But I do none of that. I smile at the waitress even when she glares at me and I push my chicken around on the plate like I haven’t a care in the world, while I watch Zachary shovel giant forkfuls of lasagna into his mouth.

Ugh. He’s repulsive.

“You’ll come visit me soon, right?” he asks after five minutes of long, almost painful silence.

“Oh, yes,” I say, setting my fork down on my plate. I’m giving up. I’m just not hungry. “It’s been years since I’ve been to London.”

“We’ll check out the sights together. And go to Paris.” He smiles, knowing that’s exactly what I want. He’s just trying to please me. Trying to suck me into his web until I’m trapped and back in the same position I was in before.

Stuck and miserable.

My cell buzzes and I check it discreetly, my heart pounding when I see it’s a text from Ryder. I read his words slowly, savoring them, trying to repress the smile that wants to break free.

I miss you.

He confuses me. He’s cold. He’s hot. I can’t figure him out.

I’m with Zachary, I tell him to see if I get a rise out of him.

It works.

Tell that asshole you need to go home and I’ll meet you at your place.

I can practically hear his growling, sexy voice. A shiver moves through me as I hurriedly peck out my response.

I can’t leave yet. We’re eating dinner.

Fuck dinner.

But I’m hungry.

Come fuck me instead.

“Who are you texting?”

“Oh.” I glance up, clutching my phone tight, covering the screen. It’s in my lap, so Zachary can’t see anything, but still. “It’s, um, Lily. She wants to meet for breakfast this weekend.”

“Tell her you have plans this weekend with me.” He flashes me a smug smile.

“I can’t ignore my sisters, Zachary. You know how important they are to me,” I reprimand him.

“And I’m not important? I know I need to prove myself to you, Violet. I should consider myself damn lucky you’re giving me this chance, and I do. But I’m leaving in a few days and I’d really like to spend any free time I have with you.” The sincerity glowing in his eyes is hard to ignore, but is it for real? This is such a turnaround from the man who announced he was leaving and that he didn’t have much time for me, what with all his preparations.

My phone buzzes in my palm and I glance down, Ryder’s impatience blatant in his one-worded text.


Lifting my head, I offer Zachary an apologetic smile as I stand, still clutching the phone. “Do you mind if I call her real quick? I won’t be long.”

“Go.” He waves me away with an irritated glare and I flee, finding a secluded spot near the bathrooms so I can make my call.

“Tell me you’ve left,” Ryder answers, all growly and sexy.

“I haven’t. I snuck away from him to call you,” I say, glancing around to make sure no one is paying attention to me lurking in the dark near the restrooms.

“Tell him an emergency came up and you need to leave.”

“What sort of emergency?”

“I don’t know. That you need to get fucked and the only one that can do it for you is me?”

“Ryder.” I close my eyes and lean against the wall. “You told me we needed to be discreet.”

“I didn’t think it would bother me so much that you’re with him,” he says, sounding as confused as I feel.

“You think I like it that you’re spending time with Pilar?” I throw back at him.

He remains quiet. His usual mode when he doesn’t know what to say.

“We’re almost finished,” I say quietly. “I’ll beg off and tell him I have a headache. I’ll text you when I’m on my way.”

“Ten minutes,” he says tightly. “If you don’t text me in ten minutes, there will be hell to pay.”

Everything inside of me goes liquid. “What do you mean?”

“Test me and find out.” And then he’s gone.

Releasing a shuddering sigh, I go into the women’s bathroom and wash my hands, then splash cool water on my heated cheeks. I tear off a paper towel and stare at my reflection as I dry my hands and pat at my cheeks.

Who am I? What has happened to me since Ryder so casually walked into my life and turned it upside down? I’m pretending to want to be with my ex-boyfriend while texting my lover on the side. The very man who demands that I meet him at my place or there will be hell to pay.

I remember what he did to me last night. His hand around my throat as he fucked me … when he spanked me …

God. That had been so shocking. Yet I want more. I crave more.

On shaky legs, I return to my table with Zachary and settle in, grabbing my glass of water and gulping it all down in a few swallows.

“You all right?” he asks, concern lacing his voice.

“I have a terrible headache. All the stress I’ve been dealing with lately …” I offer him a trembling smile, hoping my subtle guilt trip works. “I’m afraid I need to cut this short.”

“I understand.” He leaps to his feet and helps me out of my chair as if I’m fragile. I let him escort me out of the restaurant, regret filling me that I didn’t enjoy my meal. My nerves are frazzled, my mind is fuzzy, and between my legs I’m wet and throbbing.

Because I know soon I’ll be with Ryder. And I’m almost hoping there will be hell to pay.