“Fuck,” I groaned, my cock jerking in his hand as I came hard. Rolling waves of pleasure rocked me as I kept my grip, spurting over the fabric of his robe and fingers. “Fuck, fuck, oh God.”

When it was over, I managed to straighten up and look him in the eye. Without blinking, he brought a finger to his mouth. Wide-eyed, I watched his tongue dart out and taste some of the mess I’d left on his hands.

“Hmm, you taste better than I do, so that’s something,” he said as though it was merely interesting and I hadn’t just watched him sample my cum.

“What?” I asked, staring at him.

He smirked. “I could taste myself on your tongue when I kissed you. Apparently, you have a better diet than I do.”

“Fucking hell,” I muttered, stepping away from him and stuffing myself back in my shorts. “That really should not have happened.”

Which was incredibly clear now I wasn’t under the fog of arousal. I had stepped out of line so far, I couldn’t even wrap my head around what I’d just done. After all, this was my patient’s son, for God’s sake, and I didn’t even like him. In fact, I could easily say I despised him for all his decadence and cockiness.

“Maybe,” he said as if what had just happened didn’t matter.

“What a shock,” I snarled, adjusting my clothes as best I could.

“But you’re not sorry either.”

“I’m not?”

The son of a…


I sneered at him. “You know me then, do you?”

My pride wasn’t so strong that I was unwilling to admit my heart started thundering harder when he leveled his gaze at me. “We both like to play with fire, maybe it’s the way it keeps us warm, or perhaps it’s the way it burns.”

I managed a choking sound. “Excuse me?”

He said nothing, keeping his gaze level with mine. I hated how much that one look was enough for me to understand just what he meant and I wanted to agree with him.

I had always known what it was like to be scorched by the fire, yet hadn’t I always played with it despite knowing better? How else could I explain what I had allowed to happen between the two of us?

Even with all I had learned, all I had told myself I was better than, I was still that impulsive, demanding person I’d been as a teen. The one who wanted to be wanted and free at the same time, and hadn’t he managed to give me that already? I was still somehow the same person who demanded spontaneity and stability in the same breath, even if I pretended I was beyond that.

He tilted his head, a small smile on his face. “I suppose I’ll see you again, but certainly next weekend.”

I jerked my head up, eyes widening. “What?”

“What? Did you think my mother was going to some…party and wouldn’t have me along for the ride?” he asked with a throaty laugh. “Oh yes, I’ll be there, Kevin.”

It was the first time I could remember hearing my name from his lips, and I grew silent. I couldn’t say why the sound of it coming from him was enough, but I was quiet as I stared back at him.

He adjusted his fake robes and bowed his head. “Until then.”

“This changes nothing,” I snapped, desperate for him to know that everything we were before was still true.

“As you say,” he said, turning from me and walking into the crowd outside the narrow alley.

“Nothing,” I hissed as I forced my clothes into position.



As the long car stopped, I adjusted my tie.