Page 41 of Thalia De Luca

'Thalia if you think I am playing around you are dead wrong, answer the fucking phone'

I throw my phone on the bed and walk inside the closet to get my change of clothes which is just a pair of gray sweatpants and a black shirt. I don't bother cleaning the room because the hotel will take care of that. Instead, I get my shit and get out of the door while still calling Thalia's phone.

How the fuck did she get out of the room without waking me up?

Better question, why the fuck did she leave without me?

She really pulled that one-night stand bullshit where you leave before the other person wakes up.

But why?

Did she not like how we fucked last night?

Did I do something wrong?

The only questions in my head right now are why the fuck did she leave and then where the fuck is she.

I thought she wasn't stupid enough to leave the country without me, but I guess she is.

Who the fuck did she leave with if Michael is with me though? Did she leave with Peter or something?

I get outside and it’s freezing balls out here. I see the car in the front with Michael in the driver's seat.

I get inside the car and put my bag on the seat next to me. "Do you know where Thalia is, Michael?"

"I believe she left with Peter in the other plane. She requested to take a separate plane," Michael states as he drives onto the street.

"Do you know why?"

The fuck am I doing?

Asking about her as if she is my girlfriend.

I mean she is mine and everyone should know that. After last night she is most certainly mine.

Honestly, I thought after one round I would get over her and not care for her anymore but then I found myself deep inside her over and over and over again.

I liked it.

A whole fucking lot and I want to do it again. I fucking need to do it again with her.

All of the other girls are now immediately thrown out the window. I only want her. I have always wanted her but after last night I am fucking certain. It wasn't just a hate fuck with her. She probably sees it like that though, knowing her. I doubt she admits her real feelings to herself though.

Fucking Thalia.

Still after years of trying to hate her I’m still obsessed with her.

"She didn't say, and Peter texted me that they left an hour ago," Michael states and I see him with an amused smile on his lips, looking at me through the rearview mirror. "Why, Russo?"

I smirk at him. "Fuck off."

Michael and I have grown pretty close over the years. I see him as a big brother. Although he is a bodyguard, I rarely treat him like one. I would call him my best friend out of everyone I talk to.

All of my friends usually want me for power or money, and I am not into that shit. Before I graduated, I dropped all of my friends in high school. I didn't feel like keeping them. They are all going to college to live a happy, safe life while I go on missions killing people, risking myself every day to fucking make sure that our empire doesn't fall while also hating and lusting after a girl who doesn't give two fucks about me, I bet.

But after last night I am starting to believe otherwise.

Just the way she said my name, the name I hate, Xander.