But as I also observed last night, there’s more to Violet than meets the eye. I think she’s offering me a glimpse beneath all of those layers she keeps so carefully hidden. Makes me eager for her to reveal even more.

Much more.

“So have I,” I murmur, wishing I could reach across the center console and grab her hand. I’d probably shock the shit out of her if I settled her palm on my growing dick. Would she jerk her hand away, or curl her fingers around my cock and stroke me straight into oblivion?

I’m guessing the former. I’d bet good money she’s never given a hand job to Lawrence in a car. Maybe she’s never given him a hand job anywhere. I have no idea. Just thinking about her sex life with that asshole makes me want to punch his face in.

Grimacing, I stare out the window at the passing buildings, the sounds of the always noisy city soothing me. Reminding me of who I am and where I came from. Focusing on Lawrence gets me nowhere. Pilar would call this absurd feeling taking over me jealousy.

For once, I’d have to agree with her.

“Did you bring the photos?” Violet asks hopefully, pulling me from my thoughts.

“I did.” I point at the briefcase resting near my feet. Though this plan was partially calculated to help me get Violet completely alone, I’m also going to show her the inspirational photos my team and I found. Images that capture the idea behind Violet’s new cosmetics line and what she hopes it will represent to her buyers.

I just hope she likes what we’ve come up with.

“I spoke with Zachary,” she says out of nowhere, her voice hushed, her eyes huge. The lights from outside shine into the backseat, casting us both in shadow, but I can see that pretty face, those big, sad eyes. “He’s very angry with me.”

“He’s angry with you?” The nerve of this dickhead. He blows my mind. “Isn’t he the one we caught with Pilar?”

“He said it wasn’t what we thought. That they just …” Her voice trails off and she turns toward the door, staring out the window. “That they only kissed. Nothing else.”

If she really believes that, I have more problems than I thought. “Can I be completely open with you, Violet?”

She whips her head around, her gaze meeting mine once more. “Of course.”

“If he said they were only kissing, as in Pilar was kissing his dick, then yes, go ahead and believe him.” I don’t mince words and I can tell I shocked the hell out of her. I didn’t think those gorgeous brown eyes could get any larger. “Don’t fall for his lies. You’re too good for him.”

She clears her throat. “He also told me that if I had any interest in you, I’m crazy. That the only reason you would want to spend any time with me beyond work is because you want to use me to get ahead.”

He should know, considering that’s exactly what Lawrence did to her. “He makes you sound like a silly little girl who can’t think on her own.”

Violet’s quiet for a moment, as if she’s absorbing what I said. “You’re right. He does.” She stares straight ahead, her jaw tight, her lips thin. I can see the delicate line of her throat as she swallows and I want to rain kisses on the fragile skin there. Whisper exactly what I want to do to her in her ear.

Jesus, I have it bad.

“Don’t you want to prove him wrong, then?” I ask.

“How?” She tilts her head, her ponytail slipping over her shoulder. It rubs against the fabric of her dress, all that shiny, silky hair beckoning me, making my fingers itch to touch it.

“Instead of always being the one who gets used, I think you should do the using.” I have no idea where I’m going with this, but from the way her interest perks up, I keep going. “So maybe you should go ahead and use me.”

Her mouth drops open for the briefest moment before she snaps her lips shut. “What do you mean, I should use you? How? And why would you want to be used?”

Everything’s clicking into place, piece by piece. I feel like I’m on some sort of high, the type I usually only get at work, when I’m putting together a presentation and I know I fucking nailed it. It’s the same sort of high I used to get when I was young and living on the streets, scheming to find my next meal, my next hit, my next fuck.

“Your ex hates my guts. And I’m not a fan of him either.” Deciding the hell with it, I reach out and take her hand, interlacing her fingers with mine so our palms are pressed close together. I swear I can feel her heart beating through her fingers and I match my breathing to the increasing rhythm, wanting to both calm and excite her. “If he knew the two of us had become involved, it would drive him crazy.” And maybe distract him enough that he would fail miserably in his new temporary position.

She blinks at me, looking a little interested but a little lost, too. The attraction is there between us. I know she must feel it. But is that enough to get her to make such a daring move? “I think you’re attracted to me,” I whisper, letting my gaze drop to her lips. She darts her tongue out, wetting all that slick red flesh, and I want to groan. Want to lean in and kiss her fucking senseless, but I control myself. “And I am definitely interested in you.”

“You are?” She shakes her head, a little sigh escaping her. “Please. This is crazy.” Her fingers tighten on mine the slightest bit. “I hardly know you. You’re involved with someone else. I broke up with Zachary only last night when a few days ago, I thought he was going to ask me to marry him. I wanted to marry him.”