All I want to do is rip them off her body. Dive my fingers between her legs and see just how wet she is for me.

I bet she’s fucking soaked.

“Max.” She moans my name as she tilts her head to the side, exposing her neck to my gaze. I lean in and kiss her there, lick and nibble her skin, and I hear her whimper. Feel the tremble move through her body.

I don’t know what the fuck we’re doing, but I’m playing a dangerous game. One that’s going to get me in a lot of trouble.

For the first time in a while, I don’t really care.

“I don’t even know you,” she whispers as I toy with the flimsy band of her panties. Her skin is so soft and I touch her lightly, drift my fingers across her flesh, slide them over her hip. “Yet I’m letting you touch me like this in public.”

“You’ve never done anything like this in public before?” I kiss her just behind her ear, noting the tiny heart tattoo that’s etched there. The heart is broken, a jagged line going down the middle, and I wonder at that.

“Maybe …” Her voice drifts, confirmation that she has done this sort of thing before. Not that I care, considering she’s with me tonight.

Her past doesn’t matter.

“You want me to stop?” I breathe deep her delicious honeyed scent. Her hair tickles my face and I study the giant diamond stud in her ear, wondering if it’s real.

Of course it’s real. Lily Fowler is worth millions. Maybe even billions.

She shakes her head, her hair catching on the stubble on my cheek. “No,” she whispers.

“Making all your secret dirty fantasies come true then?” I ask as I carefully shift my hand to her front, my fingers tracing along the edge of her underwear.

“Almost,” she chokes out when I swipe my finger across the front of her damp panties.

My hand goes still. “Almost? What do you mean by that?”

She rubs her butt against my cock and I remove my hands from beneath her dress, settling them on her hips. “I have another fantasy. A much … darker one.”

Everything within me stills, with the exception of my heart. It kicks into high gear, pounding within my chest, roaring in my ears. “What is it?”

Lily looks back at me, a wicked smile curving her lips. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

I rest my hand against her belly and then slowly slide it up, between her breasts, along her chest, her collarbone, until my fingers are resting against the base of her throat. I can feel her pulse beat mightily beneath my thumb, hear the slight catch in her breath when I stroke her skin. We’re not dancing anymore but no one cares. No one’s paying attention to us. It’s like we’re in our own little private world and all I can see, all I can hear and focus on, is Lily. “Tell me,” I murmur, ducking my head so my mouth is close to her ear.

She melts against me and I bring my fingers up farther, so I’m clasping the front of her neck, my hold feather light. I may want to possess her but I would never want to hurt her, and she needs to know this.

I hope she realizes my intent. I don’t want to break her. Just … tame her. At least for tonight. Then I have a job to do.

Lily shifts her ass against my cock, lifting her head as if she’s giving me better access. She doesn’t say a word, doesn’t tell me to let her go, and I know she likes the way I’m touching her.


“You’ll think I’m a freak,” she finally whispers in response, her hand dropping to rest on the outside of my thigh. Her fingers burn where she touches me.

“No, I won’t.” I tighten my hold on her neck, making her gasp. “Tell me, Lily. You like it when I touch you like this?” She nods but doesn’t say a word. “I want to know what else you like.”

“I want …” Her voice drifts and I can feel the delicate movement of her throat when she swallows. I press my face against hers, my mouth at her temple as I wait to hear what she has to say next, anticipation riding me hard. We’re playing a game, Lily and I. I have a feeling whatever her secret desire is, I’m the one who’s going to fulfill it.


“I’ve never admitted this to anyone before, so it’s hard,” she says, and I breathe deep, dying to know what she’s about to say next.

“Take your time, baby girl,” I coax, my voice low, my mouth right at her ear. I stroke the fragile skin at her throat, my other hand resting on her stomach. I can feel her tremble beneath my touch and everything within me goes hard.

She swallows again before she speaks, her voice hesitant. “My favorite fantasy is a man breaking into my room.” Her words are low and carefully chosen, her head bent forward, as if she doesn’t want to look at me or meet my gaze for fear she’ll see nothing but judgment there. “I’m sleeping. I have no idea he’s in the room with me.”

With my free hand I reach up and brush her hair away from my face, pressing my lips against her temple. “Tell me what happens next.”

She takes a deep breath. “I can sense that he’s there but I pretend I’m asleep. I like … I like knowing that he’s watching me.”

Arousal punches me in the gut and makes my dick even harder. She likes knowing I watch her, too. “So you want to trick him.”

“No. Not necessarily.” She shakes her head, seeming at a loss for words. I can’t believe we’re having this private conversation in the middle of a crowded nightclub, but I’m so attuned to her, she’s so attuned to me … she is everything I see and feel and hear. “More like I want to savor the moment.”