“I’m not sure you know how to love.” I swallow hard, past the shaking in my own voice. I hate showing even a hint of vulnerability to him. I don’t want him to think he has any sort of hold over me.

As usual, Zachary ignores what I say. Heaven forbid he should react to my insult. “Don’t let it end like this, Violet. We need each other. I need you more than you’ll ever know,” he implores.

“What? You need me so you can get ahead in the company? You seem to do a fine job of it all on your own. Sucking up to my father for the potential London promotion? Nice work on that one.” I take a drink from my wineglass, telling myself to keep my patience. It wouldn’t do for us to start arguing, though I think we’re halfway there already. Not that Zachary and I ever argued. We’re too polite for that.

“I deserve that. You’re right. I’ve behaved badly during our relationship and for that, I’m sorry. I’m sure you think I’ve—used you. I regret many of the choices I’ve made, Violet, but I’ve never regretted you.” He takes a step toward me and I step back. “Can’t you give me another chance? I know I messed up. I was angry that you were always so consumed with your work, even when I told you that I’m leaving you for London in a few weeks.”

I gape at him. I always made time for him. Always.

“And then you started spending time with McKay. It threw me. I didn’t know what you were up to.” He runs a hand through his hair, then immediately pushes it back into place. “Pilar filled my head with a bunch of lies and I overreacted.”

A bunch of lies? What could she have told him? “Overreacted how? By letting her put her mouth on your penis?”

He looks shocked. Good. I’m feeling a little shocked by this entire conversation, too. “What I did with her doesn’t matter. I love you. I don’t want to lose you.”

This is the last thing I need to deal with tonight. “It’s over, Zachary. I don’t know why you think otherwise or why you believe you can change my mind, but you need to stop,” I tell him firmly.

“You can’t just cut me off. We have a history. A shared past together. We planned on running this company someday, side by side. What about those plans?” he asks indignantly.

“They’re over. You ruined them a long time ago.” I start to walk away but he darts out, grabbing my arm and stopping me.

“You’re being ridiculous.” He thrusts his face in mine and I recoil, fear trickling down my spine. I’ve never seen him so angry. “We belong together, Violet. You know this.” His tone is low and downright menacing. I can almost believe he’s threatening me.

“Let her go, Lawrence.”

We both turn at the same time to find Ryder standing there, watching us with a furious scowl marring his otherwise handsome face, his legs braced wide apart and his hands stuffed inside his trouser pockets. My heart races at seeing him, at the fierce way he’s staring down Zachary, looking absolutely in command in his dark suit, his hair a delicious mess and that cold, dark stare.

“Get the fuck out of here,” Zachary snarls, his teeth clenched. I gasp at his choice of words. This is a man who rarely says anything bad. “We’re having a private discussion.”

“Fuck you. Stop pushing her around, asshole. She’s not with you anymore, or did you forget that?” The mocking tone in Ryder’s voice sends about a thousand different shades of red flashing across Zachary’s face. He’s so furious he’s practically vibrating with the emotion.

“Stay out of my business,” Zachary fumes just as I jerk out of his hold and go over to stand by Ryder’s side. I can tell the gesture alone surprises him. Hurts him. Infuriates him.

For the first time since I laid eyes on him, I don’t care what he thinks about me. I’m done being the pretty toy he puts up on the shelf and admires from afar while he’s off playing with his other dolls.

“I’m not your business any longer, Zachary,” I tell him, stiffening when I feel Ryder’s hand rest at the small of my back. He’s putting on some sort of unified front for Zachary and I’m not sure if I want him to. “There’s nothing left for us to discuss.”

“Violet …”

“Not here,” I say, interrupting him. “Stop. Go. Before you make a fool of yourself.”

He glares at us both, his gaze going from me to Ryder and back to me. I stiffen my shoulders and lift my chin, hoping I look strong when I feel anything but.

“We’ll talk later,” he mutters before he walks away.

“The guy can’t take a hint,” Ryder says the moment Zachary is out of earshot, streaking his thumb across the center of my back, making me shiver.

I step away from him, uncomfortable. “You shouldn’t have butt in.”

He cocks a brow. “You looked like you needed a helping hand.”

“It was fine. I’m capable of having a civil conversation with my ex.” I release a shuddering breath, hating how everything tightens inside of me at the mention of the word ex. Am I regretting my decision? I just … I don’t know what I want anymore. I feel completely out of control.

And I don’t like it.

“You might be, but I’m not so sure about Lawrence.” Ryder takes a step toward me and I back up, feeling cornered. Feeling … trapped.

And angry. Why do all the men in my life try to push me around? “I don’t need you to come to my rescue.”