Warren knelt behind me, caging me in, and held me gently. “We know something is wrong. Did Macy say something hurtful?”

I shook my head again and fought back tears. They were so caring and aware. They loved me, and I’d been so careless. They were three single men who hadn’t bothered settling down. That probably meant they didn’t want kids. Yet, I’d taken that chance for them.

Andrew tipped my chin up and stared into my watery eyes. “Tell us. We’re not leaving until you talk.”

“It’s us, baby. We love you. You can tell us anything.”

I hiccupped as my tears started. “I messed up.”

“How’d you mess up?”

“I thought… I thought I’d gotten my birth control shot, but I didn’t. Macy just reminded me. I told you that it was safe because I thought I’d gotten it. But work was crazy and I just… I messed up. I’m so sorry.”

All three men were quiet and still as they watched me. Andrew was the first one to speak. “Are you pregnant?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. It hasn’t been long enough. I promise I didn’t try to do this. I just forgot, and I’m so, so sorry. I’m sorry…”

Andrew pulled me into his chest and stroked my hair. “Baby, breathe. You know we love you. You do know that, right?”

“Yes, but—”

“But nothing.” Lucas wedged himself closer and caressed my cheek. “We love you.”

Warren finally spoke from behind me. “We love you, and we will take care of you and our family.”

“We want kids, Cupcake. We were planning on having you to ourselves for a while longer, but if you’re pregnant, it’ll be the best surprise ever.”

I flushed. “You want kids? With me?”

Lucas rolled his eyes. “You still haven’t gotten it yet, have you?”

Shaking my head, I gasped when Warren took the hem of my shirt in his hands and pulled it up and over my head. “I don’t… I don’t think I understand.”

Andrew cupped my breasts in his hands and groaned. “You’re ours.”

“We are keeping you for as long as you’ll have us.”

Warren pulled my hair up and pressed his lips to my ear. “We want everything. So much sex that you can barely move somedays, marriage, kids, a house, everything.”

Andrew gripped my pants and pulled at them. “And if kids come before marriage, that’s even better. I’m not one of those old-fashioned kind of guys.”

I couldn’t help snorting, even as I helped him push at my pants. “You don’t say?”

He grinned. “Now that you mention it, actually, I’m thinking of this belly curving out with our baby and I like it. I like it a lot.”

I frowned and shook my head. “Don’t kid.”

Lucas smoothed his hand over my stomach and growled. “No, he’s right. You’re going to be so sexy pregnant with our babies.”

My eyes went wide. “Babies? As in plural?”

Warren braced my body even as Andrew moved back between my thighs and pulled his erection out. “As many as you’ll give us. Starting now.”

I moaned as he eased into my body. I didn’t know what to think. They wanted me pregnant. They wanted a family. My heart had never felt so full. It was insanity, but nothing had ever felt so right. I shifted my hips and gave myself over to my triplets, completely. Knowing that I was safe, knowing that they were there, I let everything go and lost myself in them.

My men took turns pleasuring me, each of them being tender and gentle as they stretched me out on the stage and filled me with their very essence. Walking into our life together with open eyes and full hearts.