel says as she hugs me first.
"Thank you, I'm so glad you're here," I say as I hug her back.
After a lot of hugging and saying ‘hi’ to all of the family we go and sit in the dining room, where we have an extremely long table and a chair out for everyone to sit at.
I sit down at the table along with everyone else. I sit at the head of the table in between Jane and my mother on my side.
I look at the other end of the table and see the douche-bag himself.
Alexander Russo.
On each side of him are his parents, Emma and Leo Russo.
His dark blonde hair is just freshly cut, and he is wearing a tux and all. I can see the flashy watch on his wrist and his dark hazel eyes staring into my bright green ones.
Alexander is the heir of one of the smaller mafia organizations here in Italy. His father, Leo Russo is second in command for our mafia but then my father decided to split the mafia in half so that they can both deal with different things. So essentially, he and I are both heirs to the Italian Mafia but I am more of the rightful heir then he is since my father is the boss of the Italian Mafia while Leo is just a boss for the smaller Italian Mafia, he basically still works for my father.
"I just want to say happy birthday to my daughter, Thalia," my mother says as maids start to bring in the food that the chef made. We did have a chef named Lana, but she died when I was a kid from a heart attack. "I also want to say happy early birthday to Alexander," my mother says looking at Alexander who just had a bored expression on his face.
Honestly, he is a douchebag.
I don't understand how my mother sees him as a saint but in reality, he is a fuck boy who likes to get into girls pants without even thinking another thought about it. He is arrogant in everything he does.
I have had an extreme amount of hate for him for as long as I can remember.
We would always have to spend time together because my mother and father are friends with his parents but no matter how much they try to bring us together they can't.
I have never hated anyone or used the word hate because it's a very strong word, but Alexander Russo is the one person I hate. There are so many things he has done to me such as teasing me in grade school with all of his little friends next to him, making sure to pour milk on my head at lunch in middle school, and in high school he always made sure to knock down my books.
Obviously, I wouldn't take his shit so every time he did something like that to me I would always hit him back with something worse.
It’s kind of sad that we hate each other so much because we used to be good friends. But one day Alexander’s mind shifted and now he hates me and makes it his sole mission to corrupt me.
"Thank you, Aria," Alexander says, showcasing a fake smile but I can tell he doesn't want to be here. "I also want to say happy birthday to my birthday twin, Thalia," Alexander looks at me and smirks.
God, I want to wipe that smirk off of his face and shove it up his-