“She used to be involved with yet another Fleur employee,” I point out, needing Levi to know this bit of information as well. “Ryder McKay. Violet Fowler’s current fiancé.”

“Well, hot shit. PV definitely gets around. Okay, so that adds an interesting twist. Explains a few things.” Levi strokes his stubble-covered chin, like he’s some sort of old-world professor. “She hates the Fowler sisters, that much is clear. Specifically Violet, and now I understand why. She’s with Ryder, who used to be with PV.”

“Soap opera shit, right?” I ask, shaking my head.

“Definitely twisted. Okay, here’s where it gets … bad. Besides PV messing around via email with Violet’s ex, who seems like a real slime ball from the communication I read between them, and probably having a hate-on for Violet because she’s with PV’s ex … there’s another element to the story.” Levi pauses, returning his attention to the laptop and opening up another email. “Pilar has become recent friends with one Felicity Winston, who is president of Jayne Cosmetics, which is a company similar to Fleur. The company was named after Felicity’s mother, Jayne, who died many years ago of breast cancer. Her aunt Laura Winston recently retired and handed over the reins. Felicity has a younger sister and brother, and they both work at Jayne Cosmetics, too.” Impatience rolls through me, making me feel twitchy. Levi’s giving me a bunch of information as if he’s leading to the buildup, when I want him to just get to the point.

“So?” I ask. “Friendly competition is normal, right?” I’m acquaintances with plenty of guys who run private investigation companies in the city. So is Levi.

“This goes beyond that,” Levi tells me. “It starts out innocent enough. Read this email.”

You are such a doll. Thank you again for inviting me to your party last Saturday night. It was such a delight to spend more time with you and your sister. I loved talking shop. Perhaps we can get together again soon.



“This is the first email she sent to Felicity after she went to Felicity’s party, dated four months ago. They continued to chat each other up via email, nothing serious. Casual gossipy correspondence that’s boring as shit. But then about two months ago, things got interesting,” Levi explains.

I hate it there so much. Forrest is so cloying and tries to control my every move and he’s so fixated on Violet’s opinion on everything, it’s like I can’t make a decision on my own. Ever. Dahlia totters in on occasion and pontificates as if what she has to say matters, the old hag. I’m sick of it. Forrest is undermining my authority, as is Violet, and she’s in London for fuck’s sake! I know you have no openings at the moment for someone of my expertise but the second you know of something, please let me know.



The venom in that one short email is telling. She wants out of Fleur. And she blames Violet for all of her problems.

“Pilar’s emails to Felicity go on in a similar vein for a few weeks, until everything changes,” Levi continues, his mouth settling in a grim line.

“What do you mean, everything changes?” I ask. “So she was trying to get the hell out of Fleur. So what? Wouldn’t Lily want that to happen?”

“I don’t know if Lily read the remaining emails. I can tell what was opened and what wasn’t; there’s a history that’s left behind and if you’re smart like me, you can figure it out.” Levi grins and I shove his shoulder, muttering under my breath. Show-off. “Lily stopped reading emails at the one you just read. No others were opened until me.”

“And what did those emails say?”

“It’s this one in particular that you need to read. It’s probably what’s pushing Pilar to get this laptop from Lily so damn bad,” Levi explains as he opens another email.


I understand you’re nervous, but trust me. I swear no one will find out about this. Please confirm you received the information I sent you, as promised.



“Attached to this email is information about Fleur’s new line. The colors of the cosmetics, the names, the new perfumes named after the sisters. Everything,” Levi says.

Jesus. I take a drink of water, then run a hand over my face, my throat immediately going dry again. Pilar blames Lily for causing family turmoil and is giving away Fleur corporate secrets to their direct competition on the side, all while having an affair with Zachary Lawrence, Violet’s ex-boyfriend.

This is some seriously fucked-up shit.

“She must really hate Violet,” I say, blowing out a harsh breath. “All of the Fowlers, really.”

“No shit, Sherlock.” Levi snickers. “Though this isn’t funny, not at all. Your client PV? She is one conniving bitch.”

A conniving bitch I need to keep away from Lily. I should call her. Text her, though she probably won’t answer me. Would she? I doubt it. She’d probably tell me to go to hell and not believe a word I said, not that I can blame her.

“The Fowlers need to know about this, stat. Felicity Winston never responded to Pilar’s email and that went down a few weeks ago. Pilar’s probably freaking the fuck out, especially since she thinks Lily knows all and Felicity is ignoring her. Shit is about to hit the fan my, friend,” Levi continues.

“I need to talk to Lily first,” I mutter, rubbing my hand over my mouth, along my jaw, my mind spinning with all the possibilities. I want to tell her. I need to see her. But how do I approach her? She must be furious with me.