I shove the nagging voice in my head firmly to the side.

“Oh my, look who’s heading in our direction,” Rose murmurs, giving me just enough warning to glance up and see Ryder McKay coming toward us, devastatingly handsome in a dark suit and tie, his hair in casual disarray, his eyes filled with a predatory gleam that’s directed toward me.

And me only.

“Ladies.” He stops in front of us, blocking my view of Zachary with Pilar completely, which is probably a good thing. “You’re both looking especially beautiful this evening.”

“Charming as ever, aren’t you, Ryder?” Rose laughs when he offers her a quick wink and jealousy rises within me, dark and ugly. Ridiculous. I’m with Zachary, no matter how much he’s behaving like a bad boyfriend at this particular moment. It shouldn’t matter to me if Rose and Ryder flirt. Father would love it. He’s trying his best to create a monopoly within the company. Since he feels like he’s already lost Lily completely, he’s trying his best to steer both Rose and me toward what he believes are the right choices.

And Ryder McKay, with his obvious ambition and how quickly he’s moved up the ranks at Fleur, is the perfect choice for Rose. Just like Zachary was the perfect choice for me.

“Always,” Ryder says, his dark gaze sliding to mine and staying there. I stare back, bringing the wineglass up to my lips and swallowing the rest quickly. Was that my third? Or my fourth? I blink slowly, my head swimming for the briefest moment, and I purse my lips, blowing out a shuddery breath. His smile falters and he takes a step closer, his head tilted toward me as he lowers his voice to ask, “Are you all right?”

Startled, I blink up at him a few more times before I answer, “Yes. I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

“You’re not a big drinker.” It’s a statement, not a question.

“And you know this because?”

His smile returns, softer this time, and I find myself helplessly entranced. “You might not think I’ve paid much attention, but I know a lot about you, Violet.”

Alarm races through me at his words, leaving my skin chilled, and I look to my sister for support. But Rose is gone; I catch a glimpse of her retreating back as she moves into the crowd in the center of the room, her arm raised in greeting at someone she must know. Leaving me all alone.

With Ryder.

“I know you’re cautious. That you keep yourself under tight control whether at work or at social events such as this one.” He glances around before returning his attention to me. He leans in my direction and lowers his voice, almost as if we’re sharing intimate secrets and having a private discussion no one else is allowed to hear. “I know you’re not a big drinker and you don’t like it when Lawrence drinks too much. Which isn’t often, and you’re thankful for that.”

I part my lips, ready to say something to defend myself, to defend Zachary, but Ryder cuts me off.

“I know you tend to dress conservatively and the dress you have on tonight does cover you well. But it also just happens to be the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever seen you wear.” His gaze drops to my chest and I glance down as well, noticing how sheer the lace bodice is, how the tops of my breasts are on display. My skin warms at his blatant perusal. “The excessive drinking tipped me. You seem a little … off.” He reaches out and touches my arm lightly. “I’m concerned. Is something upsetting you?”

“Why do you care?” I ask incredulously. I have no idea why he would. We’ve never really spoken beyond formal niceties in the past. Now we’re working together, had one official meeting so far, and he’s suddenly concerned? Oh, and we run into each other at a restaurant and now he’s my old friend? It makes no sense.

“I’m upset, too, you know,” he says, his voice so low it’s my turn to lean into him to hear what he says next. “How obvious they’re being together.”

Realization dawns and I take a step around him, his hand falling away from me. I stare at Zachary and Pilar across the room, all the air escaping my lungs at what I see. She’s got her hand on his arm and he’s bent forward a bit, so that she can whisper directly in his ear. Her splayed hand slides upward to rest on his shoulder, giving him a squeeze before she steps away.

Anger burns inside of me. It tears at my gut, making my head spin. How dare he let her hang all over him. How dare he make such a fool of me in public.

Lifting my chin, I keep my voice even and say, “It’s probably nothing.” I don’t take my gaze from them, though. It’s as if I can’t look away.

“It doesn’t appear to be nothing,” Ryder drawls.

I turn on him, my voice tight, my emotions barely reined in. I blame the alcohol for eliminating my normally cool head. I also blame Zachary for being so blatantly, arrogantly stupid. “Stop trying to cause trouble.”

Ryder steps away from me as if I offended him. And maybe I did, but for once in my life, I really don’t care. “I’m not the one causing trouble, Violet. They are.”

I return my attention to Zachary and Pilar. Big mistake. They’re talking and laughing as if they’re together. Another couple approaches them. I recognize the woman, a well-respected beauty editor with one of the top fashion magazines. Zachary introduces Pilar to the editor, and the calculating gleam in Pilar’s eyes is noticeable as she shakes the woman’s hand.

Doesn’t he realize she’s just using him? Of course, he could be doing the same …