Page 45 of Thalia De Luca

I keep a straight face and still stare at him.

So this is the famous Vladimir Ivanov?

He looks much older than I thought he would be. He looks like he is in his late twenties. I thought he would be Alexander and I's age, but I guess not.

He doesn't look ugly for a Russian but he has soft features and I like guys who aren’t Russian and have stronger, mature faces.

I put a weak smirk on my face. "Vladimir Ivanov." I chuckle lightly. "You are the all-mighty Vladimir Ivanov? Thought you would be more-" I trail my eyes down his figure, "more." I shrug and then I feel a harsh slap on my face.


I am going to kill him. Not a quick death because that's too easy.

If he had any family, maybe a daughter or son or wife, I would kill them in front of him slowly and painfully and then I would kill him. I would skin his entire body and then light him up like a fucking firework before blowing up this shitty estate.

"You have balls," Vladimir chuckles.

I laugh like a fucking maniac. "You are going to wish you never kidnapped me ‘cause I swear to god, when I get out of these chains, I am going to kill your family and then you and then every other shitty person in this hell hole," I threaten. “I’m going to make you wish you were dead.”

"I can't wait, but for now, I am going to have a little fun with you," Vladimir chuckles and he lets go of my face and walks a few feet away from me before staring down at me again.

Bet he liked what he was seeing.

Me, with sweat on my face and my arms chained to the wall, looking helpless and destroyed.

"So, what does little Ivanov want from little De Luca? Are you trying to finish what your father started?"

"No. I want to do something my father wasn't capable of. You see, my father was stupid with everything he was doing, but me? I have a plan set. I know what I am doing."

"What is so different from you and your father?"

"I will succeed while he watches me from hell. I will sleep soundly in my bed knowing that I am satisfied with what I have done to make all of you fucking Italians and Americans pay for what you have done."

I raise my eyebrow. "What did we do, Ivanov? Take away your gorgeous palace and burn it to the ground along with the only people who might have cared about you?"

I can tell what I said made him mad, so he walks closer to me and grabs a hold of my neck, pushing it against the wall.

"I would be careful if I were you," he whispers in my ear. "I am the one who decides whether you should stay alive or not. I can kill you right now."

"Then do it," I smirk.

Vladimir chuckles. "Not yet. I first need you for something but don't worry, I will make sure to have fun with you before you die. But not the fun you think."

"Sounds terrific. Can't wait," I tease. "Should I save the date on my calendar?" I say with sarcasm.

Vladimir clenches his jaw and then punches me in the face. "You are going to wish you never came to this goddamn country," Vladimir then turns around and walks towards the door.

He leaves the room while I spit out blood.

Fucker threw a punch towards my lip making my teeth dig into the skin.

I lean my head against the stone wall and close my eyes.

God, I wish this would be over.

I was just trying to get home and not have to deal with Alexander but now I totally regret doing that. I wish he was with me, protecting me or telling me it was going to be okay.

I just want to go home but I need to be strong. I need to put up a strong front.