I frown. “What do you mean?”

“Well, we’re opening up a small office in Japan. I believe that would be a better fit for him. We want to tap into the edgy Tokyo market and I think he would do well leading the team there.” He leans forward, his voice lowering. “We both know it wasn’t working between the two of you.”

I can’t believe he just said that. “So he won’t be coming back?” I ask, my words slow and careful. I want to make sure I completely understand what he’s implying.

“No. I have no plans for his return.” He gives me a look, one that says he knows everything. “He’s disruptive, Violet, and you know it. I let him stick around this long because of your relationship with him, but now that’s in complete shambles …”

“I’m still talking to him,” I say, interrupting him.

“Don’t waste your time.” The way Father says it, it’s as if there’s no argument necessary. We’re done. “He’s no good for you, Violet. His philandering has hurt you terribly.”

I’m shocked. I didn’t realize he even noticed. “What about his current position?”

“His second in command will take his place,” Father says smoothly, without a care. “I’d like to talk to you about taking on the London position. Permanently.”

My mouth drops open. “I haven’t thought much about it.” All lies. From the moment he mentioned the possibility, the idea has lingered in my mind. Going to London would be a terrific opportunity. I could learn a lot there. The only thing I fear is leaving New York, my family, my friends.


“Really? It’s the perfect opportunity. And it wouldn’t be forever. You can assist with foreign production, catch a glimpse of the sales side and the marketing side. All of it excellent information you can add to your résumé when you take over the company for me after I retire.”

I’m gaping at him like some sort of dying fish. What he’s saying is blowing my mind. “What about everything I do here?”

“Rose can help. And Lily …” His voice drifts and his gaze turns sad. “I have high hopes I can convince her to come back and work with me. Maybe with you gone she’ll understand how much we need her.”

I can’t help but want to be here when that moment happens because it will be a miracle. “It sounds wonderful,” I say, excitement rising within me. This is a chance I can’t let slip by. And if Lily came back to Fleur to take my place, then I wouldn’t feel so guilty for leaving.

“Think on it,” he tells me, his voice gentle, as is his expression. “You have time. Zachary will be in the London office for the next four to six weeks. Perhaps you could have a decision within the next two weeks?”

“That sounds fine.” He smiles at me and I know the conversation is done.

“Perfect. Now. I know you just told me you’re talking to Zachary and I’m irritated by the way he treated you all of these years, but I still would like to give the worthless ass a quick going-away party. Will you help with that?”

Did my father just use the word ass in front of me? What in the world is happening to everyone? “Help as in coordinate it completely?” Dread threatens, but I push it aside. If we have a going-away party for Zachary, I know he’ll want me by his side the entire evening. And if Rose or Lily discovers this while at the party, seeing me playing the sweet stupid girl while he’s off doing whatever he wants, I’ll never hear the end of it.

“Yes, exactly,” he says with a contrite laugh. “Does that sound all right to you?”

“Sounds fine,” I say nervously. This will be my last official duty as Zachary’s supposed girlfriend, I swear. “You’re in a good mood.”

His smile softens, as do his eyes. He looks so happy … almost carefree. “That’s because I’ve met a woman.”

My breath freezes in my lungs. No way could he be referring to …

“So you’re seeing someone?”

“I am.” He nods.

“And is it serious?” I ask casually, clutching my shaking hands together in my lap.

“It’s turning that way.” His smile fades. “I hope you don’t think I was hiding her from you. It’s just that … I wanted to make sure of our feelings for each other before I introduced her as my girlfriend to you and your sisters.”

“I understand,” I lie. He was totally hiding her if he’s referring to Pilar.

Rose is going to flip. So will Lily. I’m ready to lose it right now, but I keep my cool.

“Good.” His smile returns, bigger this time. “She keeps me young. I haven’t been this happy in a long time.”

I wonder if he knows that Pilar has cheated on him—with my ex. I wonder if there have been others. I can’t help but wonder when was the last time Ryder and Pilar had sex.

I think I’m going to be sick to my stomach.

“Thank you, my dear.” He stands, and I do so as well. “I appreciate you coming by.” Slipping back into his formal ways. I see where I get it from.

“And I appreciate the offer you’ve made. You’ve given me a lot to consider.” More than I ever imagined, both about my professional life and his personal.

“Good.” He smiles with approval. “I can’t wait to hear your answer.”

I walk out of Father’s office in a daze, this one different from the sexual stupor Ryder put me in before. This time, I’m amazed and confused by Father’s offer and his subtle revelation. He wants to keep Zachary away from me. He has a girlfriend who keeps him young. He wants to give me an opportunity to prove that I’m capable of running Fleur Cosmetics someday.