I go cold inside. Like iceberg-freezing temperatures blowing through me, making me shiver. “They hooked up? What exactly does that mean?”

Violet shrugs. “You know Lily. The term could mean anything. Plus, she said she passed out, so she’s not exactly sure what happened between her and Caden. She does know they kissed, though. She remembers that at least.” She makes a little face, the one that says, and you’re having sex with a guy who possibly had sex with our big sister.

I know she’s thinking that because I’m thinking that.

Maybe he only kissed her. Funny, though, how Caden never mentioned it to me. Not that I’d expect him to say, “Yo, I kissed your sister once,” but he’s never said anything about knowing Lily. I would think that should come up in one of our passing conversations.

“She has no proof he stole those earrings, right? She was drunk or high and passed out. It could’ve been anyone who took them from her.” Why would he do such a thing? And even if he did, one time doesn’t make him a thief.

Or maybe he was a teenage thief. He probably grew out of it. It might’ve been some sort of reaction to his father dying. Kids do crazy things when they lose their parents; they react in all sorts of nonsensical ways. Violet sort of lost it when we were teens. Well, she had reason to lose it with that jerk she trusted who attacked her, but still.

“It’s not just what he did to Lily, Rose. It’s what he’s been doing for years. He travels all over the place and steals from the wealthy. Usually jewelry.”

I’m incredulous. Even if it were true, how in the world could she know this? “You’re making this up.”

“Ryder’s asked around. You know his past is … shady.” She makes a face, but I know how she really feels. Pretending she’s disgusted by his rough past to me when secretly it’s a huge turn-on for her. Ryder has an edge of danger that still clings to him, even when he’s conducting meetings and representing Fleur in public appearances. The man is magnetic and people can look past the edge. Or cling to it. Whichever they prefer. “He has connections. People who’ve given him information about Caden.”

“I don’t believe it.”

Violet raises a brow. “You should. Ryder wouldn’t come to me with this information if he hadn’t confirmed it. He cares for you and doesn’t want to see you get hurt.”

“So what you’re saying is Caden could hurt me.”

“No, what I’m saying is Caden is a known criminal and it’s only a matter of time before he gets caught and is thrown in jail.” She looks at me. Really looks at me, as if she can see to the very depths of my soul, which she probably can because no one knows me like Violet. She’s seen it all—the good, the bad, and the really ugly. “If you care for him—and I think you do—then yes, he’ll hurt you, Rose. He’ll break your heart even if he doesn’t mean to, because the things that he’s doing will put you at risk. He steals from the rich.”

“And gives to the poor? Is he a regular Robin Hood?”

“Not even close. Well, he gives to the poor only because he is the poor. He has nothing.”

“If he’s stealing expensive jewelry and using the money to live on, he has to have something,” I point out.

“Maybe he uses the money to finance his lifestyle. You have to admit, he certainly knows how to look rich. And act rich.”

He doesn’t really dress expensively. His shoes are average; he doesn’t own an expensive watch or … anything, really. Yes, he came to the UK on a jet, but his friend is the owner of said jet, not Caden. “He’s not overly excessive.”

“Right. Because he’s using you right now.” The look on Violet’s face is nothing short of smug. I sorta want to smack it right off of her. “Who’s paying for the hotel bill, hmm? Who’s paid for meals and entertainment? You?”

There hasn’t been much entertainment beyond the naked variety and that’s free. When we’ve gone out for meals, usually Caden has paid. But we haven’t gone out much. The hotel is my expense—well, Daddy’s. He told me to put it on the company credit card, so I did. We’ve ordered plenty of room service and the bill is probably the furthest thing from cheap. I gave myself a month to stay there and my time is almost up. I either need to go back home or stay with Violet and Ryder.

I really had no plan beyond getting back to the States and trying to continue seeing Caden. I haven’t been thinking about the future. It’s been freeing to let go and just live in the here and now. But maybe I should have questioned him more. Then I’d know what was really going on in Caden’s life rather than have Violet so gleefully tell me all the dirty details.

Everything he’s told me is a lie.

But has he really told me anything? No, not beyond the story of his father’s death. I really know nothing else about the man. I know he has a way with words. I know I tremble every time he touches me. I know I love the way he says my name every time he first enters me.

“I’m just … worried about you, Rose,” Violet says, her voice soft, her gaze full of concern. I know she means well, but it doesn’t stop me from being angry at her for butting in where she’s not wanted. “I don’t want you to get hurt. I want you to be aware of what you’re dealing with. Who you’re dealing with.”

“I know who I’m dealing with,” I say, fighting the unease that wants to sink its sharp grip in me. “He won’t hurt me. This isn’t some grand love affair. It’s a little fun while I’m in London, nothing else.”