Page 13 of Thalia De Luca

The door next to us opens and I see the security guard come in. "Miss De Luca, there is a problem outside."

I walk towards him. "No shit.” I glare at him and roll my eyes. “Take these guys home," I say pointing to everyone who is still dancing except for Jane who has a scared look on her face.

I was hoping she wouldn’t hear but she hears everything and is always on alert.

"And you, Miss De Luca?"

"Don't worry about me," I say before walking over to Jane. "Go home. Tell my mom and dad about what happened. I'm going to go see what's going on." I tell Jane as I hear more gunshots from outside.

"No, just come home Thalia," Jane says in a scared tone.

I can tell she is scared. She isn't fit for this kind of life.

"I will be okay," I assure her. "Go with him. He is going to take you guys home. I need to see what's happening." I hear more gunshots go off making me walk away from Jane and past the security who is just waiting at the door, but I look at him and say "Don't just fucking stand there, idiot, get them home," I say pointing to my friends who are so oblivious except for Jane.

I walk past him and grab his gun that is strapped to his belt.

Should have listened to my father when he said to bring a gun.

I check to see if there are any bullets in the magazine. There are so I pop it back in and walk out of the hallway to see what all the screaming and shooting is about.

When I walk out of the corner, I see the whole club a mess and then some men walking around scoping the place. There are a lot of dead bodies on the floor and tables flipped over.

Thank god there is a back door from the VIP area for Jane and the others to leave.

"Where the fuck is she? Vladimir said she would be here," one of the guys says but I don't do anything.

I just stand there listening to their conversation. "Keep checking. She should be here," the other one says.

I walk a little closer making the wooden floor under me creak. I see all of the men stop what they are doing and look in my direction.

I open my mouth and step away only to feel an arm wrap around me and a hand cover my mouth. I feel panic spread through my body.

"Shhh," I hear a familiar voice say as my back is pressed against a strong body. "It's me, angel," Alexander whispers and I feel his lips touch my ear sending chills down my body.

"Hey, I think I heard something over here!" one of the guys says and I hear footsteps coming closer.

Alexander takes his hand off of my mouth and puts his hand on my waist.

"What's happening?" I whisper.

"I don't know."

"What do we do?"

"Watch and learn, angel. All of those training sessions you missed might have helped with these kinds of situations," Alexander says before taking his hands off of me.


Alexander walks out of the corner. "What the fuck is going on over here?" Alexander says while walking more out of the little area we were hiding in. "Damn, I think I was dancing with that one."

I can't help but roll my eyes.

I hear guns click making me think they aimed their guns at him.

"Who are you?" one of the men asks but he has a deeper voice.

"Bitch, I am Alexander Russo," Alexander says making me shake my head.