Not to mention the fact that he just revealed he doesn’t like Zachary Lawrence. Interesting.

“International positions are opening up within Fleur,” Forrest continues when I don’t say anything. “Not just the one Zachary is filling. Temporarily, I might add,” he says, making me like him even more. “I wanted to see if you were interested.”

“Interested in taking a position overseas?”

“Yes. More opportunities are set to open within the next few months.” He studies me, his gaze never wavering. “I think you would be a most excellent candidate.”

Triumph surges through me. This is exactly what I want. What I’ve been working toward over the last few years, ever since I came to Fleur. Recognition from Forrest Fowler accompanied by promotions and opportunities that’ll bring me the money and prestige I fucking deserve.

“I’m honored, sir,” I say with all honesty. “Your consideration means a lot to me.”

He smiles. “Not that I haven’t noticed your hard work, McKay, because I have, but you need to thank Violet. She’s really been championing your work.”

I frown. Really? What about Pilar? She’s the one who’s supposed to be working Forrest over to get me a promotion. “Violet?”

“Yes. We had a meeting a few days ago with the board, discussing who we thought would be a good fit for the international positions. Your name was brought up by Violet. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she has a crush on you.” He winks at me.

A crush. That’s a funny way to describe what Violet and I are doing. How I feel about her.

And just how do you feel about her, asshole?

I ignore the bitchy voice still lingering inside my head.

“I really doubt that,” I tell him, earning a chuckle. “Seriously, Violet has been a joy to work with. She’s very smart.”

“I know.” Forrest beams with pride.

“Her cosmetics line will bring in tremendous business to Fleur. It’ll appeal to the younger set and attract an entire new customer base,” I say.

“That’s the plan.”

“You know …” I lean forward and brace my elbows on my knees, cupping my hands together. While I have his attention, I’m going to take a chance. The worst he could say is no. “I have this idea … but I probably shouldn’t bother you with it.”

“You absolutely should bother me with it,” Forrest encourages. “I love an idea man. Not enough of them here if you ask me. Just a bunch of sheep, always nodding in agreement with whatever’s said.”

Interesting. I’ll have to remember this for future use. “All right. Here’s what I was thinking.” I’ve had this idea since I started working for Fleur, but I’d never had the balls to mention it to anyone. Now that Forrest Fowler is my captive audience …


Forrest tilts his head, not looking impressed. “We have a few of those already, son. That’s nothing new.”

“I know, you’re right. But it’s been a while since Fleur has introduced a new scent. And I was thinking it would be smart on Fleur’s behalf to roll out three,” I explain.

“Three?” He frowns. “All at once, or every six months …”

“All at once. Each one of the scents will be distinctly different yet somehow still cohesive. They’ll go together, complement each other. We would sell all three as a set—and separately—and they would be aimed at the woman on the go. The girl in her early twenties who’s graduated college and is just starting out on her career, savoring her independence and attempting new things.”

“Interesting. Go on.” Forrest nods.

“And we would call the perfumes …” I go for the dramatic pause because holy hell, I have nothing to lose. “Lily. Rose. And Violet.”

The room is silent. I swear he can hear my thunderous heartbeat. I put it all on the line and if he says no, I’ll be all right. At least I made a suggestion, which is a lot more than I can say for the rest of the chumps that work at Fleur.

Forrest grins slowly and he keeps nodding his head. “I like it. I like it a lot. Hell, why did I never think of it? We have a Dahlia scent, Fleur’s very first perfume. Why wouldn’t I think of my own daughters?”

Relief floods through me and I almost slump in my chair. But I keep my shit together and act like this is a normal experience. “I’m glad you like it,” I say tentatively.

“Brilliant is what it is. I want you to write me up a more detailed proposal and then email it to me. CC my assistant Joy, too.”

“Thank you, sir.” Excitement builds within me. This little meeting is turning out better than I thought. He actually listened to me. And even better, he likes my idea, which he should because it’s a hell of an idea. One I never shared with anyone, not even Pilar.

That bitch would steal it from me and take all the credit. I knew this, and that’s why I chose to remain silent. We do nothing but keep secrets from each other. That’s all we’ve ever done throughout our entire, strange relationship.

No wonder I have no idea how to love a woman. I’m so fucked up, I trust no one. Don’t want to get too close. Don’t want to reveal my vulnerabilities, my fears, my weaknesses. The only person I’ve gotten close to doing that with is …

Violet. And I hardly know her.

“I have a call to make.” He stands and rounds his desk, holding out his hand toward mine. I stand and shake it, giving it an extra pump, which makes him smile. “I’m impressed, son. Keep this up and you’ll go far at Fleur.”