Gooseflesh rises at his touch and I sway on my feet. “Yes.”

“I think I’d rather take my time.” His gaze returns to mine. “And savor you.”

That sounds absolutely perfect.

Chapter Twenty-six


I’m minding my own damn business in yet another packaging meeting when I see her walk by, sexy as fuck. As usual. She stops in the doorway of the conference room I’m sitting in, giving me a perfect view of her, and I almost feel like she does it on purpose.

She may act sweet and innocent, but she’s devious—at least when it comes to tempting me.

Violet is wearing her hair up, revealing that elegant, kissable neck. Pearl studs are in her ears and the dress she wears is a deep shade of purple. It fits her body to perfection, accenting every dip and curve.

But it’s her legs that do me in. Usually they’re bare—which is a temptation I fight against since that first moment she let me touch her. Today, though, she has on black, diamond-patterned stockings and the highest, shiniest black shoes I’ve ever seen her wear.

Instantly my brain goes to Violet sprawled across my desk, her skirt hiked up to her waist, those patterned legs splayed in the air while I stand between them, fucking her until she screams.

Yeah. I’m a twisted mess over this woman. I can’t get enough of her. I stayed the night at her place last night and kept her up. Alternating between talking, kissing, and fucking, there wasn’t much time to sleep.

I wonder if she’s up for a repeat performance tonight.

“Ryder. Did you hear me?”

I jerk my attention away from Violet standing in the doorway to smile at Luann, one of the smartest members on my team. “Sorry. Repeat that?”

We’re talking about finalizing the packaging for the holiday sets and she asks if I prefer gold or silver trim.

I go with gold.

The meeting is over and Violet is still standing there, talking with someone. I can’t tell who. Anticipation fills me as I get up from my chair and start for the doorway. I keep my steps measured, not wanting to look too eager.

The woman makes me fucking eager. She’s all I think about. All I want. I care about her. Worry about her when I don’t know where she is. It’s confusing as hell.

I draw closer. I’m about to say something when I see exactly whom she’s talking to.

Zachary motherfucking Lawrence.

“Violet.” I murmur her name as I stride by her, not stopping, not even looking in Lawrence’s direction. I can sense his smug arrogance, the triumph he feels radiating off him. The asshole thinks he’s won.

But he’s not the one sleeping in Violet’s bed at night. He’s not the one with his face buried between Violet’s legs, tonguing her until she comes. And he’s definitely not the one sinking his cock deep inside her welcoming body.

Yeah. That honor would go to me.

She doesn’t say hello, but I can’t blame her. I feel her eyes on me, though, as I walk away, and I smile. We’ve gone full incognito with this … affair we’re having, and I’m enjoying the hell out of it.

I take that back. I don’t like her spending time with Lawrence, even though I told her to do it. I don’t like pretending I’m on good terms with Pilar, either, because I don’t trust her. That bitch is trying to cross me and fuck over Violet. She is hell-bent on getting whatever she wants, and it doesn’t matter who gets hurt in the process.

Oh, and I’m this close to having confirmation that she’s fucking around with Forrest Fowler.

The woman has balls of steel, I gotta give her that.

Deciding I may as well go see her and get it over with, I make my way to Pilar’s office, knocking on her open door before I enter. She’s on the phone and she turns away from me, murmuring something quick before she hangs up and turns on the charm.

“Darling. A visit from you is always a lovely surprise. Especially since I feel such a … distance between us lately.” She leaps up from her chair and comes to me, clasping her arms around my waist and pressing her lips to mine.

I lean away from her mouth, startled that she would try and kiss me at work. Shocked that she would kiss me at all. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know,” she trills, as she releases her hold on me and does a little dance around her office. “It’s a good day, you know? The sun is shining, the weather is warm. I had words with Violet this morning and I think I upset her. Life doesn’t get much better than this.”

I’m stunned. “Words? What are you talking about?”

Why didn’t Violet tell me? What the fuck is going on?

Pilar tsks and settles back in her chair. “I paid her a visit in her palace, otherwise known as her office.” She rolls her eyes. “Nothing like this dump.”

She has a corner office with an amazing view of the city. It’s far from a dump. “Hell, Pilar, are you ever happy?”

“Today I am.” She laughs. “You should’ve seen her. I got her riled up. Trembling so hard her voice shook as she tried to defend herself.”

“What exactly did you say?” I feel fucking awful. I wish I had been there so I could defend Violet, but …

Yeah. That would’ve blown our cover for sure.

“I heard her complaining to her sister that she was worried her line wouldn’t be ready in time for its set debut date. The moment Rose left her office, I went in for the kill.” Pilar smirks. “I tried for the innocent act, feigning concern for her line, then implied that maybe she wasn’t cut out for heading such a large, demanding project after all.”