My connection to Ryder McKay has been effectively severed.

Funny, how having Ryder out of my life, the façade became easier to maintain. I segued right back into quiet Violet mode. Working diligently in the office all day, attending meetings, making decisions, taking conference calls. Going home to no one, ignoring my sisters’ calls, not wanting to see anyone and face too many questions.

It hurts to realize I meant nothing to Ryder. I was just a game, a silly, stupid girl who fell for his game and ended up …

Hurt. A robot. Unfeeling.


“Just for tonight can you act like you like me? Come on, Vi,” Zachary pleads, his voice rising, drawing the attention of a few people as they enter the private room I booked for tonight.

“Hey.” Fingers curl around my arm and I turn to find Rose standing before me, a brittle smile on her face. “Help me out for a minute, will you?”

I nod, releasing a shuddering breath. “Of course. Excuse us please, Zachary?”

He glares but doesn’t say a word, and I hurry away with my sister before he starts in again.

“What the hell is going on?” Rose asks me the moment she finds a private corner so we can talk. “Why are you letting him treat you like that? I thought you two broke up.”

God. I haven’t spoken to my sisters. I haven’t told them anything, and now I’m embarrassed to say a word. I’ll look like such a fool. “I—I don’t know.”

Rose frowns. “You don’t know? Come on, Violet. Be honest. I know you were messing around with Ryder. What happened to him? He’s way more exciting than that boring stiff you’ve been with for far too long.”

I can’t hold back any longer. I tell her everything. Well, as much as I can tell her in a two-minute span. She stares at me in disbelief, her arms wrapped around herself, her mouth hanging open when I wrap my story up.

“And I think Father is …” I sigh. This is harder to say than I thought. “I think he’s, um, dating Pilar.”

“Ew.” Rose rears back with a grimace. “I hate that bitch.”

I burst out laughing. “I hate her, too.” We both start laughing and it feels so good. Almost like a relief, to confess everything, to get it off my chest.

“Listen.” Rose grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. “Get through tonight. Stand by that dick’s side and smile and make nice. He’s gone tomorrow morning, bright and early. You can endure a few more hours with that ass, can’t you?”

“Yes.” I nod firmly. “I think I can.” If I’ve endured the last two years of my life with him, I can handle tonight. “What if …” My voice trails off and I shake my head. “Never mind.”

“What if what? I’ve got you, no matter what. Don’t forget that,” Rose says firmly.

My love and appreciation for my sister nearly overwhelms me. She’s going to back me unconditionally. I needed to hear that. Badly. “What if Ryder shows up tonight?” I ask, my voice small. This is a celebration for Zachary, after all, so I doubt that will happen, but …

“You really think he would show his face here tonight? If he does, I’ll kick him in the balls. No, scratch that. I’ll stomp him in the balls with my stiletto heel.” She kicks out her foot, admiring her newfound four-inch weapon. “I’ll have him howling in pain, no problem.”

Is it wrong that I want to see him suffer just a little bit? I feel so brittle, like the littlest thing will cause me to shatter.

And he’s off advancing his career, after having a great time in London. Probably going after the job Father offered me. I hate him.

I miss him.

I’ve fallen in love with him.

“And if Pilar shows up, that should be really interesting,” Rose continues, clearly on a roll. One I sort of wish she would stop. “I don’t know what I’ll do if Daddy introduces her to us as his girlfriend. Slap her in the face?”

I roll my eyes. Now, that sounds amazing. “I wish.”

“Kick her out of the restaurant, then?” Rose asks hopefully. “You could totally do that, you know. Since you planned it.”

“No, technically it’s Zachary’s party and considering she was fucking around with him not that long ago, he probably still wants her here. Hoping for another chance, maybe?” I shudder at the thought.

“So gross.” It’s Rose’s turn to roll her eyes. “And fucking around? God, Violet, you really have changed. Let’s go grab a drink. I think we’re going to need it.”

Being the good sister that she is, she keeps the drinks coming. All through dinner as I sit next to Zachary, enduring his droning on and on about the opportunities that await him in London. The changes he wants to make.

I want to snort, but I keep it in check. Worse, I’m tempted to toss my drink in his face. But I restrain myself. Looking to my baby sister for guidance because for once, I need her.


Father sits at the table with us but he’s distracted. His date hasn’t shown and I know he’s disappointed. Rose and I aren’t. More like we’re thankful that skank Pilar didn’t make an appearance.

“Think I should give a speech?” Zachary asks as the wait staff clears our plates. “I think they want me to.”

I glance around and notice that no one’s paying much attention to Zachary. They’re all talking among themselves. I don’t know where he’s getting the idea that people want to hear a speech from him, but I decide to indulge his ego. “I’m sure they’d love to hear a few last words from you,” I say warmly. Rose slams her knee against mine, but I don’t miss a beat. “Go for it, honey.”