“It’ll be more than good.” I glance up at the sound of a knock on my door, dropping the box under my desk and the tie into my lap when I see Pilar standing in the doorway. “Sorry to cut this short, but someone’s at my door.”

“I’ll see you soon.” Violet hangs up before I can say another word and I settle the phone back in the receiver, offering Pilar a polite smile.

“What brings you here?”

“What sort of greeting is that?” She strides into the room, the scent of her strong perfume following her like a cloud. Her bold choice in dress, in hair and makeup and scent, fits her. It’s all a part of her personality, her own brand, she’s told me more than once. She wants to be memorable, and she most definitely is.

I sometimes wonder, though, where the realness is. Who is Pilar really?

“I figured you’d be off toying with Lawrence’s affections,” I say, regretting it immediately. I sound like a sullen, jealous idiot.

“Oh please. I can play with both of my boys.” She smiles winningly and settles herself in one of the chairs across from my desk. “I wanted to talk to you. I’ve heard rumors.”

I’m instantly wary. “What sort of rumors?”

“That you went to dinner with Violet last night.” She makes a tsking noise, shaking her head. “I thought you were giving up that part of the game.”

“You wanted me to give it up,” I point out. “I never agreed.”

“You should. It’s pointless, what you’re doing. She’s a little nothing.” She flicks her fingers, as if she could dismiss Violet from the room, from my thoughts. “You’re wasting your time.”

“You already told me that. Numerous times.” I level her with my most intense stare. “But I’m going to do what I want.”

“And what is that? Violet?”

“Does it really matter? You’ve changed the rules of the original game. I’m going to do my own thing and you’ll do yours.” We each want a different outcome. She, for whatever twisted reason, wants to take Violet out and I want to take Violet to bed.

She pushes her lips into an exaggerated pout. “I miss you, Ryder. It’s not the same.”

I want to roll my eyes but restrain myself. “It all went down only two nights ago, Pilar. You act like we haven’t talked in months.”

“It feels like it.” She shrugs, turning toward the window that faces downtown. “I’m afraid you won’t care about me anymore when you fall for Violet.”

“Who says I’m going to fall for her? And I will always care about you. You know this,” I reassure her. I sound like I’m on repeat, saying the same thing to her over and over again. I’ve said the same words so many times, they’re starting to mean nothing.

“You’ll fall for her. Every man seems to fall for her. I don’t understand why. She’s nothing special. Just some weak, stupid little girl who can barely hold her shit together. The other one is too tough to make up for that disgustingly beautiful face of hers, and the oldest one is a complete whorish mess.” Pilar leans forward so she’s perched on the edge of her seat. “The Fowler sisters are falling apart. Their grandmother and their father will see eventually, and maybe then they’ll let an outsider come in to run the company.”

“I’m assuming you believe you’re the perfect person to do that?” Now I do roll my eyes. “Give me a break, Pilar. If that ever happens, we’re still a long way out. Focus on doing what you can here and then move on to another cosmetics company. Or a fashion house. Something bigger and better than this.”

She reaches out and punches the edge of my desk with her fist, her face full of fury. “I want this company,” she says through clenched teeth. “This is what matters to me. Fleur. Nothing else. That they continue to practice such blatant nepotism when those two girls can barely keep their shit together is beyond me.”

I glance at the screen of my desktop, see that I have a new email. From Violet. I tune out Pilar as she continues her diatribe and read what Violet wrote.

Dear Ryder,

I hope you didn’t think me rude with the way our phone call ended. It’s been bothering me and I hate to imagine you being offended over my hanging up on you. You mentioned someone had come into your office. Well, someone had come into mine, too.

If that hadn’t happened, who knows where our conversation could’ve taken us? Somewhere exciting, I’m thinking. But of course, having these sorts of conversations via the company phone or company email isn’t the smartest route, correct?

So here’s my cell number: (212) 555-2624. You can send yours if you want. In fact, I would love it if you did. That way if I need anything from you … in regard to the new project … you’re merely a text away.

I’m looking forward to our lunch meeting. I know you’ll show me plenty of new ideas that will keep me begging for more.



“… and I’m not going to bother giving you any more details because you’ll just end up jealous. You’re a complete asshole when you’re jealous, you know.”

I blink Pilar into focus, trying my best to remember what she just said, but there’s no use. I’m still mulling over Violet’s email. The subtle innuendo wrapped up in a perfect, politely worded package. For once I’d love to see the woman say something blatantly dirty. “What?” I ask blankly.