Ace looks at Aria. "Aria, what do you think she did? Went on some fucking vacation with fucking Peter? I don't think so," Ace chuckles darkly before turning his attention to me. "What happened, Alexander?"
I lightly shake my head and lean towards him. "I didn't do shit, Ace. Maybe when your daughter comes you can ask her yourself but until then, leave me alone. I got what you needed, therefore, you don't need me anymore."
I stand up from my chair and walk out of his office while Ace calls after me.
I don't give a shit though.
I need something.
A distraction.
A good one.
I could go to the gym and take my anger out by punching the bag or I can get high as shit or wasted.
Seems like the best option.
I get inside the car where Michael is still sitting in the driver's seat.
"Take me to my place," I state, and Michael doesn't say anything else, he just drives without replying. He probably knows I am not in the mood for bullshit. While he drives, I lean my head on the head rest and close my eyes. I feel the car park and I lift my head and see we’re at my place. "Thanks," I say before getting out of the car and walking to the front door.
When I walk in, all of my lights are off. I go to the gym that is in the backyard. I take off my shirt and grab a blunt before lighting it and taking hits.
Once I finish smoking the blunt, I wrap my hands and go towards the punching bag.
I send punches to the bag as my mind races with possibilities and everything that is Thalia De Luca.
Twenty Two
Fucking cunts.
They can't keep me in here forever.
It's been three days since they kidnapped me. Peter is fucking dead, they killed him.
Russians are assholes. They haven't fed me any food at all. They better fucking feed me a five-course meal because I swear if my stomach growls one more time then I will probably just take one of the guard's guns and shoot them in the head like I did with the others.
That's why Vladimir chained me to the wall.
I still haven't even gotten the chance to meet him. He has only been sending guards in the room, making sure I wasn't going to escape.
After Vladimir's men kidnapped me, I woke up in this dark room on the floor with a bruise on my neck from how they drugged me. I felt so dizzy and like I was going to go back to sleep or faint again.
Then, when I killed one of their men, they started to beat me and then they chained me to the wall.
They can't chain me to the wall forever.
I hear the door open making me look up and see a bright light making me squint my eyes. I see a guy’s silhouette walking closer to me before the door closes. I try to get my eyes used to the darkness once again and once I do I see a man with dark brown hair and blue eyes.
I look back down at the ground instead of looking up at the guy. "You can tell your boss I am not dead yet." I then feel someone's hands on my chin forcing me to look up. "Get your hands off of me before I cut them off!"
"With what, printsessa?" the guy says in a harsh tone while trailing his eyes all over my face.
"I'm not going to ask again," I deadpan.
"Shame," the guy says before leaning closer to me. "Name is Vladimir Ivanov," he whispers and then leans away to see my reaction.