I turn to face him, leaning against the door, suddenly needing the space between us so he doesn’t get the wrong idea of why I’m here. Or I don’t get the wrong reason as to why I’m here. The last thing I want is to get burned.

“Is everything all right?” He rounds the desk and comes to stop in front of it, leaning against the center. Clasping his hands in front of him, he holds them loosely together, drawing my attention. He has large hands. Long arms. A broad chest and shoulders. His expression is neutral, though just as handsome as usual. “I know the last time I saw you, you were quite upset.”

Oh, leave it to Ryder to get right to the point. He minces no words, this man.

“I wanted to … thank you for last night,” I start, hating the hesitation, the nervous shake in my voice.

He frowns, looking confused. “Thank me for what?”

“For not making what happened between Zachary and me any worse.” The ranting voicemails and crazy text messages Zachary had barraged my phone with long into the night had left me shaken. I’d hardly slept and was buzzing from the Venti dark roast I gulped down before I even arrived at work. “You were very calm, and I appreciate that.”

“You were the one who was not so calm. A rather impressive show of anger you offered us, Violet.” The little smile that curls his lips makes my heart flutter. I like it when he says my name and he does it quite often. He makes it sound like an endearment. Ridiculous. “Are you feeling better this morning?”

“Not really. But I’ll get through it.” I shake my head, ignoring the look of concern on his handsome face. “I just … I wanted to ask you a favor.”

“What sort of favor?”

“I was hoping that I could ask for your agreement to remain silent in regard to what happened last night.” My request sounds completely convoluted. I wouldn’t be surprised if he told me to screw off and get out of his office. Not that he ever would, but … I am making a complete muck of this. I know it.

“You’re asking for my silence,” he says softly.

I nod and press my lips together. I don’t want to say anything more for fear I’ll sound like a complete idiot.

He watches me, his gaze roving over my body in such a languid manner my skin heats, everything within me coming alive. My breath stalls in my throat as I wait for his answer and when he finally lifts his gaze to mine once more, I feel dizzy. Like I’m still drunk on too many glasses of wine.

“Your dress matches my tie,” he says, throwing me off kilter with his change of subject.

“What?” I take a few steps toward him, squinting as I stare at his broad chest. The solid red tie he wears is almost an exact match. “Oh. Yes. You’re right.”

“Like we planned it.”

“You didn’t get the memo?” I smile. I can’t help myself. I should be feeling down and out, crying into my bowl of Cheerios this morning over the loss of my boyfriend, but I’m not.

I’m excited to be in this man’s presence, as crazy as it seems. The way he looks at me, he makes me feel incredibly aware that I’m a woman.

“I must’ve missed that one.” His answering smile is brief and dazzling. “You look beautiful. Like you could grab Lawrence by the balls and wrench them off cleanly, all while you have a giant smile on your face.”

I burst out laughing at the image. It’s crude but empowering. “Hopefully he’ll stay away from me today.”

“If he’s smart he will.” Ryder’s smile fades. “I can keep quiet, Violet. But I’m going to have to ask you for a favor in return.”

“All right.” Curiosity runs through me as I wait for his response. I’m thinking he likes to do this. The pausing, the calculated, well-thought-out statements he makes. He enjoys the anticipation and I’ve come to a new appreciation for it myself, especially when he’s the one who’s delivering it.

“Come to dinner with me tonight.”

My mouth drops open and I start to utter my protest, but he holds his hand up, halting me.

“A working dinner,” he reassures me. “I have some ideas I want to share with you in regard to the new line. I’ve gathered a lot of images these last few days and I think the team and I have come up with something amazing.”

Why am I disappointed that he wants this to be a business meeting only? What in the world is wrong with me? I’m supposed to be heartbroken over Zachary. I should still be in love with him and not wanting to be with anyone else. I don’t want to go to dinner with Ryder and talk about business. “Can’t you show me your ideas in our next meeting? We could reschedule if you’d like. I have some free time in the afternoon most of this week.”

He slowly shakes his head. “Some of the suggestions we’ve come up with are … a little out there. Rather than embarrass my team if you flat-out reject their ideas, I thought it would be good if we met prior and I could show you what we’ve come up with so far.”

I’m intrigued despite my wariness. He knows I’m curious about anything that has to do with my project. My baby. “Tonight?” My voice is squeaky and I clear my throat.

“Unless you already have plans.” He keeps his eyes locked on me. As if nothing else matters. I can almost believe that, too. “Do you?”

I did. Before I ended everything with Zachary. “No, I don’t.”

“Perfect.” He smiles. “I’ll arrange everything and email you all the details before lunch.”