We arrived at the birthing center in just another few minutes, during which Warren called Macy and got yelled at by her, too. Nurses met us outside the front doors with a wheelchair and I was rushed inside. Things progressed so quickly that I wasn’t able to get an epidural. The babies were coming, and they were coming fast.
I’d only just gotten put in a bed when the worst contraction hit and my doctor was calling out directions for me to push and breathe. My triplets stood around me, watching with awe as our first little boy was brought into the world.
Aaron was quickly followed by Wyatt, each of them handed off to their daddies while little Landon stubbornly fought to stay inside. I struggled with him. I pushed for what felt like a lifetime, but ten minutes after his brothers, he finally joined the rest of us in the world, a scowl on his face.
I held each of them then, still a little bloody looking, and felt that same pain in my chest that I’d felt with my men. Expanding and growing, my heart made room for three more little men. The babies were healthy and beautiful, each of them so perfect it hurt. I fed them while trying to keep my eyes open.
Macy blew in half an hour later with a giant gift bag for me and her own little baby girl strapped to her chest. Gracie was four months older than the boys. They were going to grow up so close, just like Macy and I had. It was all so perfect.
Except for my bakery. I lifted my head and tried to argue about being at the soft opening for what felt like the hundredth time, but I was shh-ed once again. When their daddies took the boys from me, I decided I’d just get dressed and go, but I was asleep before I got one toe out of the bed.
I woke up a bit later, hearing the sound of my men talking. They were standing over our babies, their arms around each other’s shoulders. The pride was so clear in their stances that I couldn’t help but sniffling a bit with emotion.
Andrew turned to me first and walked over. “Oh, baby. You did so good.”
Lucas came next, his eyes shining with tears. “You’re going to get the world’s best push present, okay? You made three little perfect babies and you shot them right out without anything. You’re a fucking superhero.”
I gave them all a weak smiled and yawned. “Want to see them?”
Warren pushed their bassinette over and let me see the three of them, curled up together so tightly. They were fast asleep, their little mouths moving every so often. I wondered if they were hungry and wanted to reach for them, but Warren just smiled at me. “They’re fine right now, baby. You need to rest. You just did some crazy shit with your body and you have to recover.”
“Gonna have to curse less in front of the babies.” I curled up with Andrew’s arm and sighed. “So, so perfect.”
“Yeah, you are, Cupcake.” Lucas pressed a kiss to my head and gently stroked my hair the way he knew I liked as I fell asleep again.
The next morning, I was sore and still a little tired physically, but I was over the moon mentally. I had three perfect little angels to feed and cuddle. I held my babies while my men were passed out on too small couches on the other side of the room. The nurses who came in to help me stayed quiet, to keep from waking the guys.
“They hovered over you and the babies all night. They need to get some rest. It’s going to be a long couple of months at home with these little guys.” The lead nurse gently handed me Aaron while putting a sleeping Wyatt back in the bassinette. “You, especially, have your hands full. With the way they watched over you, I imagine they can be a lot themselves.”
I grinned. “You have no idea.”
Macy came again that morning, Gracie in her arms. She sat next to me, and we watched the babies wiggle and took turns grabbing them up when they cried. We both laughed about Aaron being the loudest. Of course, he was. Though we weren’t going to treat the babies any differently, we’d decided to name them in the order that their daddies came out. So, Aaron was an A name, after Andrew. And he seemed to already have his daddy’s bossy personality.
When the guys finally roused, Macy went back home with Gracie and I was left with my already big family. We got to go home that afternoon, and if I thought the guys were neurotic on the way to the hospital, they were even worse on the way home. Lucas went fifteen miles per hour and avoided every slight bump, at all costs. We arrived home to a parade of people honking their horns at us. Warren fussed the entire time; each time one of the babies made a sound, he was as alert as a hunting dog. Andrew seemed to give himself a headache between trying to watch me, the babies, and the road.
I was so thankful to be home that I didn’t complain when Andrew insisted on carrying me up to our bedroom. We had a nursery next door, but for the time being, the babies were going to be in our room with us. I wanted to watch them and listen to all the little noises they made.
It took a while for the guys to settle, but when they did, they did it in bed with me. They held me gently and massaged the parts of me that didn’t hurt before letting me nap. It was sweet and a reminder of the men I’d chosen to spend forever with.
I still had something else on my mind, though, so when I went to the bathroom later that day, I snuck Andrew’s phone and dialed Rita. Whispering to avoid being caught, I waited for her to answer.
“Andy? What is it, son? Are Sara and the babies okay?”
“It’s me, Rita. I’m okay. The babies are great. They’re so sweet and soft. I can’t wait to let you and Carl hold them. You’re going to—” I cut myself off. “Sorry, I got distracted. I’m calling to see how it went last night.”
Rita laughed. “The boys aren’t letting you worry about work, huh? And rightfully so. You’ve got more important things to worry about, Sara.”
“But Rita, I need to know! How did it go?”
“Ah ha! Caught you!” Andrew hurried over to me and took the phone. “Rita? Yeah, sorry, but Cupcake is grounded from work.”
I stared up at him from the toilet, not a very dignified position, and growled. “Andrew! I need to know!”
“I’ll talk to you later, Rita.” Hanging up and shoving the phone into his back pocket, Andrew shook his head at me. “You’re not a very good girl right now, Cupcake.”
I crossed my arms over my chest and frowned up at him. “I just want to know if it went okay.”
He waited for me to wipe and then helped me back to the bed. “You’re on maternity leave, baby. You need to rest and feel better before you can do anything with the bakery.”