“Jackass,” I said, trying not to smile because I knew that would only egg him on. “Nighttime is when your mother has officially gone to bed for the night, and the rest of the staff is gone, and you know it. Quit trying to break the rules just because you’re apparently turned on by the smell of stuffing and turkey.”
“And here I thought the sight of you turned me on,” he said, gently flicking the end of my nose before taking a step back. “Or is this where you go back to pretending you aren’t interested? You were the other night.”
My face warmed at the memory of him catching me outside while I stood in the yard staring up at the night sky. There had always been something so magical about winter to me, and I never understood why people thought it was such a depressing season, at least not without a medical condition to back it up. And although Shane had been technically correct that it had not been in the house and instead in the shadows of the back porch, I was beginning to suspect he had a thing for catching me unaware…or at least for quickies.
“Begone with you,” I told him firmly, feeling my scrubs growing a little tighter. “The last thing we need is your mother to smell your cologne on me.”
“Fine, fine, send me away, pretend as if it doesn’t wound me,” he said loftily as he walked away. “And…tonight?”
“Yeah, yeah, tonight,” I said with a roll of my eyes, watching his returning frame before turning back to walk into the house with a small smile.
* * *
With a push, Shane managed to send me sprawling onto his bed. On my back, I stared up at the glass on the ceiling of his bedroom. I spared a thought at how cold the December air was going to be when I finally left his small cottage in the small hours of the morning but was quickly brought back to reality when Shane slid my legs up to my chest.
“Demanding,” I snorted and then shut up as I felt his fingers slide around the base of my throat. His grip was tight enough I could feel my racing pulse against his hand, and before I could give him shit for it, I groaned as he pushed into me again.
“Now there’s what I like to hear,” Shane growled as he buried himself in one swift thrust. His eyes glittered in the light from the nearby doorway, and I could see a faint glisten of sweat on his shoulders and chest.
We had started in the small living room, though foreplay had come in the form of our regular back and forth. I couldn’t remember what he’d said that had pissed me off so much, but I hadn’t wasted time shoving it up his ass. My attempt to leave had been met by being pinned against the doorway and kissed furiously. The next thing either of us knew, clothes had been practically torn off, and he’d bent me over the couch for the first round.
Now I found myself in round two, this time stark naked on his bed, his hand on my throat, cock up my ass. As much as I wanted to attribute his renewed vigor solely to the quality of our first round, I knew it had more to do with the toy I’d convinced him to use. It wasn’t a large toy, but it was flared at the base and perfectly safe to leave inside him before he’d tossed me onto the bed.
“Consider this my thanks for introducing me to this,” he grunted, pulling his hips back to shove himself deep. I was glad our first bout had loosened me because Shane showed no signs of easing up as he drove down into me.
The bed frame protested from the force of our bodies meeting, but he never relented as he practically bent me in half. Not that I was going to do a thing to deter him. I finally managed to wrap my legs around his waist tightly and draw him in, my head tilted back as I let him hear exactly how good a job he was doing.
I knew there was no way either of us would last very long at this pace, and unbelievably, I could feel the steady build of an orgasm already mounting inside me. I had never before managed to come without some manual stimulation, but the telltale signs were there, and I reached up to grab Shane’s face. I yanked him down just as I felt the first pulse of pleasure wash through me, somehow cleaner and purer than if I had reached between our bodies to jerk myself off.
Shane gave a low, strangled groan, shoving himself deep one last time. I held my breath as I felt him throb inside me, and I kept his lips pressed against mine. After several seconds, the only sound was our panting breaths and…
A faint buzzing.
I let out a laugh. “Okay, you’ll have to take that thing out and turn it off. I thought a cloud of bees had swarmed into your house.”
He eased out before reaching behind him to remove the vibrating toy and flick the off switch under the base. His face and chest were flushed red, and I could see he was still breathing heavily. I had calmed down for the most part, but I also hadn’t just spent the past several moments fucking someone like the end of the world was fast approaching.
“Something on your mind?” he asked, arching a brow as he carefully removed the condom to tie up and toss into the nearby basket.
“A few things,” I admitted, laying a hand over my stomach and grimacing when it came down in my own cum.
“Such as what?”
Like the fact that I was quickly beginning to get used to these little trysts between us and how they were getting more frequent. They had been going on for over a month, yet somehow it felt much longer. It was as though from the first time I gave him a dirty look, and he kept prodding me, the foreplay had started in that instant.
I was also getting used to seeing him every day and finding myself pleased whenever I saw him appear. I did my best to conceal my pleasure whenever I was around other staff members, especially around Sophia, but I could still feel it blossoming, warm, and radiant in my chest.
I thought he looked ridiculously handsome, flushed, out of breath, and utterly content after having sex with me.
I thought that maybe on one of my days off, I would have to spend a night with him because I wanted to know what he looked like while he slept.
I thought things were rapidly getting out of my control, and I didn’t have the willpower to make it stop.
“Well, if all those theories and evaluations on your part haven’t allowed you to read my mind, then I’m not going to help you,” I told him instead.
“You’re cute when you’re trying to be mysterious,” he informed me as he pushed up off the bed and headed for the bathroom. I didn’t want to roll over, but that didn’t stop me from watching his bare ass as he ambled away. He tossed the toy into the sink to clean up later before grabbing a towel.
“Ah concierge service? How lovely,” I said with a grin, taking the towel from him to wipe myself off.