“That’s completely reasonable,” he said with a nod. “But truly, you know enough of my life, both what you’ve seen and what I’ve told you, and no, I’ve never lied to you.”

“Telling what you think is true and what’s true are two different things,” I pointed out and winced. I gestured for him to go on. “Sorry.”

“I’ll accept it based on being a valid point,” he said, raising his glass in salute before taking a drink. “How many people have I known who have worked for my family, or rather, for my mother because that’s what it is at its core? Do you know how many of them didn’t outright show deference or hesitation around me solely because they were afraid of what my mother would do?”


“Well, until fairly recently, that would have been true.”

“Really? Even all those girls you seduced?”

Shane rolled his eyes. “You listen to my mother too much.”

“So, you haven’t?” I asked, a little surprised.

“No…well, again, I suppose that’s a count that’s changed. No, Kevin, I have not slept with any staff member. There is no fun in sleeping with someone who, even if they’re interested, would always leave the question in my mind as to whether they did it because they truly wanted to, or because they felt they had to.”

“So, is that because you want to feel wanted or because you don’t like even the slightest suspicion that you were taking advantage of them?”

To my amusement, he scowled. “If you must know. It’s a little of both. I may be a lech, but I’m no swine.”

I didn’t know what was funnier, that he was annoyed that he was admitting he had a moral compass or that he thought it was something he shouldn’t show to other people.

“So, here I am, doing everything but sticking to the status quo…by giving you the finger and,” I checked over my shoulder into the hall behind us before continuing, “sleeping with you.”

“I do not know what’s more interesting. The fact that you worked so hard to hold yourself back from giving me ‘the finger,’ or the fact that you worked just as hard to deny your attraction to me.”


“Ah, so you frequently give men blowjobs for…the hell of it?”

“You’re an ass,” I hissed, turning away.

“Well, if you weren’t attracted to me, what other reason would you have had?”

My anger at him faltered as annoyance with myself took its place. The man was a bastard, but that didn’t make him wrong. The only alternative explanation would have been less than favorable, and despite my irritation, I had to hand it to him, he certainly knew how to make an effective point.

“And here you are, doing the same thing all over again, without fear,” he said with a chuckle. “You refuse to let me dictate any part of our interactions, no matter what they are. Yet you’re not a bitter or angry person. In fact, you show compassion and patience for just about everyone else.”

“Have you been watching me?” I asked with a groan.

“I don’t have to stalk you to take note of the way you talk to others,” he said with a click of his tongue. “All that fire and fight, and from what you told me, many reasons to be angry with the world. Yet you save that fire and fight for me.”

“Why does this feel like it’s coming around to feeding your ego?”

“I was going to say I find it both impressive and interesting. You refuse to allow yourself to be put into a passive role with me, you stand toe to toe with my mother in your unique way, you have drive and commitment to what you do, and you’re clearly a well-adjusted person. And as our last interaction showed, you’re not afraid to enjoy yourself when the situation calls for it.”

I had been expecting snark and smart-ass commentary as a way to make himself look better. To receive a full-fledged, thoughtful compliment left me without a single comeback. All I could do was stare at him in shock and wonder at the earnestness he had spoken with, letting the words sink in.

“I…” was all I could manage.

“Try not to keep your mouth open for too long, something might fly in. And there are far better ways to get protein,” he told me with a smirk.

With balance restored to the universe, I shut my mouth and glared at him. “Jackass. I told you that wasn’t a good idea.”

He chuckled. “That you did.”

“So bring it up as much as you want. That doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen again.”