Rose really doesn’t approve of much of anything.

“I’ll talk to her later, after the meeting.” I want to form my own opinion about Ryder’s work and abilities. I know how he affects me on a personal level and the most polite way I can phrase it is, he makes me very … uncomfortable.

If that translates at work, too? Then we’re in trouble.

“I’m sure he’ll come up with a brilliant idea for your packaging. Maybe you should request that he lead the project,” Rose says.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. He has to prove himself first,” I murmur, glancing at my schedule on the monitor. Just seeing that meeting listed makes my stomach jump. That I’ll have to face him again after last night worries me. I’ll need to put my bravest face on so he doesn’t see how much he unnerves me.

I can’t let him get the upper hand.

“I don’t doubt for a minute he’ll prove himself. Like I said, he’s very good at what he does,” Rose says.

Ugh. The way she says it almost sounds … sexual. Of course, that could be my own overly active imagination pinning sexual connotations on everything in regards to Ryder.

Very unfair of me.

“Hmm. I suppose I’ll find out.” I tap my finger against my cell screen, surprised when a new text comes over and it’s from Zachary.

We’ll meet for lunch.

Frowning, I grab my phone and quickly type. I hate how he doesn’t ask. He always just assumes I’m sitting around waiting for him.

Sorry, I have plans.

Another lie, which niggles at me. I’d rather sit at my desk, eat a sandwich, and prepare for the packaging meeting than watch Zachary eat and worry over what he thinks of me.

“I should go. I have a conference call in fifteen.” I glance up as Rose smiles down at me. “Make sure and tell me how your meeting with Ryder goes.”

“You should sit in on it with me,” I say distractedly, staring at my phone screen, nervously waiting for a response from Zachary. He doesn’t like it when I refuse him.

“If you want me to, I totally can. Just let me know when.”

“Two o’clock? Does that work for you?” I ask.

“Definitely.” She nods. “I’ll see you then.”

“’Bye,” I say as Rose leaves, but I don’t pay any attention. Too busy watching as Zachary types his response.

I can’t see you tonight. I have plans too.

Is this his way of getting back at me? He’s done this before when we’ve been in disagreement over something. Almost like he’s withholding his company from me. Like I’m supposed to fall apart and not know what to do without Zachary by my side.

Which isn’t too far off from the truth.

My fingers hover over the keyboard for agonizing seconds before I finally type.

Maybe another time then.

Closing my eyes, I let my phone fall to my desk with a clatter. I don’t want to play games. I don’t want to avoid Zachary, either, but something isn’t right between us. I thought I’d been very accepting of his news, but maybe he thinks I’m upset. I am, but I’d never let on. I’m a good enough actress that I can always pull through.

But maybe he saw through the cracks in my veneer. Maybe I shouldn’t have lied and said I had plans. I hate lying. Lies only lead to trouble.

His answer is immediate.

Dinner tomorrow night?

I chew on my lip, wishing I could just say yes like normal and carry on with my day. Instead I’m mulling over every little thing. Analyzing his behavior and mine, wondering why I can’t stop thinking about Ryder McKay calling me beautiful, flashing that gorgeous smile at me that made me feel weak in the knees.

Thinking of it, remembering, I still feel weak.

Pushing all thoughts of Ryder out of my brain, I finally answer Zachary.

Dinner sounds perfect.

Chapter Four


This is going to be too fucking easy.

I couldn’t believe my luck when I checked my schedule after I first came in. Right there in black and white, a meeting with Violet at two p.m.

After more than two years at Fleur rarely encountering her, I set my sights on her and within twenty-four hours of doing so, I’m going to be in a meeting with her. Working with her closely on a project—her project.

She’s falling right into my trap, and Pilar and I have barely put this plan into action.

Slipping out of my office, I pull the door shut behind me and wander down the hall toward the elevator, nodding as I pass people, trying to withhold the yawn that wants to burst out of me. I’m on my third cup of coffee of the day and I still feel tired. Hell, Pilar commented on it first thing this morning, noting the bags under my eyes. Someone suggested the new cool eye mask Fleur had just launched and next thing I knew, I was lying on the couch in my office, wearing a gel eye mask and feeling like a jackass. It did help, though.

Ah, the perks of working at a cosmetics company. If any of the kids I grew up with could see me now, they’d probably kick my ass. Hell, sometimes I want to kick my own ass.

Despite the mask and the endless cups of coffee, I’m still tired. I couldn’t sleep last night. Pilar tried to get me to come back to her place, but I declined. She is the last thing I need right now. She would have pumped me for details about my talk with Violet and then demand that I fuck her.

That’s a firm hell no. Not with my head filled with thoughts of Violet.

I’d gone home, taken a shower, and crawled into bed completely naked, my skin still damp, my thoughts hot. Closed my eyes and imagined Violet in bed with me. Pressing my lips against her soft, fragrant skin, tasting her. Kissing her. Consuming her. Stroking her everywhere, my hand between her legs, discovering that she’s hot and wet, just for me. Only for me.